Zero Point Energy - Alternative View

Zero Point Energy - Alternative View
Zero Point Energy - Alternative View

Video: Zero Point Energy - Alternative View

Video: Zero Point Energy - Alternative View
Video: What is the Zero-Point Energy? 2024, September

At every point in the universe there is access to a vacuum of endless possibilities …

“The potential of the vacuum is practically unlimited; it is much more than one might even imagine. However, until we understand how zero-point energy can be obtained, and what are the limits of the amount of its effective production, it is rather difficult to determine how much of this energy can be used."

~ Harold Puthoff

Through understanding the geometry of the structure of space-time, we can change our technology to act in harmonious cooperation with nature. Energy exists in an almost infinite amount at every point of space - zero point of the field, plenum, ether, quantum foam …

“An ocean of energy is around us. We swim and splash in it. He's everywhere. He surrounds us everywhere."

~ N. Tesla

“I am amused myself by trying to find a solution to the riddle that runs through the entire piece:“How can I draw a circle and its center point without lifting the pen from the sheet?” The solution is to bend the corner of the sheet (i.e. change the dimension) and draw a spiral on both sides. I broke all my brains until I discovered that this is the picture on the cover."

~ Bernard Werber

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According to the teachings of the Taoists, at the beginning of things there was an empty circle of wu-chi - the original substance of Tao, which means a state of rest, when everything that exists is inseparable from its source ("being, embraced by Tao").

In Indian terminology, this state is called pralaya ("laya" - Skt. - zero singular point).

The embryo of the future Universe is a singular zero point (circle).

Archaic manuscripts, writes Blavatsky, contain on their pages the image of a flawless white circle on a dim dark background, which means the Primary Source, or Cosmos in Eternity, before the new awakening of Energy. In the original state of creation, the embryonic universe rested in the bosom of Eternity. Another page of the manuscript shows the same circle, but with a dot in the center.


A dot in a circle indicates the beginning of development. This Point in the World Egg means the embryo of the future Universe. It follows that the Cosmos at the beginning of Creation was concentrated at one point, which is identical to the Central Spiritual Sun - the source of Life Electricity and Magnetism. Before the appearance of the Cosmos there was nothing but absolute darkness during Pralaya. In The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky's description of the formation of the Universe is something like this: the tissue expands when the fiery breath of the Father sweeps over it. It contracts when the Mother's Breath touches it. The elements then dissipate to return to the Mother's womb at the close of the Great Day.

So, it follows that the symbol of a circle with a dot in the middle is much deeper than many of us assume. This is not just a solar symbol, but a sacred sign that means the birth of our visible universe, the beginning of creation. The Circle is the Cosmos in Eternity, before the new awakening of the still dormant Energy, the emanation of the Word in later systems. The point in the previously immaculate pure Circle … indicates the beginning of differentiation. This Point in the World Egg … an embryo inside it, which will become the Universe, ALL, the boundless, periodic Cosmos"

~ E. P. Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine"