Aliens And Calendar - Alternative View

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Aliens And Calendar - Alternative View
Aliens And Calendar - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And Calendar - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And Calendar - Alternative View
Video: Ryan Pretend Play with Aliens Visits our House 2024, September

Calendar is the encryption of aliens

The sensational discovery of the Russian mathematician Vladimir Pakhomov was confirmed by scientists.

"The message of the aliens is hidden in the calendar" - under such headings a few years ago they wrote about the research of the former deputy director of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems in Dubna. Prior to that, he served as an officer in the Space Forces of the USSR, worked at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Now he claims to have found the access code for the encryption left on Earth more than 6 thousand years ago!

Imperishable and undetectable"

The essence of the discovery is as follows. The scientist mathematically analyzed the strict sequence in which the numbers in the calendar are located. And he came to the conclusion that it is a matrix containing a gigantic array of digitized information. And people, without knowing it, carried it through the centuries.

- I was interested in an amazing fact, - Vladimir Leonidovich said. - The Egyptian pharaohs, ascending the throne, made a strange oath: "Do not make any changes in the calendar!" How is it? Is it not for the purpose of preserving the information in it in its original form? In addition, many ancient manuscripts that have come down to us tell of the god of wisdom, known under two names - Thoth and Hermes. Allegedly, before his return to heaven, he wrote and carefully hid some "books". One old manuscript literally quotes the words of Thoth: “O you sacred books that have been smeared with the means of eternity. Remain incorruptible for centuries and be invisible and undetectable to all people who will walk on the plains of this earth until Heaven, having grown old, will not give birth to organisms worthy of you."

The writer Walter Scott at one time interpreted the concept of "organisms" as follows: "Literally, these are complex creatures, that is, people worthy of reading the books of Thoth - Hermes." And Pakhomov pondered: what can be "incorruptible for centuries"? Only something not quite material. For example, information. And specifically the one that is associated with time and chronology. So, with a calendar. Why was the message on the calendar “invisible and undetectable” to us? Because humanity did not have the necessary knowledge and technology to "read" it.

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When decrypting, Pakhomov discovered an image of the famous constellation Orion. The scientist believes that it was from the region of the Mintaka star that representatives of a different mind flew to Earth.

Mysterious matrix

“I spent 15 years looking in the structure of the calendar for an access code to encryption - information left by a highly developed civilization,” Pakhomov said. - And in the end I discovered a hidden information object, scientifically speaking, a matrix, which, in turn, has incredible characteristics even for today. Information technology specialists will understand that the matrix uses an original method of digital coding and compression of information thousands of times. It is so perfect that it allows you to digitally save 3D images and even a melody! According to the mathematician, the graphics in the message are encoded in such a way that they look rolled into a torus, in other words, into a "donut". Its surface contains images that can be expanded and viewed from different angles. One of the pictures shows a creaturesimilar to a bird with a large beak and very reminiscent of the Phoenix bird from Ancient Egypt. Another drawing depicted the head of a fish worn on a human head, which gave the owner a clear resemblance to the ancient Babylonian amphibian god Oanness. At the same time, the figure also showed a figure … of a mermaid with a forked tail - also a character familiar to mankind. And not just myths. Rock carvings of such creatures have been found in South America. Scribbled, according to archaeologists, about 6,000 years ago. Using the already known "keys" to the cipher, the mathematician carried out an additional analysis of the message, replacing the designations of the days with notes in the matrix. After all, there are seven notes too. And the calendar began to sound like music composed by God knows who. The most amazing thing is that it was not a cacophony, but was like a lullaby.

- It's strange, isn't it? - reasoned Pakhomov. - As if you hear something imperceptibly familiar … Lullabies are generally similar among different peoples of the Earth. Any other music is different, but lullabies are almost none. Perhaps they all descended from this - “sent down”?

The scientist obtained such pictures by “reading” the matrix-calendar with the help of a special computer program: from left to right - a fragment of a DNA molecule, a rocket, a “flying saucer” and a symbolic image of a human head, for some reason presented on a stand.

Guests from Orion

Mathematical processing of the calendar also gave out the place from where guests could fly to us.

- From the constellation Orion, - the researcher does not doubt. - By the way, this is the place where, according to the legends of Ancient Egypt, all the gods lived. The Egyptians called it "The Gateway to Heaven." With Orion, some researchers associate the size and location of the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. They are, in fact, spaced out like three large stars out of seven in this constellation. And the ancient records mysteriously testify that the pyramids were built according to the heavenly plan - "on earth, as in heaven." Therefore, if you send signals to brothers in mind, then it is in this area. So who flew to us - amphibians, mermaids, intelligent lizards?

“I hope that I can answer all the questions by reading the message in full,” the scientist promised. - So far, we managed to overcome only a few fragments. Think of it as the pages of some large book with illustrations.

Pakhomov still does not hide either the keys or the method of "reading" the calendar. He is ready to share it with any enthusiasts who know higher mathematics. Those interested can visit his website:, where the "sequence of moves" is detailed for specialists.

Bas-relief on the wall of the Temple of Osiris (Abydos, Egypt). Do you see a helicopter (1) and planes of various designs (2, 3, 4)?

- But I warn you, - the scientist warns, - the most complicated calculations will be needed. Without a powerful computer, I would not have coped with them.

