The Great Worldwide Conspiracy - Alternative View

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The Great Worldwide Conspiracy - Alternative View
The Great Worldwide Conspiracy - Alternative View

Video: The Great Worldwide Conspiracy - Alternative View

Video: The Great Worldwide Conspiracy - Alternative View
Video: How conspiracy theories threaten vaccination programs | Henry de Vries | TEDxNSPOH 2024, September

We all know very well that our governments would like to make us believe them. Their task is to convince us that any of their actions is aimed at our good. Some of us fall for this bait, but most of the population still doubts the sincerity of their government.

It is she who takes the statements of governments with a sour grin, especially since they are often mistaken. But … let's imagine for a moment that it is not our government that makes mistakes. Suppose that the government sincerely believes what it convinces us of, and it is not it that is wrong, but the world supergovernment, which dictates to national parliaments and presidents what to do and how, and controls their every step.

We agree that the thought that all the presidents of the world are nothing more than toys in the hands of the supreme ruler is very scary. Saddam Hussein immediately comes to mind, striving to play the role of the leader of a group of countries. Now assume that this supreme ruler is a maniac like Hussein, who has seized power on a planetary scale. Probably, the real Saddam in comparison with him will seem like a petty dirty trick, and the nearest prospect - depressing. But why should one person or group of persons seize the governments of the world powers one after another, if not to satisfy their desire for world domination?

Most frightening is the fact that such a global conspiracy cannot be proven. Details of small conspiracies are traced, the purpose of which is to "polish" some roughness in the field. Sometimes they are seen, and then the goal of the world ruler is somewhat pushed back. But it does not disappear, it continues to be carried out, which only testifies in favor of the existence of a great conspiracy. There is no direct evidence of its existence, but this only suggests that the conspirators are great masters of covert operations and know how to provide themselves with a reliable cover. At the same time, if you reject this idea, you either immediately automatically become one of the participants in the conspiracy, or have long become one. And for those who do not believe in the great conspiracy, let's say that they will receive irrefutable proof of the hypothesis only in one case - when nothing can be done. In the meantime, one can doubt, doubt everything - the existence of people in black, aliens, black helicopters. Moreover, there really is no one hundred percent proof of their presence on Earth. There are some witnesses who saw something, but it seems that they do not have to be reckoned with. But why then does everyone believe in elves, although no one has ever seen them?


There is little doubt that the attempts to strip Clinton of the presidency are the result of a conspiracy. But this is not just an ordinary conspiracy. Unlike the meetings held in cheap hotels by those who were going to remove Abraham Lincoln, the people who dream of getting rid of Clinton belong to a completely different world, which is why their conspiracy can be called virtual.

In accordance with traditional conspiracy theory, united by a common goal, its participants first gather (in this case, the action is carried out slowly), and then take steps (here the action rushes at full speed, because the effect of the conspiracy depends on it). Mystery and secrecy are vital to a conspiracy. But all this is applicable to a classic conspiracy, but we are dealing with a virtual conspiracy. In a virtual conspiracy, everything is done and vice versa, not counting, of course, the ultimate goal. A virtual conspiracy is mainly aimed at overthrowing a leader, but the tactic is the opposite of a conspiracy in its classical sense. A virtual conspiracy is not built secretly, but in broad daylight, it requires not secrecy, but on the contrary - hype and crackling, because its tactic is to recruit as many supporters as possible as you move forward. Action in a virtual conspiracy must certainly be taken openly, since only in this way it becomes known to the general public and gives the conspirators more and more new supporters. This whole game takes place under the slogans of freedom and self-expression, for the virtual conspirators, not at all hiding, vying with each other to accuse the person against whom they conspire, while they are not shy about the means or the expressions themselves. The law of a virtual conspiracy states that the more lies, the more accusations, the more often they write about it in newspapers and show on television. And it doesn't matter if the accusation suddenly falls away for lack of evidence, there are many others. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that they are just as deceitful, the main thing is that there are as many of them as they say, rust wears away the iron. In a virtual conspiracy, the falsity of the accusation doesn't even matterhis task is to fill up with accusations, and perhaps one of them will turn out to be true. And if not, then after some time the old accusation can also be repeated; after a long time ago, no one will remember what it was - false or not false. Like this…

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Moreover, the virtual conspirators are absolutely indifferent to what Clinton did a year or five years ago, whether he committed any offenses or crimes or not. They do not need to find out whether they are guilty or innocent, they should raise their voice of protest. And then the press will pick him up, and thus the central message will be voiced: "Clinton may be a criminal." And since there is a criminal, even a possible one, then somewhere there may be evidence of his atrocities. And any accusation can be brought forward, for example, the following: there are rumors, requiring prosecutorial verification, that the Clinton administration has ordered for itself and its political supporters, for the future, places in Arlington National Cemetery. For all its seeming improbability, such an accusation would be quite suitable for the good of the case. After all, now absolutely no one is interested in the details of "Clinton's love affairs". Also, few people now care if he raped anyone as governor of Arkansas. What is important is something completely different (do not forget that we are faced not with a classical form of conspiracy, but with a virtual one) - not to find out the degree of guilt, but to inflate the press.

