Syndicate - Secret Government - Alternative View

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Syndicate - Secret Government - Alternative View
Syndicate - Secret Government - Alternative View

Video: Syndicate - Secret Government - Alternative View

Video: Syndicate - Secret Government - Alternative View
Video: Dream SMP: The Syndicate's Secret Member 2024, September

A group of people known as the Syndicate (or Consortium) works in conjunction with the first settlers on Earth - aliens, who are also called "colonists". Since 1948, they have carefully developed a plan and made preparations for a new (re) colonization of the Earth by these aliens. After the first colonization, millions of years ago, most of the colonists left the Earth. But some of the first settlers remained in a spaceship under the ice cover of Antarctica, in Wilkes Land.

Alien colonists have three stages of their life cycle. The first of these is the "black oil" or "black cancer" stage. Black oil was originally viewed by the Syndicate as some kind of power governing people. It is a liquid and viscous substance that seeps into the human body and enters the pineal gland of the brain, after which it establishes complete control over the person. The only visual sign of infection is a black iridescent coating on a person's eyes. Knowing that the Earth, one way or another, will be colonized, the Syndicate decides to help the colonists and cooperate with them, and in return get the right to life after colonization. Nevertheless, all this time the Syndicate has been working hard to create a vaccine that could remove black cancer from a person or instill immunity to infection. The Russians have always been one step ahead in developing and testing vaccines. They tested this amber liquid on prisoners in a Siberian camp of the GULAG type in the area of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The colonists should never have known about the existence of the vaccine. If found, they will have to accelerate the pace of preparation and begin colonization earlier than planned. The Russians sabotaged the Syndicate's attempts to get the vaccine. But the Syndicate did get it. But the Syndicate did get it. But the Syndicate did get it.

The second stage of the alien life cycle is an intermediate stage, the existence of which the members of the Syndicate did not even know until recently. The colonists hid this, since at this stage a wild and fierce creature appears, which hatches in the body of an infected with black cancer and then breaks out of it. Previously, the Syndicate was only aware of black oil and the final stage - the "gray" aliens, which are generally the most common idea of aliens. They were amazed that one of the black oil infected in Texas mutated and as a result gave birth to a clawed monster. The Syndicate members realized they were being tricked and used all the time. No one will be able to survive after colonization begins, not even they, due to the existence of this deadly form of alien life, which has been carefully hidden. This unexpected second stage was initially called "mutation" by the Syndicate.


Black oil has already been on Earth for millions of years and has been found unexpectedly many times in many different places. The first discovery of black oil dates back to 1908, when the Tunguska meteorite fell in Siberia. No one knows if it was a meteorite or an alien ship, but it contained black oil. A camp was later set up at the site of the fall, where experiments were carried out on prisoners to be infected with black oil and vaccinated against it. The black oil was collected by the prisoners themselves, so they immediately became infected. But the cold climate of Siberia prevented the active development of black crayfish - it lost its strength in the cold. More precisely, black oil is not capable of "mutation" at cold temperatures. Heat is also needed for the transition from the intermediate stage to the "gray form", to accelerate gestation. Russians,and neither did the Syndicate know anything about the intermediate stage.

Another black oil collision occurred on the French ship Piper Maru - a diver was infected. At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, this diver saw a living person in a crashed plane from the Second World War. The black oil kept the pilot alive all this time. The diver noticed a strange dark coating in front of the pilot's eyes before becoming infected himself. It was in this place of the ocean that Japanese scientists aboard the Talapus captured gray aliens and conducted genetic experiments on them. The black oil that the Piper Maru diver was infected with appears to be different from the oil in the Tunguska camp. Apparently, the oil on "Piper Maru" is more intellectual, in addition, it had some new abilities (for example, the deadly radioactive glow of the body into which this oil was infused). Radioactive burns were received by people who were simply in the immediate vicinity of the carrier of the oil. For some reason, this specimen of black oil was very eager to get on his spaceship. Outwardly, this form looked more like diesel fuel and used humans as a means of transportation to its goal - a spacecraft. The essence of black oil is still not fully understood. The last known forms of oil move in thicker droplets and completely bind the victim. But they do not cause burns and do not have a glow. When such oil hits the victim's skin, it collects in worm-like drops and is embedded inside. Perhaps these are simply forms that differ in evolutionary development. There is a theory that the combination of two types of black oil leads to the emergence of the third - the most intelligent and powerful. According to another theory,The "intellectual" oil or the old type turns into gray aliens, and the new type gives rise to the wild monsters of the second stage. The truth remains unknown.

