What Were The Americans Doing In Siberia 1918 - 1920? - Alternative View

What Were The Americans Doing In Siberia 1918 - 1920? - Alternative View
What Were The Americans Doing In Siberia 1918 - 1920? - Alternative View

Video: What Were The Americans Doing In Siberia 1918 - 1920? - Alternative View

Video: What Were The Americans Doing In Siberia 1918 - 1920? - Alternative View
Video: The Russian Intervention (1918-1920) | Wars you've never heard of 2024, July

What have Americans been doing in Siberia since 1918? US policy towards Russia was characterized by hypocrisy and treachery. In all official documents and speeches, the leaders of the US government declared their love for the Russian people and their intention to "help Russia." In fact, they sought to eliminate any power, to dismember Russia and turn it into their colony. To do this, they financed and played off both the Reds and Whites, at the same time, both the official opposing sides in the civil war and the "white" and "red" collaborated with the Anglo-American invaders!

The United States brought Trotsky (Russia) and Kolchak (Siberia) to power, and the Czechoslovakians (White Czechs) were a punitive shock army as part of the Anglo-American coalition troops and subordinated personally to the American General Grevs. An occupation regime was established in the north of Russia during the intervention. Concentration camps even appeared on the territory of Russia and Siberia. They did not abandon their intentions to expand their sphere of influence and, at the expense of Russia, resolve their old contradictions with Japan and England. According to plans, all of Siberia was to go to the United States …

The creation of the Entente was preceded by the conclusion of the Russian-French alliance in 1891-1893 in response to the creation of the Triple Alliance (1882) of Austria-Hungary, Italy, led by Germany. Entente in French literally "cordial agreement", the well-established name of the agreement concluded in 1904 by Great Britain and France. Its goal was to end the Anglo-French colonial rivalry by dividing spheres of influence. Great Britain gained freedom of action in Egypt, recognizing French interests in Morocco. In addition, it was envisaged to jointly counter the growing German ambitions. In 1907, Russia joined the Entente, after which the treaty became known as the Triple Accord. It became the basis of the union of these countries in the First World War.

Having come to power, Lenin, in the field of international relations on behalf of Soviet Russia, proclaimed the refusal to pay debts to foreign governments and international banks and Concerns. At first, this was not completely voiced, and was linked to the recognition of the Soviet government. But it was clear that the Soviet government would not repay debts either on the accounts of the tsarist government or on the accounts of the Kerensky government. With this, for the second time since the Brest-Litovsk Peace, Lenin signed a death sentence, both for himself and for his faction - the “Leninists”, to which the American citizen Trotsky and his supporters did not belong. The issue of foreign intervention in Russia was finally resolved, the reason was Lenin's refusal to pay foreign debts, as if he did not know what would follow this decision.

So, from the time the Bolsheviks took power in November 1917 and until the summer, 2 decisive events took place - these are

1) The Brest-Litovsk Peace and leaving the Anglo-American allies to fend for themselves in the war with Germany, after which the Germans began to beat the Anglo-Americans on the Western Front.

2) May 1918, Lenin's speech in the press proclaiming the refusal of foreign debts.

Both of these events were decisive, and they were, as they say: "a sickle in the causal place" of the United States and England! Lenin's fate was sealed. The sluggish phase of events ended, the active phase began.

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Foreign military intervention in Russia (1918-1921) - military intervention of the countries of Concord (Entente) and Central Powers (Quadruple Alliance) in the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922). In total, 14 states took part in the intervention.

Already at the beginning of July 4, 1918, the Trotskyist putsch began, which began with an attempt to arrest Lenin and his supporters at the "Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets."

After the attempt on Lenin's life, the American citizen Trotsky on September 6, 1918, canceled the Constitution of 1918, which had just been adopted on July 4, and created an extra-constitutional body called the Revolutionary Military Council. Trotsky actually made a putsch and usurped the sole dictatorial power in a new position of an unlimited dictator called "Pre-Revoensoveta" and then completely legalized the "peaceful mission" of the invaders.

Earlier, taking advantage of the fact that Trotsky thwarted the peace negotiations in Brest, German troops on February 18, 1918 launched an offensive along the entire front. At the same time, Great Britain, France and a number of other powers, under the pretext of helping Soviet Russia in repelling the German offensive, prepared plans for intervention.