It may seem fantastic and unattractive to you at first that a virtual conspiracy essentially lets you say anything to anyone. Yes, you guessed it, a virtual conspirator can throw mud at any person with impunity. The worst thing that threatens the instigator of the scandal in this case is abuse from the reporter, whom he deceived by telling lies. But who will turn his tongue to call it a disaster? Look, with what stubbornness the president shrugs off the virtualists pressing on him, and what is the use? No, there are only more conspirators, and they attack Clinton more and more aggressively. One gets the impression that Clinton's political opponents have decided to change their tactics. Unable to defeat him in the race, they decided to push Clinton out with a permanent virtual conspiracy. Quite a suitable path.


Recently, the small town of Charlotte, North Carolina, has been the victim of an exhaustingly long series of war games known as urban battles. The inhabitants of the poor town jumped out of bed in horror, hearing gunfire, grenade explosions and shouts in the middle of the night. The bravest ones looked out of the windows, and their hearts were chilling with fear - hundreds of helicopters were descending on the city, they circled so low that glass flew out of the windows with a clink. Engines roared, cannonade roared, grenades and nerves burst.

The police were also in some panic, because they could not somehow calm the inhabitants of the town. Apparently, the police officers did not know either the start date or the completion date of the operation. "The operation is going according to plan" - that's all they were able to communicate. It just so happened that with the degree of illumination and multi-storey buildings, the city of Charlotte was surprisingly suitable for the role of a training center. It turns out that Fort Bragg, a special forces training center built according to a special project, is no longer suitable for the same purposes? The military explained the choice of Charlotte by the fact that the city and the surrounding area are sparsely populated, there are no serious commercial enterprises, therefore, there is no danger of severe destruction. That is how the answer sounded, directly and clearly, in a military way.

But the residents of Charlotte themselves did not think so, they reacted to the idea of army ranks without proper understanding. The local radio station was hit by an avalanche of indignant phone calls. Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory tried to take the situation into his own hands and immediately came under cross-fire - the whole city attacked him, including the mayor's office. It didn't take long before he sat down to write a letter to US President Clinton, in which he expressed "deep concern" about the situation.

It turned out that the mayor did not know anything about the alleged invasion of Charlotte. He did not know the details of the "program" or the date of its implementation. That is, he signed an agreement with the military blindly, not suspecting what he was dooming the residents of Charlotte to. In addition, the mayor was pretty intimidated, very transparently hinting that he would be in big trouble if information about the alleged operation leaked to the press. And so that the mayor did not worry too much, the military convinced him that the operation was routine, that the troops "would simply enter and leave the city, so that no one would notice."

The military, of course, lied, because it was not in their plans to tell the truth. Local police chief Denis Nowitzki received notification of the impending operation on Charlotte just four hours before it began and was very grateful to the military for giving him at least something. Otherwise, the panic would have been much more. In the telephone dispute between Nowitzki and the military, the chief of police reproached his interlocutors for "deceiving everyone, hiding the necessary information." As Malihi Hood, a member of the city council, said, "The guys did a great job … in no time they covered the city."

Operation to "capture" Charlotte - just a few episodes in a long chain of "games" organized by military special forces in the cities. A similar thing took place in the city of Pittsburgh, where nine helicopters and two hundred commandos took to storm suburban areas at night.

None of the most ardent indignant speeches of the townspeople and mayors cooled the desire of the military to continue their fascinating occupation. They are not at all embarrassed by the screams of frightened residents of the "occupied" townships. It seems that for the military, the presence of an urban population is just an annoying misunderstanding, with which the army is not accepted to reckon. Yes, in fact, this is the way it is - in accordance with the law, army officials have the right to conduct exercises as they see fit. Therefore, they are remarkably indifferent to persistent and violent complaints. Here you will inevitably ponder, is there really a conspiracy among the military to bring their fellow citizens to hysteria?


