"Where Is The City From?" Chapter 10-1. This &Bdquo; Happy &Rdquo; Tsarist Era Or The House Of Holstein In Russia - Alternative View

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"Where Is The City From?" Chapter 10-1. This &Bdquo; Happy &Rdquo; Tsarist Era Or The House Of Holstein In Russia - Alternative View
"Where Is The City From?" Chapter 10-1. This &Bdquo; Happy &Rdquo; Tsarist Era Or The House Of Holstein In Russia - Alternative View

Video: "Where Is The City From?" Chapter 10-1. This &Bdquo; Happy &Rdquo; Tsarist Era Or The House Of Holstein In Russia - Alternative View

Video: The City of Ember | Ch. 10 read aloud 2024, July

Chapter 1. Old maps of St. Petersburg

Chapter 2. Ancient tale in the north of Europe

Chapter 3. Unity and monotony of monumental structures scattered around the world

Chapter 4. Capitol without a column … well, no way, why?

Chapter 5. One project, one architect or cargo cult?

Chapter 6. Bronze Horseman, who are you really?

Chapter 7. Thunder stone or submarine in the steppes of Ukraine?

Chapter 8. Falsification of most of the monuments of St. Petersburg

Promotional video:

Chapter 9. Peter the First - an ambiguous personality in the history of the whole Europe

Chapter 10. For what to say thank you, Tsar Peter?


The unity of class and national hatred is the force that broke the dictatorship of the exploiting class, swept away the power of the House of Romanov-Holstein and destroyed the power of foreigners in Russia by the early 20s of the 20th century.

1764 - “German is very widespread in this country. Only the common people speak the local dialect”- testifies Mr. Casanova (Memoirs of Casanova. M., Olympus, 1991, p. 327).

1829 - “The Germans, who make up almost a third of the St. Petersburg population”, have their own power in Russia; and the entire ruling stratum - "from the dog" to the owner of the house "-" everything is non-Russian, both in dialect and in reception ", and on the street -" and neither the Russian face, nor the Russian word "- says the Russian nobleman A. A. Bestuzhev / Malinsky / ("Test", M., 1991, p. 100, 431).

Back in the 17th century, the entire "Russian" aristocracy included 156 families of Tatar origin, 223 families of Polish-Lithuanian origin, 168 families of Rurikovich, etc. (Izvestia, 2-11-1990, p. 6), then to to him were added the "East" barons, and so on.

“Woe-patriots” shout that the Bolsheviks killed the “Russian” tsar … But who said that he was Russian ?! The French Ambassador to Russia in 1915-1916, Maurice Paleologue calculated that Nicholas 2nd by blood is only 1 / 128th "Russian", and everything else is German (Robert Massey. Nicholas and Alexander. M., 1990, p. 212). But this is not the whole truth …

Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II, forbade republishing and distributing throughout the Empire "The Gothic Almanac" - the world's only aristocratic magazine dedicated only to legitimacy, ie. full legal legality of all dynasties in Europe (A. A. Mosolov. At the court of the last Russian Emperor: Notes of the head of the Chancellery of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. M., 1993, p. 44), which provides evidence that Russia is ruled by the “Golstein dynasty- Gottorp-Romanovs”(p. 44).

The "Romanovs" are only the name of their ancestors, but in life for more than 160 years Russia has been ruled by the House of Gottorp Holstein (p. 44).

“We take the official history of the“House of the Romanovs”published by 1913. The founder of the House - Glanda-Kambila Divonovich from the House of Nedron Vedavitovich, of “Prussian-Lithuanian” origin, moved to Russia in 1283 and was baptized in church as Ivan Kobyla. From him came the Zakharyins-Romanovs. Fyodor Nikitich Romanov, the nephew of Tsarina Anastasia, the wife of Ivan the Terrible, himself married the servant of the sister of Tsar Boris Godunov, a Circassian woman who gave birth to Mikhail Romanov, who became Tsar since 1613, The grandson of this semi-Russian (??) Tsar, Peter I married on Martha Skavronskaya, daughter of Samuel, whom the church baptized as "Catherine".

This convenient thing is the Synod: the tsar ordered and the Jewess immediately became "Russian" and "Orthodox". This is not an isolated case: in fact, the entire elite of the "Russian Orthodox" Church for hundreds of years defended the dictatorship of the Jewish-German tsars in Russia …

From Marta Samuilovna ("Catherine 1st") Anna Petrovna was born, who - from her husband Karl-Friedrich-Holstein-Gottorp - gave birth to Peter 3. Peter the 3rd married Princess Anhalt-Zerbst, baptized as "Catherine II -I am".