One of the offers of assistance was sent to Murmansk, near which there were British and French military ships. Deputy Chairman of the Murmansk Council A. M. Yuriev reported this to the Council of People's Commissars on March 1 and at the same time notified the government that there were about two thousand Czechs, Poles and Serbs on the line of the Murmansk railway. They were transported from Russia to the Western Front by the northern route. Yuriev asked: "In what forms can help with living and material force from friendly powers be acceptable?"

On the same day, Yuryev received an answer from Trotsky, who at that time held the post of People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs. The telegram said: "You are obliged to accept any assistance from the allied missions." Citing Trotsky, the Murmansk authorities entered into negotiations on March 2 with representatives of the Western powers. Among them were the commander of the British squadron, Admiral Kemp, the English consul Hall, the French captain Sherpentier. The negotiations resulted in an agreement that reads: "The supreme command of all the armed forces of the region belongs to the supremacy of the Soviets of the Murmansk military council of 3 persons - one appointed by the Soviet government and one each from the British and French." The First World War began to gain momentum.

Proclamation of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Leaflet. 5 August 1914:


Leaflets and proclamations addressed to the soldiers of the warring armies. 1915-1917


After the outbreak of the First World War, Kamchatka and Sakhalin, rich in oil, ore and furs, and having an advantageous strategic position, attracted special attention of the Americans. They assumed that by capturing these territories, they would thereby also deprive Russia of access to the ocean. On August 16, 1918, American troops landed in Vladivostok and immediately took part in hostilities.

At the same time, Japan sent large military forces to Siberia, intending to capture the Russian Far East. The contradictions between the United States and Japan have escalated. England and France, fearing the strengthening of the United States and claiming the "Russian inheritance", began to support Japanese claims to Primorye and Transbaikalia. One hundred thousandth of two hundred, the Japanese army, together with the Anglo-American troops, occupied Primorye, the Amur and Trans-Baikal regions. The United States was the organizer of this intervention. Not having a large military force to subjugate the eastern territory of Russia to their influence, Wilson and his government decided to take the path of the coalition and took upon themselves the financing of the anti-Russian campaign of the powers. The main partner of the United States in this campaign was imperialist Japan, despite the contradictions between them. Great Britain also wanted to grab a fatter piece.


1920-30-01 The U. S. State Department handed the Japanese Ambassador to Washington a memorandum stating:

"The American government will have no objection if Japan decides to continue the unilateral deployment of its troops in Siberia, or send reinforcements if necessary, or continue to provide assistance in the operations of the Trans-Siberian or China Eastern Railways." Although the Japanese were competitors to the United States in the Pacific, at this stage the Americans preferred to have these competitors as neighbors, not the Bolsheviks.


This is how the Entente was created, for which the peoples of Russia, and especially the Russians, are genetic rubbish that must be disposed of. Colonel of the US Army Morrow was frank about this in his memoirs, complaining that his poor soldiers … “could not sleep without killing someone that day. When our soldiers took the Russians prisoner, they took them to Andriyanovka station, where the carriages were unloaded, the prisoners were brought to huge pits, from which they were shot from machine guns. " The "most memorable" day for Colonel Morrow was the day "when 1,600 people were shot in 53 wagons." Concentration camps began to be created everywhere, in which there were about 52,000 people. There were frequent cases of mass executions, where in one of the surviving sources, the invaders shot about 4,000 people by the decision of the military courts. The occupied lands were used as a "cash cow" - the north of Russia was completely devastated. According to the historian A. V. Berezkin, “the Americans exported 353,409 poods of flax, tows and tow, and everything that was in the warehouses in Arkhangelsk and that could be of interest to foreigners was exported by them in a year, worth about 4,000,000 pounds sterling”.

In the Far East, American invaders exported timber, furs, and gold. Siberia was given to be torn apart by Kolchak, where the Americans sponsored this event, for the gold of Tsarist Russia. In addition to outright robbery, American firms received permission from the Kolchak government to trade in exchange for loans from the banks "City Bank" and "Guaranty Trust". Only one of them - Eyrington's company, which received permission to export furs, sent from Vladivostok to the USA 15,730 poods of wool, 20,407 sheep skins, 10,200 large dry skins. Everything that was of at least some material value was exported from the Far East and Siberia.


The desire to take possession of Russian possessions appeared among the ruling circles of the United States during the conflicts around Oregon and the preparation of the deal on Alaska. It was proposed to "buy the Russians" together with a number of other peoples of the world. The hero of Mark Twain's novel The American Challenger, the extravagant Colonel Sellers, also outlined his plan to acquire Siberia and create a republic there. Obviously, already in the 19th century, such ideas were popular in the United States.

