Secret Rulers Of The World - Alternative View

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Secret Rulers Of The World - Alternative View
Secret Rulers Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Secret Rulers Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Secret Rulers Of The World - Alternative View
Video: Jon Ronson on being curious, his mental breakdown and interviewing Alex Jones 2024, September

On the Internet, you can often find articles on the intrigues of the secret masters of the world. Unfortunately, these articles are not specific. What makes the Secret World Government different? Quite right - secrecy and globality.

I would like to present here some companies, bodies or people whose activities are distinguished precisely by secrecy and globality. In addition, in all cases, the conspiratorial "spirit" of activity is so strong that it literally cries out about belonging to the Secret World Government.

I myself am by no means a supporter of "conspiracy theories", but I like to look at things from some unusual point of view, so they look much funnier. So please don't take this too seriously. Though…

1. Empire of debauchery

Even if you are a monk, you probably know that pornography exists in the world. In addition, even if you are a monk, you are probably aware that there is the Internet, an electronic computer system for communication, storage and access to information. Even if you are a monk, you are probably able to add one and one, and you, a connoisseur of the sinfulness of people, will not be surprised that pornography is also abundant on the Internet. What you, even if you are not a monk, may not know, is that a significant part of the specified "information" comes from one single source.

MindGeek doesn't really like to advertise itself. Like many firms (especially banks) doing business on the brink of legality, she took refuge in Luxembourg, on the Royal Boulevard (32 Boulevard Royal) enveloping the Citadel. The firm owns 35% of the pornographic content on the web, making it the market leader. The name of the company is characteristic. The word "Geek" can be translated as "fan (of computers)". Accordingly, the name can be understood as "programming thoughts".


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2. Empire of Observation

After the Snowden story, no one needs to be told what the NSA is and that electronic surveillance is ongoing on everyone. It is less well known that NSA activities are generally contrary to the US Constitution. The Supreme Court is called upon to regulate such inconveniences. A division of the Supreme Court is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISK), established in 1978. It is a branch because its members (formerly 9, now 11) are appointed personally by the President of the Supreme Court, their names and decisions are classified. The raison d'être of this body is to legitimize worldwide listening. It must also be said that FISK members are not accountable to anyone, not only to the President of the Supreme Court who appointed them (a life-long position, by the way), but also to the president who was accidentally serving at that time.

Since the personnel and decisions made are classified, nothing more can be said about this department of the Secret World Government.


3. Empire of Buckling

The Media Rating Council is formally an independent organization primarily concerned with evaluating the content of television broadcasts. It is on his behalf that devices are distributed that record who, for how long and what programs are watching, on the basis of the readings of which it is determined what exactly is in the greatest demand.

The council consists of 5 people who decide which programs will receive government subsidies. The way in which these 5 people ended up in their positions is unknown.


4. Master of Mexico

Perhaps, for the scale of the World Government, Mexico will seem like a trifle. But this is a very illustrative example of how a country is left at the mercy of one single person, about whom, moreover, few have heard. Although Carlos Slim was at one time the richest man on the planet (now he is in second or third place), less is known about him than about Gates or Abramovich. In Mexico, you cannot go to a paid toilet without the fact that some of the money does not end up in Carlos Slim's pocket. However, too much is known about Slim to be considered a member of the Secret World Government. Perhaps he is just one of the funding sources.


5. Conflict Coordinator

Presidents leave and come, but inconspicuous people remain in faceless offices. One such stealthy person for 40 years (1973 - 2015) was Andrew Marshall, Director of the Department of Comprehensive Analysis at the Department of Defense. And then his identity was only declassified by the age of retirement (born in 1921, i.e. 94 years old at the time of retirement). The activity consisted in long-term (20-30 years ahead) forecasting conflicts. It should be emphasized that the extraordinary lies not in the position as such, and not in secrecy (the military of all countries is all secret), but in longevity in one position. Normal people even in the United States retire at 65. The fact that a person remained in the post associated with global forecasting right up to 94,speaks of his undoubted belonging to the elite of the Secret World Government.


6. Lord of the Brains

Generally speaking, comics are literature for the illiterate. In the country where I was born and raised, only magazines like "Murzilka" could be brought into conformity with a cultural phenomenon that has acquired truly gigantic proportions in the world. These are stories told in pictures, with a slight addition of words and sounds (most often from blows, such as "Bang!"). From entertainment for children, comics have become something of a fairy tale for adults. The most budgetary films are shot from comics, even Tibetan monks know their heroes. And a very large portion of the comics are owned by Marvel Comics. Whose chairman has never been seen. Only the name is known - Isaac Perlmutter, and his last photograph dates back to 1985. Since then, what he does and where he is has been one of the biggest trade secrets, even from company employees. It is only known that the income from the senseless nonsense about the salvation of the world by lone heroes endowed with superpowers is growing from year to year. While, say, the number of readers of Shakespeare's works is declining from year to year.


7. Steward of the Earth

Everyone knows what a sovereign territory, territorial waters and all that is. Everyone also knows that the land, which is subject to state sovereignty, occupies only 30% of the planet's surface. The said territorial waters, 200 mile zones and all that do not add much to this figure. Everything else, 70% of the Earth's surface, is ownerless. However, no! In the solar hunger of Kingston, on the sunny island of Jamaica, in the middle of the sunny Caribbean Sea, there is a small office called the International Seabed Authority, which employs about 60 people. This office manages the resources located on the aforementioned orphaned 70% of the planet's surface. There, for a reasonable price, you can buy a pretty decent piece of the planet. Prices are really similar,a square kilometer of the seabed on planet Earth is sold 5 times cheaper than, say, a square kilometer on the surface of its satellite - the Moon. This, of course, is used. Let's say Germany bought a plot larger than itself to mine iron nodules. Russia is not lagging behind either. The money formally goes to the UN treasury, but we know the truth! Considering the global approach (70% of the planet !!!) and the lack of much hype, this is an undoubted unit of the Secret World Government) and lack of much hype, this is an undoubted subdivision of the Secret World Government) and lack of much hype, this is an undoubted subdivision of the Secret World Government