This Anhalt gave birth to Paul I, and from his wife, Princess Wirttemberg-Sturtgard, Alexander I was born … And all the other Alexandra and Nicholas married only "German princesses" …

Nicholas II was given birth by the "Princess of Denmark", and he himself married the "Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, Alice-Beatrice" … the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England.

All the same pattern: “Jews of Polish origin with German surnames make their way everywhere, take over everything, crawl forward everywhere” - both in France and other European countries (Marx, Engels, vol. 38, p. 145), and in Russia …

Therefore, modern Zionists advocate the restoration of the monarchy in the USSR, and the Jewish bourgeoisie gives money to "Russian patriots" for their newspapers, parties, etc.

"Ryus-patriots" shout at the Bolsheviks that they are "bastards" - they killed the tsar. But there is a "question" - why are some men who killed the king - not "bastards", and others - "bastards" ?! Why one can kill kings, while others cannot ?! Or is this permissible only for the "elite" ?!

- Indeed. The authors ask a legitimate question: why is there so much noise due to the murder of Nicholas II, over which the current Orthodox democrats-anti-communists do not stop shedding crocodile tears, and absolute silence in connection with the murders of other tsars-priests. Where is the justice? How were other kings worse?

The reign of the "House of Romanovs" itself began with the murder of a 4-year-old baby, the legally legitimate "Russian Tsar", the son of Marina Mnishek and her husband, the legitimate Tsar False Dmitry. The baby prevents the "Romanovs" from being tsars, and therefore the child is killed. But “the blood of the innocent” demands revenge, and out of 18 kings and queens who ruled in Russia like the Romanovs, only 2 or 3 people die, almost no doubt, by their own death, and all the rest - who were killed, who were poisoned, who were poisoned or abdicated … under someone's pressure (???). Even earlier, in the 17th and 16th centuries, men in boyar and Cossack "dresses" killed: the mother of Ivan the Terrible, a Lithuanian; then Boris Godunov and his son Fyodor, Shuisky and 3 False Dmitrys, who were legally and legally formalized as "Tsars of Russia" …

Peter the 1st overthrows Tsarina Sophia and his brother Ivan; and then he himself suspiciously, "suddenly" dies of a trifling cold in 1725. 1762 - Emperor Peter III is killed. 1764 - Emperor Ivan the 6th was killed. 1801 - Emperor Paul I was killed. 1825 - Emperor Alexander the 1st poisoned himself in Taganrog (or secretly abdicated).

1855 - Emperor Nicholas the 1st drank poison (at the insistence of someone!). Emperor Alexander II was killed by student I. Grinevitsky in 1881. And all previous Emperors were killed by their relatives, guards, close boyars …

The House of Romanov came to power as a result of civil wars and interventions of the early 17th century and “burned down” in the fire of civil wars and interventions of the early 20th century. Everything is natural, how natural is the transformation of the House of Romanov into the House of Holstein …


For 40 years of a well-fed, peaceful, calm semi-socialist life in the USSR, the bulk of the Russian and Soviet peoples have forgotten that war is blood, and blood is a lot of money. Russian peasants of the early 20th century knew this truth not with their minds, but with their whipping with their personal ass …

The tsar threw almost 1 million soldiers into China for the war with Japanese capital, in order to protect his, personal, and Holstein-Rothschild capitals in those parts. In this war, Russia lost 400 thousand killed, mutilated, prisoners (History of the USSR. M., 1986, study. For grade 9, p. 36). As a result of the defeat, Russia lost its sea and other fortresses, created by the labor of Russian men, ships, thousands of wagons of military equipment, half of Fr. Sakhalin, all the Kuril Islands, the richest fisheries, etc., etc.

True, after such defeats, Russia again collected 1 million, including 600 thousand bayonets (AA Ignatiev. Fifty years in the ranks. Goslitizdat, 1941, p. 293), i.e. she could strike a new blow to the already drained Japanese troops and repulse everything, but - the Russian revolution of 1905 began in Russia, and therefore the entire bourgeois world international quickly came to the aid of Tsar Holstein - "Bloody" - Japanese capital quickly went to peace treaties so that the tsar was able to quickly transfer the battle-hardened troops from distant Manchuria to the Ukraine, the Volga and central Russia to defeat the "revolutionaries" …

French capital quickly gave the tsar a loan for 2.24 billion francs in gold (and today it is 300-500 billion dollars), negotiations on this loan were quickly carried out by Mendelssohn's group (Lenin, vol. 11, p. 334).