On the eve of the First World War, the activities of American entrepreneurs in Russia sharply intensified. Future US President Herbert Hoover became the owner of oil companies in Maikop. Together with the English financier Leslie Urquart, Herbert Hoover acquired concessions in the Urals and Siberia. The cost of only three of them exceeded $ 1 billion (then dollars!).


The First World War opened up new opportunities for American capital. Drawn into a difficult and devastating war, Russia sought funds and goods abroad. America that did not participate in the war could provide them. If before the First World War, US capital investments in Russia amounted to 68 million dollars, then by 1917 they increased many times. Russia's demand for various types of products, which sharply increased during the war years, led to a rapid increase in imports from the United States. While exports from Russia to the United States fell 3 times from 1913 to 1916, imports of American goods increased 18 times. If in 1913 American imports from Russia were slightly higher than its exports from the United States, then in 1916 American exports exceeded Russian imports to the United States by 55 times. The country was increasingly dependent on American production. It was not in vain that the Anglo-Saxons carried out the industrial revolution, and now their "death" locomotive for the colonization of most countries was racing at full speed. Only in 1810 in England there were 5 thousand steam engines, and after 15 years their number tripled, by the beginning of the First World War they were already rubbing their hands from the forthcoming profit. But the USA understood that the results of the industrial revolution would not be enough to solve all the problems, and in March 1916, banker and grain merchant David Francis was appointed as the US ambassador to Russia. On the one hand, the new ambassador sought to increase Russia's dependence on America, on the other, being a grain merchant, he was interested in removing Russia as a competitor from the world grain market. The revolution in Russia, which could undermine its agriculture, judging by the results of his activities, was part of Francis's plans,hence the artificially created prerequisites for famine, it was not for nothing that the American bankers sponsored Trotsky. This is where the origins of the "starving Volga region", the "Holodomor", the hushed up famine in Siberia come from; they are still trying to attribute all this to Stalin's Russia.


Ambassador Francis, on behalf of the US government, offered Russia a $ 100 million loan. At the same time, by agreement with the Provisional Government, a mission was sent to Russia from the United States "to study issues related to the work of the Ussuriysk, East China and Siberian railways." And in mid-October 1917, the so-called "Russian Railway Corps" was formed, consisting of 300 American railway officers and mechanics. "Corps" consisted of 12 teams of engineers, foremen, dispatchers, which were to be deployed between Omsk and Vladivostok. Siberia was taken in pincers and the movement of all cargo, both military and food, was under the control of the Americans. As the Soviet historian AB Berezkin emphasized in his research, “the US government insisted thatso that the specialists they send were invested with broad administrative power, and not be limited to the functions of technical supervision. " In fact, it was about the transfer of a significant part of the Trans-Siberian Railway under American control.

It is known that during the preparation of the anti-Bolshevik conspiracy in the summer of 1917, the famous English writer and intelligence officer W. S. Maugham (transgender) and the leaders of the Czechoslovak corps left for Petrograd via the USA and Siberia. It is obvious that their conspiracy, which the British intelligence spun to prevent the victory of the Bolsheviks and the withdrawal of Russia from the war, was linked to US plans to establish their control over the Trans-Siberian Railway.


On December 14, 1917, the "Russian Railway Corps" of 350 people arrived in Vladivostok. However, the October Revolution thwarted not only the Maugham plot, but also the plan to seize the Trans-Siberian Railroad by the United States. Already on December 17, the "railway corps" departed for Nagasaki. Then the Americans decided to use Japanese military force to seize the Trans-Siberian Railway. On February 18, 1918, the American representative to the Entente Supreme Council, General Bliss, supported the opinion that Japan should take part in the occupation of the Transsib.

Voices were openly heard in the American press in 1918 inviting the US government to lead the process of dismembering Russia. Senator Poindexter wrote in the New York Times on June 8, 1918: “Russia is just a geographic concept and will never be anything else. Her power of cohesion, organization, and recovery is gone forever. The nation does not exist. " On June 20, 1918, Senator Sherman, speaking in the US Congress, suggested using the opportunity to conquer Siberia. The senator declared: "Siberia is a wheat field and pastures for livestock, which are of the same value as its mineral wealth."

These calls have been heard. On August 3, the US Secretary of War issued an order to send units of the 27th and 31st US Infantry Divisions, which until then had served in the Philippines, to Vladivostok. These divisions became famous for their atrocities, which continued during the suppression of the remnants of the partisan movement.