1. Dodi

The hysteria ended, the sobs subsided, the audience squeezes out their handkerchiefs. And, having calmed down, everyone immediately began to look for traces of a conspiracy. Who is first? Paparazzi? Or maybe, after all, traces of the conspirators should be looked for not in the newspaper offices? Isn't there a more sinister motive behind Diana's death than a newspaper sensation?

The hypothesis that Em-ah-5 had a hand in Diana's death was expressed on the night of Diana's death and was exaggerated over the next two tragic weeks. (Em-I-5 is the United Kingdom's internal intelligence and counterintelligence service, which has the power to spy on any person or group of persons if his or their activities threaten national security. Created and named "security service" by Sir Francis Walsingham in 1569, during reign of Queen Elizabeth I. In the first half of the 20th century, the "security service" was the fifth division of the army intelligence (military intelligence), from where it got the name Em-ay-5.)

Many believed that Diana fell victim to a conspiracy against her by the royal family, while the executioners of the sentence were British intelligence officers. What could be the reasons for the reluctance of the royal family to see Diana alive? The first is Dodi. None of the members of the royal family wanted to see a Muslim as the foster father of the future British kings.

Prince Charles could also be interested in the death of Diana, because with her disappearance, he had the opportunity to connect with his beloved Camilla Parker-Bowles, with whom he has long-term love. After the death of Diana, the BBC broadcast a report that the Libyan leader Gaddafi, speaking on television to his followers, said that the "tragic incident" is the result of a conspiracy between the British and French, who do not accept marriage between a Muslim and an English princess.

As people say, knowledgeable people, and a drunk driver, and meticulous paparazzi - all of them willy-nilly were participants in the conspiracy. Some believe that conspiracies to assassinate Diana were built in the IRA (Irish Republican Army), the CIA, and among the militant Islamists. Some saw in the death of the princess and the hand of Masonic societies. To prove their hypothesis, they cite the fact that the princess died under a stone bridge, which is, as you know, a Masonic sign.

There is also a hypothesis that Diana was killed by agents of international weapons manufacturers in order to interrupt her crusade against the use of antipersonnel mines. But among other things, there is a version that Diana, wanting to get out of the public eye, followed the example of many famous people, such as Elvis Presley, and faked her own death. According to the supporters of this theory, Diana did not die, she and Dodi live somewhere on a small island, next to John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

There are those who sincerely believe that the directors of the stunt with the "death" of Diana were aliens who happened to be on Earth. They took Diana to their ship, where Elvis is. Just do not seriously consider this hypothesis, it has no confirmation, except, of course, a flight of fantasy. I wonder if we'll ever know what really happened in August 1997?

2. "Disappearance" version

A certain theorist noted one fact. He wondered if it was by chance that Mother Teresa was lying in a large glass coffin, while Princess Diana was in a closed one. The coffin with the body of Dodi was seen generally only at the funeral.

As they say, the faces of Dodi and Diana were severely disfigured, and there are also rumors that Diana uttered some words before her death.

Of course, it is unacceptable to follow the lead of bad tastes and provide an opportunity for hordes of curious to gawk at disfigured bodies, but at the same time it is impossible to give food for unhealthy reflections. After all, otherwise, the question immediately arises: has anyone ever seen the bodies of Diana and Dodi? And are there really such religious traditions according to which Dodi should have been buried as soon as possible?

There is evidence to support our theory from bodyguard Trevor Reese-Jones. To spite the experts from the Mercedes company, who amicably assuring the public that after such an accident, and the car with passengers was traveling at a speed of over one hundred and twenty miles per hour, no one should have survived, Trevor was not killed. Or maybe Henri Paul's lawyer was right when he said that the car was going at a much lower speed? And did Trevor Reese-Jones himself set up the accident, having first dropped Diana and Dodi out of the car?

The strangest thing about this business is that the car was not driven by the same driver who usually drove with Dodi. Until now, the secret has not been revealed why security officer Henri Paul, for no reason at all, at the last moment before the trip, suddenly agrees to get behind the wheel. His name did not appear in the case for several days after the accident. According to the testimony of his colleagues from the Ritz Hotel, Henri Paul avoided unnecessary contacts with them, as he was an unsociable person, not talkative and tried to keep himself apart. Such insignificant information about a person, strictly speaking, may well serve as confirmation of an amusing hypothesis in general about the existence of Henri Paul. Indeed, was this Henri Paul? And if there was, did he not disappear from the hospital unnoticed? The doctors serving the al-Fayyad family may well have announced the death of the officer.