“From the decryption of the calendar message,” Pakhomov continues, “I learned the coordinates of some places on Earth where the“Time Capsule”may be located, in which all the knowledge of the Universe is hidden. But for now I am wary of specifying the exact coordinates of this repository. First, we need to figure out how access to the knowledge of a highly developed civilization can threaten humanity. And remember the ancient myth about Pandora's box, from which all sorts of troubles poured onto people.

Maybe this is just a mind game?

Of course, we did not take the mathematician's research on faith. And they asked to study the work of Pakhomov scientists of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberg.

“I suppose that Pakhomov created a clone of John Harton Conway’s modeling game“Life”, known since the 1970s,” Valentin ESIPOV, the head of the radio astronomy department, Ph. D. in physics and mathematics, told us then. - This is a typical example of a cellular automaton - a mathematical object that is a discrete dynamic system. The game is played on a plane that is lined with cells - "live", filled with dots, numbers or letters, and "dead" - empty. The idea of the game is that, starting with some simple arrangement of "living" cells, follow the development of the initial position under the action of a special computer program that controls the "birth", "death" and "survival" of cells. According to the laws of the game, the number of cells in "Life" can grow all the time, continuously changing their location and creating patterns. As a result, various configurations are obtained - be it the image of aliens or the notes of a "divine" lullaby, like Pakhomov's. If you set a suitable set of rules, then using such operations you can find the message of extraterrestrial civilizations even in the multiplication table. In this case, the "information" extracted from it will multiply, bush, forming all new arrays. The process can go on endlessly.

It is possible that fish people flew to us, similar to the god Oanness (Assyrian bas-relief on the left). And they created a race of amphibians on Earth - in their own image and likeness (the ancient image of a surgical operation is on the right).

- Simply put, - Esipov concluded, - Pakhomov created a program that does not extract, but creates "information" itself. And among what has been created there may well be something unexpected. But this has nothing to do with aliens.

Thus, in August last year, astronomers delivered a verdict: to declare Pakhomov a rogue.

But now six months have passed. And the mathematician presented his report at the seminar of the section "Life and Mind in the Universe". This section has been working for ten years at the Joint Scientific Center for Problems of Space Thinking (ONTSKM), created by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), and the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Russian Academy of Education. Here are the views of the hosts of this section.


Around encryption

Perhaps hidden messages are contained not only in the calendar. Thousands of enthusiasts, including many serious scientists, are trying to "hack" other sources passed down from generation to generation in a more or less unchanged form. Christians decipher the Bible. Jews - Torah. And often, like Pakhomov, they use a mathematical approach: they build matrices from the texts, try to "read" them along, across, obliquely, select algorithms - keys to the cipher. But no one has made any sensational discoveries yet. At the same time, in the New Testament, specifically in the Revelation of John the Theologian, also known as the Apocalypse, there are the following words: “And I saw in the right hand of the One Sitting on the Throne a book written inside and out, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice: who is worthy to open this book and remove its seals?.. And no one could …”Why not assume that the author meant a message from the calendar? And by "seals" I meant seven key symbols on which it is actually built (seven days a week, seven notes, seven seals …). As if it were sealed …


The calendar was invented by the Atlanteans?

Associate Professor of the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics of the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after M. V. Lomonosov Alexander SAZANOV:

- Ancient information can really be stored in the calendar, just like in the tarot cards. In the ancient book "The Arcana of the Tarot" it is said that when the sages of Atlantis predicted a planetary catastrophe, they began to think: in which monuments to keep their rich information? And we came to the conclusion that best of all it will reach the descendants in the form of a game. And created the tarot cards. So the deck in your hands is a kind and not yet deciphered monument from the Atlanteans. And these were people who knew mathematics well. They could process information related to the new calendar, in which there are 365 days, into some images. Therefore, it is quite possible to extract both pictures and music from the table, which we call the calendar. That is, the calendar is an artificial creation. But not the cosmic mind, but the earthly sages. The calendar itself seems to me to be an intellectual megalith. It reflects the desire to preserve for a very long period the news that the mind on Earth once reached a high level. In general, to come up with such a "safe" is an amazing thing, because millennia bring their distortions to everything. It would be possible to brick up the "safe" in the pyramids. But there is no guarantee that they will not collapse one day. It seems to me that the information that Vladimir Leonidovich extracted from the calendar was indeed laid down by someone. It seems to me that the information that Vladimir Leonidovich extracted from the calendar was indeed laid down by someone. It seems to me that the information that Vladimir Leonidovich extracted from the calendar was indeed laid down by someone.


This is a product of a highly developed civilization

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Secretary of the ONTSKM, Senior Researcher of the State Astronomical Institute named after P. K. Sternberg, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Lev GINDILIS:

- In the calendar, which is a matrix, amazing patterns really appear. They lead to the idea that only a highly developed civilization could create such a product. Whether they flew to us from space or whether the earthlings themselves contacted the aliens - this question remains open. But there are many examples when glimpses reach us, evidence of very high scientific knowledge that exists both in the material and spiritual culture of mankind. Take, for example, the "astronomy" of the supposedly primitive African Dogon tribe, who knew even before the invention of telescopes that Sirius was a double star. Many historical facts show that for many centuries our earthly civilization has been in contact with some more advanced civilization. Soon I thinkwe must gather a wider circle of specialists in calendars, astronomy, and above all in the field of mythology. Because it is in the myths that a lot of information about the history of our planet is hidden.