On July 6, 1918, at a meeting of the country's military leaders with the participation of Secretary of State Lansing, the issue of sending several thousand American troops to Vladivostok to help the Czechoslovak corps, which was allegedly attacked by units from former Austro-Hungarian prisoners, was discussed in Washington. The decision was made: "To disembark the available troops from American and allied warships in order to gain a foothold in Vladivostok and provide assistance to the Czechoslovak legionaries." Three months earlier, a landing of Japanese troops had landed in Vladivostok.


On August 16, about 9,000 American troops landed in Vladivostok.

On the same day, a declaration was published by the United States and Japan, which stated that "they are taking under the protection of the soldiers of the Czechoslovak corps." The same obligations were assumed in the respective declarations of the governments of France and England. And soon, under this pretext, 120 thousand foreign invaders, including Americans, British, Japanese, French, Canadians, Italians and even Serbs and Poles, came out “to defend the Czechs and Slovaks”.

At the same time, the US government was making efforts to get its allies to agree to establish their control over the Trans-Siberian Railway. The US Ambassador to Japan, Morris, assured that the efficient and reliable operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway and the Trans-Siberian Railway would make it possible to start implementing "our economic and social program … In addition, to allow the free development of local self-government." In fact, the United States revived the plans for the creation of the Siberian Republic, which the hero of the novel by Mark Twain Sellers dreamed of.

In the spring of 1918, the Czechoslovakians moved along the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the United States began to closely monitor the movement of their echelons. In May 1918, Francis wrote to his son in the United States: "I am currently plotting … to thwart the disarmament of 40,000 or more Czechoslovak soldiers who were invited by the Soviet government to surrender their weapons."

On May 25, immediately after the start of the rebellion, the Czechs and Slovaks captured Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk). On May 26 they captured Chelyabinsk, then Tomsk, Penza, Syzran. In June, the Czechs captured Kurgan, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, and on June 29 - Vladivostok. As soon as the Trans-Siberian Railway was in the hands of the "Czechoslovak Corps", the "Russian Railway Corps" again headed for Siberia.


Back in the spring of 1918, the Americans appeared in the North of the European territory of Russia, on the Murmansk coast. On March 2, 1918, the chairman of the Murmansk Council, AM Yuryev, agreed to the landing of British, American and French troops on the coast under the pretext of protecting the North from the Germans.

The official goal of the mission is to protect the military property of the Entente from the Germans and Bolsheviks, to support the actions of the Czechoslovak corps and to overthrow the communist regime.

On June 14, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of Soviet Russia protested against the presence of the invaders in Russian harbors, but this protest was left unanswered. On July 6, representatives of the interventionists concluded an agreement with the Murmansk Regional Council, according to which the orders of the military command of Great Britain, the United States of America and France "must be unquestioningly carried out by all." The agreement stipulated that the Russians "should not be formed into separate Russian units, but, as circumstances permit, units composed of an equal number of foreigners and Russians can be formed." On behalf of the United States, the agreement was signed by Captain 1st Rank Berger, commander of the cruiser Olympia, who arrived in Murmansk on May 24. After the first landing, about 10 thousand foreign soldiers were landed in Murmansk by summer. In total in 1918-1919.about 29 thousand British and 6 thousand Americans landed in the north of the country. Having occupied Murmansk, the interventionists moved south. On July 2, the interventionists took Kem, on July 31 - Onega. The participation of the Americans in this intervention was called the "Polar Bear" expedition.

US Senator Poindexter wrote in the New York Times on June 8, 1918 that: “Russia is only a geographical concept and will never be anything else. Her power of cohesion, organization and recovery is gone forever. " In the summer of 1918, the 85th Division of the US Army was transferred to the Western Front. One of its regiments, the 339th Infantry, consisted mainly of conscripts from the states of Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, was sent to northern Russia. This expedition was named "Polar Bear".


On August 2 they captured Arkhangelsk. In the city, the "Supreme Administration of the Northern Region" was created, headed by the Trudovik N. Tchaikovsky, which turned into a puppet government of the interventionists. After the capture of Arkhangelsk, the interventionists made attempts to launch an offensive against Moscow through Kotlas. However, the stubborn resistance of the Red Army units thwarted these plans. The invaders suffered losses.