But the main mystery is that just six hours before the accident, "Lady Dee" "let slip" the Daily Mail that she was going to retire from public life for good. And, as we can see, she succeeded. It is completely unclear whether the incident and the impressive "death of the princess" was the beginning of Diana's happy personal life, or whether this is a classic case of an unsuccessful attempt to fake her death. Nowadays, plastic surgery works wonders, so let's see with you if some unusual, dazzlingly beautiful "nanny" or "nun" comes to visit the English princes.

3. Um-ah-6

If we assume that Diana posed a threat to the British throne, then it turns out that she posed a threat to stability in the country and the very existence of Britain. This is logic. But if so, then the secret service, guarding Britain, simply had to remove the unnecessary princess out of conscience. By the way, some members of the British special services have developed a rather vague - if not surprising - notion of what and who is a threat to the state. Files with "cases" were started on a variety of personalities, including John Lennon. And in the 70s, zealous special workers tried to exterminate the entire Labor government of Great Britain. Therefore, it would not be a great exaggeration to say that since, in the opinion of the special services, a musician could shake the stability of the foundations of the kingdom,then the more it will be within the power of the princess. That is, the secret service had a very good reason to eliminate a person who was a potential danger to the whole country, who had the ability to cause riots and chaos.

As it became known, the M-I-6 service wiretapped Diana's telephone conversations after marriage and allowed the most interesting purely personal information to leak into the press. Many people believe that the Squidgegate scandal, which severely damaged Diana's reputation during her breakup with Prince Charles, was behind the Squidgegate scandal.

Bodyguard Trevor Reese-Jones began his military career as a paratrooper, then served two terms in Northern Ireland, after which he was an officer in the Royal Military Police. With such a track record, it is simply impossible for an officer to avoid contacts with any of the special services. At the same time, Reese-Jones is the only one who survived the accident. Doesn't that fact alone lead anyone to think of a conspiracy to kill Diana?

4. Target - Dodi

There is also an opinion that the death of Princess Diana was a kind of successful "cover". In fact, the target was Dodi, the victim of a plan carefully devised by his father's business rivals. And this hypothesis, for all its originality, is not without foundation. At one time, Muhammad al-Fayyad crossed the road to many. The site on which his huge supermarket is located, he received after a fierce battle with competitors. It was his unusual business connections and manner of doing business that prevented Muhammad al-Fayyad from obtaining British citizenship. In this sense, it is not surprising that some of his "business partners" decided to "restore justice" by removing Muhammad's eldest son, Dodi.

5. A view from Egypt

The Egyptian press tirelessly informs its readers that the Egyptians are under constant threat from foreigners who do nothing but undermine the moral foundations and economy of the country, at the same time perverting its faith, Islam. Therefore, it is not surprising that Egypt sees in the whole story with the death of Diana and Dodi the intrigues and the hand of its longtime enemy Israel. The Egyptians accuse Israel of exporting goods infected with the human immunodeficiency virus to Egypt and deliberately infecting Egyptian youth with AIDS. It got to the point that the Egyptians began to shy away from products that bear the brand "Made in Israel", especially from chewing gum, which, as they say in Egypt, contains substances that stimulate base desires, and thus is a kind of mind control … Sure,the passion of Egyptian society to see in everything the intrigues of unkind Israelis at first glance may seem like a consequence of painful phenomena. However, it should also be said that the Egyptians' fears are not so unfounded. The history of the Near and Middle East, from the creation of the Ottoman Empire to the failed attempt by the Israelis to remove the leader of the Hamas group by injecting exotic poison into him, is teeming with conspiracies.

Thanks to numerous articles in the Egyptian press, Egyptians believe that the death of Dodi al-Fayyad is a continuation of the battle that evil foreigners are waging with his father, Muhammad, and it began with the denial of his British citizenship. In their opinion, the death of Diana is just a cover, but the real reason for the murder of Dodi lies in hatred of the Egyptians in general and of Muhammad al-Fayyad in particular. Less than a few days after the tragedy, articles about all kinds of conspiracies began to appear in the Egyptian press. As Anis Mansour, a contributor to the leading Egyptian English-language newspaper Al-Ahram, wrote in an editorial, “British intelligence killed Diana to save the throne. At the same age, Marilyn Monroe died, becoming the victim of a conspiracy planned by the FBI. The British were extremely undesirable for the future king to have a brother named Muhammad or a sister of Fatima, Muslims by faith. Indeed, in this case, the British crown would be in great difficulty, since one of them, by tradition, would become the defender of the faith and the church. It was necessary to get rid of such a dangerous possibility, and, as we see, a solution was found."