- Lenin gives a different figure in this place: the loan amount was 75 million pounds sterling (about 700 million rubles), of which France will account for about half.

"Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt" Alice-Beatrice, i.e. Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna demanded from her husband, Nicholas II - "My birdie, do not give any of them mercy!" - and the Bloody Holstein "did not give" …

The resolution of Nicholas II dated July 8, 1906 reads: “I remind the Main Military Court Directorate my opinion regarding death sentences. I recognize them as correct when they are carried out 48 hours after the crime was committed”…

- So, the Bolsheviks had someone to take an example from. In fact, everyone needs to know a simple thing: each time has its own ideas about duty, honor, death and life. In the same historical time, they always also differed depending on the social status: the heads of state have certain norms, the people have different ones. Therefore, it is as stupid to accuse Nikolai for the above resolution as it is Dostoevsky for his "tears of a child."

In 48 hours, conduct an investigation, hear the defense, organize a jury trial, and even hang it!.. Nice, clear, clear …

Only here is the "question" - who studied with whom? Birdie at Check or Check at Birdie ?!

Officers Min and Riemann with their tsarist guards carried out a clear order in December 1905 - "destroy the barricades, houses, factories occupied by the revolutionaries with artillery fire" (AV Gerasimov. On the Blade with Terrorists. M., 1991, p. 52) - according to the law of the church: “Kill everyone. God in heaven will figure out who is a heretic and who is a lawful believer! "…

“No one is given the right to engage in murder,” says the Tsar's resolution at the Appeal of all members of the Imperial Family in defense of Prince Dmitry Pavlovich, who participated in the murder of Rasputin, in December 1916 (AA Mosolov, p. 248) … “Caesar's Caesar, but a locksmith locksmith …

"The Russians need a fist" - writes Alice-Beatrice to her Birdie (Alexandra's letter to Nikolai dated 22-2-1917), demanding that he shoot Petersburg …

All this is natural: the circulation of capital demanded its protection!

In 1905, 30 thousand landowners had as much land as 10 million Russian peasants, heads of families … And the tsar and members of his surnames were the richest landowners and, at the same time, the richest capitalists in the world …

The circulation of capital is a delicate matter. Here are some facts.

In 1905, the Russian Empire had 408 million acres of arable and arable land. Of these, 138 million are state-owned, 7.8 million are specific, 2.5 million are church and monastic, and so on. The income for each peasant per year did not exceed 49 rubles, the subsistence minimum did not fall below 49 rubles ("The owner's library. Edited by A. P. Dead. How much land in Russia and how we use it. Supplement to the journal" Village needs. " 1917, No. 11).

Of these riches, the king personally owned 7 million dessiatines, and the princes - other millions of dessiatines. And every Russian peasant had, on average, 3-4 tithes.

The land of the House of Romanov on the "market" cost more than 100 million rubles. gold, the total income of the House - 24 million rubles. gold every year (Robert Massey, p. 62). The royal family had 7 palaces in personal ownership, served internally by servants and officials of 15 thousand people.

The tsar personally owned the Nerchinsk and Altai mines (AA Mosolov, p. 129), where convicts worked … The labor gulag in our country was created back in the 18-19th centuries by the Holstein …

Separately from the royal family, his close relatives "ate": more than 30 brothers, uncles, not counting women (as it should be according to the Law!) And each of them received 280 thousand rubles a year. gold from the treasury, and to them it is necessary to add all the income from the "specific lands", from which only the members of the Imperial family were fed. "Specific land" on the market in 1913 cost at least 60 million rubles. gold (A. A. Mosolov, p. 129).

Other aristocrats were not “poor” either: for example, Prince Yusupov had 37 estates, mines, oil fields, factories, mills, etc. etc., and his income and all the wealth then exceeded $ 600 million (Robert Massey, p. 319).

At the entrance to the "Summer Garden" in St. Petersburg there was a sign that prohibited entry to "dogs and lower ranks" (AA Ignatiev, p. 94).

“Whoever controls the money of the people controls the people themselves,” says an American proverb. In the Russian Empire, the country's money was controlled by the House of Holstein and its "henchmen" …

Author: Oleg Arin, Doctor of Historical Sciences

Continued: "Chapter 10-2. Why was the chain mail and cuirass replaced with stockings and a wig?"