Finally, in the North Texas town of Blackwood, a young boy becomes infected. Later it became known that the high temperature and the boy's accidental fall into the cave with black oil caused all subsequent events. The syndicate discovered that the boy and several of the firefighters who tried to rescue him had reacted strangely to the infection. It was the discovery of a mutation, after which an intermediate stage was discovered. In their oily form, which they called the "new virus", the colonists could easily conquer the planet. When the time comes, the infected population of the Earth will become an incubator for raising alien monsters. After the second stage, the aliens become "civilized" gray creatures. It should be noted that the vaccine received by the Syndicate works against all forms of black oil.

About 15 years after the events described, colonization will begin, but perhaps this will happen earlier, due to the fact that the aliens learned about the successful development of a vaccine and about the hybridization project. When the time comes for colonization, the black oil will be distributed in a more efficient and faster way. Specially bred bees, using pollen from specially grown corn kernels, will spread black oil through their stings. This method was tried by the Syndicate using the smallpox virus instead of black cancer. The smallpox vaccination program was a cover for the US Population Cataloging Syndicate project. As a result of this program, the Syndicate obtained DNA samples from each American, which became unique identifiers. This ensures thatthat the entire population (at least in the USA) will be strictly registered after the start of colonization. Clones are also identified in a similar way. That is why people in the vicinity of the Tunguska camp cut off their left hands (they were vaccinated against smallpox) - they cannot be tested with black oil. When colonization begins, only the Federal Emergency Management Agency will control the situation, since epidemics fall under their jurisdiction. Since FEMA is subordinate to the Syndicate, the situation will be in the hands of those behind it. On the day that colonization begins, the president will declare a state of emergency and FEMA will take over the country. That is why people in the vicinity of the Tunguska camp cut off their left hands (they were vaccinated against smallpox) - they cannot be tested with black oil. When colonization begins, only the Federal Emergency Management Agency will control the situation, since epidemics fall under their jurisdiction. Since FEMA is subordinate to the Syndicate, the situation will be in the hands of those behind it. On the day that colonization begins, the president will declare a state of emergency and FEMA will take over the country. That is why people in the vicinity of the Tunguska camp cut off their left hands (they were vaccinated against smallpox) - they cannot be tested with black oil. When colonization begins, only the Federal Emergency Management Agency will control the situation, since epidemics fall under their jurisdiction. Since FEMA is subordinate to the Syndicate, the situation will be in the hands of those behind it. On the day that colonization begins, the president will declare a state of emergency and FEMA will take over the country. Since FEMA is subordinate to the Syndicate, the situation will be in the hands of those behind it. On the day that colonization begins, the president will declare a state of emergency and FEMA will take over the country. Since FEMA is subordinate to the Syndicate, the situation will be in the hands of those behind it. On the day that colonization begins, the president will declare a state of emergency and FEMA will take over the country.

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Gordon Livey got his telepathic abilities thanks to his DNA (the same as that of all humans), some unused areas of which were activated. These activated pieces of DNA originated from aliens (colonists) and allowed him to communicate with them through telepathy. The Syndicate attempted to use him to capture an escaped Stage 2 alien in Arizona. They did not succeed. The last searches took place at a nuclear power plant, where the alien was hiding (he was looking for heat, and then mutated into a "gray" form). The fact that Gordon's DNA was in no way different in design suggests that the human race is an offshoot of the alien race and was created by them for an incomprehensible purpose. It is not known whether foreign genes are present in other inhabitants of the Earth besides humans. According to one theory,the colonists left the planet before the last ice age because the cold is bad for them. They created a race of humans to keep the Earth in their possession and "prepare the ground" for their return. When the climate warmed up again and civilization reached a certain development, the colonists decided to begin the process of colonization and initiated a select group of people from the secret US government into their plans. Continuing this theory, we can say that the aliens gave the planet under our control, then to return and control us. Gordon's telepathic abilities are similar to what the abducted aliens describe - "mind scanning". When the climate warmed up again and civilization reached a certain development, the colonists decided to begin the process of colonization and initiated a select group of people from the secret US government into their plans. Continuing this theory, we can say that the aliens gave the planet under our control, then to return and control us. Gordon's telepathic abilities are similar to what the abducted aliens describe - "mind scanning". When the climate warmed up again and civilization reached a certain development, the colonists decided to begin the process of colonization and initiated a select group of people from the secret US government into their plans. Continuing this theory, we can say that the aliens gave the planet under our control, then to return and control us. Gordon's telepathic abilities are similar to what the abducted aliens describe - "mind scanning".