“So who killed Princess Diana? - asks the author of the editorial, called, by the way, "Diana converts to Islam", and continues: - Which of the intelligence services?.. British or Israeli? Or were they both developing a plan? But in any case, we believe that the reason for Diana's murder was her desire to convert to Islam … Or did she herself not say that she wanted to shock the world?"

And at the same time, the Egyptian newspapers amicably ridicule those who want to see an incredible sensation behind the deaths of Diana and Dodi. The same "Al-Ahram" mocked the author, who said that the French company, which built the tunnel, in which the bloody drama took place, was in collusion with the British.


Talk to any doctor, and he will tell you with tears in his eyes how he works earnestly to make you healthy. And he will not say a word about the fact that his money, his earnings begins just when you are sick, and ends immediately with your recovery. Hence the quite reasonable question - do doctors really want you to be healthy?

Sometimes illnesses seem to disappear as soon as we get rid of the doctors. Doctors very easily and simply siphon taxpayer money. First of all, they start some biological research and get a cure for some disease. Then they receive the bacillus of the disease itself, launch it into society and, with the curiosity of true scientists, observe how many thousands of people it will kill. Then, having enjoyed the spectacle to their fullest, the doctors again demand multimillion-dollar sums every month to create the necessary medicine, knowing full well that they have it for a long time. The next step of physicians entirely depends on the degree of harm caused by the disease, released by them. As a matter of fact, this factor, that is, the degree of harm caused by the disease, is secondary for doctors, they are not particularly interested in it,for them something else is vitally important - how much this harm will bring them money. Moreover, doctors are constantly warming up the public with all kinds of messages that they allegedly found a cure for any disease. Society begins to rejoice with delight, but time passes, and the doctors declare that they were wrong and that if they had received a few million more pounds in time, then then they would certainly have found the necessary medicine.

And for several more years, money has been pouring into the pockets of doctors in a stormy stream. During this time, they create a new disease, and the process is repeated from the beginning. At the same time, realizing that the time has come to work off the received sums, while people are mowing down the second disease, doctors announce that they have found the surest remedy against the first, and begin to cure it. Probably, we have quite clearly answered the question why more and more new diseases appear in our time. And no one knows that the doctoral guilds every month put millions of dollars in their pockets, while considering the whole society as a guinea pig given to them for testing. Isn't there a conspiracy here? Yes, not just a conspiracy, but a super conspiracy!

After analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that doctors, it is likely, either work in close contact with aliens, or those from their "far away" supervise the activities of doctors. Then all the imaginary "production" of drugs is just a cover, because experiment is at the center. On assignment from aliens, doctors are experimenting on humans with various forms of disease. Aliens need such experiments in order to find out which bacillus in the shortest time can most effectively destroy a larger number of earthlings. The prospect that opens does not inspire much optimism. One of the proofs of this hypothesis is the language of doctors itself. Have you ever tried to understand what this or that knowledge-wise doctor is talking about? Try it and you won't succeed. You will never understand that he, in fact,wants to say and what he is talking about in general. And so everywhere, in all countries. And try to read what the doctor wrote. Is it really possible to call an educated person who always writes with some kind of scrawl? It is not clear what institute or university you need to graduate from in order to learn to speak and write in such a way that no one except “ours” understands you. And this is done quite deliberately, because an outsider who understands the wild language of doctors is extremely dangerous for them. At the same time, the main part of humanity, not understanding anything, listens to doctors and, in order not to be branded as ignorant, nods in agreement. Wild game!to learn to speak and write in such a way that no one but “theirs” understands you. And this is done quite deliberately, because a person from the outside who understands the wild language of doctors is extremely dangerous for them. At the same time, the main part of humanity, not understanding anything, listens to doctors and, in order not to be branded as ignorant, nods in agreement. Wild game!to learn to speak and write in such a way that no one but “theirs” understands you. And this is done quite deliberately, because a person from the outside who understands the wild language of doctors is extremely dangerous for them. At the same time, the main part of humanity, not understanding anything, listens to doctors and, in order not to be branded as ignorant, nods in agreement. Wild game!

Therefore, the next time your doctor starts talking to you again with some medical nonsense, do the following - wink at him and tell him what you know and who he really is, and what are his true goals. We are convinced that your statement will not only stun the doctor, he will be dumbfounded! And also say this: “I'm not going to listen to your nonsense. Just prescribe me the medicine and get rid of me. It is very unlikely that he will release you from his tentacles after that, but at least you will scare him great.

Tuckett K. from Conspiracy Theory: Secrets and Sensations