Contact with black oil awakens the hidden abilities inherent in the DNA and prepares a person for transformation into an intermediate stage of development. Until recently, the Syndicate believed that black oil is simply a carrier of the life force of aliens, but now it has become known that its real function is to convert a person into the second stage of alien life. Even if the vaccine cures black cancer, gene activation can still occur.

So, aliens created humanity, which means they created the Bible. [the bible is a very fresh book compared to the texts of the ancient east and is only a "short reprint"] They left us a message in the form of a spaceship underwater off the Ivory Coast. This monument is covered with writing in the Navajo language. This message contains a new interpretation of the Bible, the book of Genesis - about the origin of mankind. All this means that Navajo is really the language of aliens that has come down to us, and the American Indians are the descendants of aliens and the first people on Earth. Parts of the monument separated and ended up on the shore, and then spread throughout the world. These parts or artifacts have tremendous power - they can rotate on their own and come together when placed side by side. Parts of the monument emit galactic radiation,discovered only outside the solar system, which proves their extraterrestrial origin. This is also the explanation for their extraordinary power.


The syndicate collaborated with the colonists in several areas. He was involved in a project called Method, which created hybrid life forms based on humans and alien DNA. These hybrids are immune to black oil, they will contribute to colonization without taking damage from infection, and after colonization they will become a subordinate race to the colonists.

Hybrids have many distinctive features, although outwardly they are ordinary people. First, they are all clones. There are several primary hybrids, and all the rest are cloned from them. Primary Hybrids are the Syndicate's most valuable items. Since they are all clones, they have a big drawback - they all look alike like two peas. Because of this, they cannot appear together - this will arouse suspicion among the people around. Some clones are preparing for colonization, while others are involved in secret Sindakata projects in the United States to develop more advanced hybrids for various purposes. (C

The clones have green "blood" - an alien substance obtained as a result of the project "Purity control" (purity control). It has an extra base pair of nucleotides in DNA that is not found in Earth nature. Green blood acts like an acid on humans, and even its fumes can cause a person to become infected with the so-called retro virus. To prevent the virus from developing, a person must be placed in the cold. Otherwise, a fatal outcome is inevitable. Hybrids can breathe in water and withstand large temperature swings. They are unusually tenacious, as they have a high regenerative capacity. For example, they can withstand falls that a person could not withstand. The source of alien tissue for hybridization is an embryo of a gray alien.

Primary hybrids were taken from among humans. The children of some members of the Syndicate were given to the colonists in exchange for an alien embryo, which became the basis for hybridization. The vaccine has been tested by the Syndicate on specimens of alien tissue and on the embryo itself. Work continued on the creation of hybrids, which by that time were still far from perfect. Hybridization experiments were carried out in several different ways. Elderly women were given hormones to stimulate ovarian production, which were used in cloning operations. Women were abducted and their ovaries removed as described above. In addition, it deprived them of the opportunity to have children. And entire cities were involved in the Cleanliness Project by contaminating meat products. Hybridization has a unique side effect:it heals a person from all diseases and the hybrid then gains immunity to all diseases and can heal itself. Experiments within the Clean Control Project were carried out on sick people. Until recently, the Syndicate could not create a hybrid that would have full immunity to "black oil", so colonization has not yet begun.

The Syndicate is helping the aliens create a hybrid because it seeks to delay colonization as long as possible under the guise of preparing a hybrid - and working on a vaccine.

Cloning operations, sometimes controlled by the clones themselves, weren't the only ones. The Alien Hunter also appeared, transferred by the colonists to the Syndicate. There were several like him, and all had the same characteristics. Alien hunters are actually "gray" aliens, more ordinary ones, with exceptional capabilities. On Earth, they look like humans because they have the ability to shape-shift. Successful hybrids also had a limited ability to change shape. Alien Hunters, or “shape shifters,” had hybrid data when they took on human form, with the added ability to detect and treat diseases in others. Alien Hunters could only be killed with a painful stab in the back of the neck, made with a special type of weapon - a sharp stiletto. This is the same stilettowhich, if necessary, the Hunters killed the clones. This stiletto was very important to the Syndicate, because anyone with it can kill a Hunter. It seems that the stiletto can also be used to take black oil from someone infected with it. The stylet was probably used to kill or remove alien parts from the inside of someone, whether they were black oil or green blood. The result is death. The Alien Hunter could also be a warning to the syndicate not to do anything out of bounds. He's also someone who shouldn't have known about the vaccine. The stylet was probably used to kill or remove alien parts from the inside of someone, whether they were black oil or green blood. The result is death. The Alien Hunter could also be a warning to the syndicate not to do anything out of bounds. He's also someone who shouldn't have known about the vaccine. The stylet was probably used to kill or remove alien parts from the inside of someone, whether they were black oil or green blood. The result is death. The Alien Hunter could also be a warning to the syndicate not to do anything out of bounds. He's also someone who shouldn't have known about the vaccine.

The Syndicate's early hybridization efforts were aided by the Japanese and Germans who came to America after World War II on Operation Paper Clip. These early hybrids failed. They also had green blood. The Japanese tried to harm the Syndicate by creating an unauthorized hybrid (old type) and smuggling it out of the States. The early hybrids known as "commodities" looked like traditional aliens, with large heads and beady eyes. However, they still had the smallpox vaccination mark on their left arm, indicating that they were still part of a human being. Most of them were destroyed. The early hybrids were unsuccessful because they were made from stolen alien DNA - from crashed UFOs and similar places - from the blood of adult "grays" or from the old type of "black oil". New hybrids were created from embryos' DNA following a deal with aliens. The deal was struck because, knowing that colonization was inevitable, the Syndicate worked to try to preserve itself through hybridization. When they decided that these efforts might fail, the decision was made to alliance with the aliens to create a hybrid that (the union) could give them the time they needed to delay colonization. The syndicate first formed after the Roswell incident as part of the government. In 1973, the same decision to ally with the aliens led to the creation of a separate was decided to alliance with the aliens to create a hybrid that (the union) could give them the time they needed to delay colonization. The syndicate first formed after the Roswell incident as part of the government. In 1973, the same decision to ally with the aliens led to the creation of a separate was decided to alliance with the aliens to create a hybrid that (the union) could give them the time they needed to delay colonization. The syndicate first formed after the Roswell incident as part of the government. In 1973, the same decision to ally with the aliens led to the creation of a separate group.

Kidnap and cover-up

Many people have reported kidnappings, even a few. The abductions were carried out by "gray" aliens, either with the aim of extracting eggs from women for hybridization experiments, or for experiments directly on humans. The abductions were then directed by Syndicate scientists, usually working in the railroad cars mentioned above, which were part of the secret government railroad. The traditional abduction scenario included bright white light, loss of nine minutes of time, radiation burns, immobility, weightlessness, charred surroundings, and the fallout of a strange, mud-like substance. Abductions could also have been carried out to distract or hide the Project.

The international agreement provided for the destruction of any discovered "gray" to cover up these facts. The ships where the abducted were initially delivered were outwardly triangular in shape. The abductions were usually carried out repeatedly. Sometimes they led to places where mass abductions usually took place. These mass abductions, if started by aliens, would mark the beginning of colonization, because the abductions began to obtain genes to obtain slaves, while the rest of humanity was to be destroyed.

The abductees were attracted (brought) to the places of mass abductions with the help of implant chips implanted into their bodies at the back of the neck. These implants were placed on abductees during their individual first abduction by Japanese scientists collaborating with the Syndicate. Some of them worked in secret to create their own hybrids, as stated earlier, and were killed. If the implant is removed, the final form of cancer begins to develop in the nasal cavity near the brain. The abductees who removed their implants could no longer be abducted. The chips were produced by a Japanese company.