At the end of October 1918, Wilson approved the secret "Commentary" to the "14 points", which proceeded from the dismemberment of Russia. In the "Commentary" it was pointed out that since the independence of Poland has already been recognized, there is nothing to say about a united Russia. Several states were supposed to be created on its territory - Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and others. The Caucasus was seen as "part of the problem of the Turkish Empire." It was supposed to provide one of the winning countries with a mandate to govern Central Asia. A future peace conference was to appeal to "Great Russia and Siberia" with a proposal to "create a government representative enough to speak on behalf of these territories", and such a government "the United States and its allies will provide all possible assistance." In December 1918 g.at a meeting at the State Department, a program for the "economic development" of Russia was outlined, which provided for the export of 200 thousand tons of goods from our country within the first three to four months. In the future, the rate of export of goods from Russia to the United States should have increased. As evidenced by Woodrow Wilson's note to Secretary of State Robert Lansing on November 20, 1918, at this time the US President considered it necessary to achieve "the dismemberment of Russia into at least five parts - Finland, the Baltic provinces, European Russia, Siberia and Ukraine."As evidenced by Woodrow Wilson's note to Secretary of State Robert Lansing on November 20, 1918, at this time the US President considered it necessary to achieve "the dismemberment of Russia into at least five parts - Finland, the Baltic provinces, European Russia, Siberia and Ukraine."As evidenced by Woodrow Wilson's note to Secretary of State Robert Lansing on November 20, 1918, at this time the US President considered it necessary to achieve "the dismemberment of Russia into at least five parts - Finland, the Baltic provinces, European Russia, Siberia and Ukraine."

The United States proceeded from the fact that the regions that were included in the sphere of Russian interests during the First World War, after the collapse of Russia, turned into a zone of American expansion. On May 14, 1919, at a meeting of the Council of Four in Paris, a resolution was adopted, according to which the United States received a mandate for Armenia, Constantinople, the Bosphorus and Dardanelles.

The Americans launched activity in other parts of Russia, into which they decided to divide it. In 1919, the director of the American Aid Distribution Administration, future US President Herbert Hoover visited Latvia.


During his stay in Latvia, he established friendly relations with a graduate of the University of Lincoln (Nebraska), a former American professor, and at that time the newly minted Prime Minister of the Latvian government, Karlis Ulmanis. The American mission, which arrived in Latvia in March 1919, led by Colonel Green, provided active assistance in financing German units led by General von der Goltz and the troops of the Ul-manis government. In accordance with the agreement of June 17, 1919, weapons and other military materials began to arrive in Latvia from American warehouses in France. In general, in 1918-1920. The United States has allocated over $ 5 million to arm the Ulmanis regime.

The Americans were active in Lithuania as well. In his work "American intervention in Lithuania in 1918-1920." D. F. Finehuaz wrote: "In 1919, the Lithuanian government received from the State Department military equipment and uniforms for arming 35 thousand soldiers for a total of 17 million dollars … The general leadership of the Lithuanian army was carried out by American Colonel Dawley, assistant to the head of the US military mission in the Baltic States." At the same time, a specially formed American brigade arrived in Lithuania, the officers of which became part of the Lithuanian army. It was planned to increase the number of American troops in Lithuania to several tens of thousands. The United States provided food to the Lithuanian army. The same assistance was provided in May 1919 to the Estonian army. Only the growing opposition in the United States to plans to expand the American presence in Europe stopped further US activity in the Baltic States. Now you understand where the Latvian riflemen and the rest of the Baltic states came from, who staged a massacre of the Russian people.


At the same time, the Americans began to divide the lands inhabited by the indigenous Russian population. In the north of the European territory of Russia, occupied by the interventionists from England, Canada and the USA, concentration camps were created, where every 6th inhabitant of the occupied lands ended up in prisons or camps.

A prisoner of one of these camps (the Mudyug concentration camp), doctor Marshavin recalled: “Exhausted, half-starved, we were led under the escort of the British and Americans. They put in a cell no more than 30 square meters. And there were more than 50 people in it. They were fed extremely poorly, many were dying of hunger … They were forced to work from 5 am to 11 am. Grouped by 4 people, we were forced to harness ourselves to the sleigh and carry firewood … Medical assistance was not provided at all. From beatings, cold, hunger and overwhelming 18-20-hour work, 15-20 people died every day. The invaders shot thousands of people by decision of the military field courts, many people were killed without trial.

The Mudyug concentration camp became a real cemetery for the victims of the intervention in the Russian North, Russian Hyperborea. The Americans acted just as cruelly in the Far East. In the course of punitive expeditions against the inhabitants of Primorye and the Amur region, who supported the partisans, in the Amur Region alone, the Americans destroyed 25 villages and villages. At the same time, American punishers, like other interventionists, committed cruel tortures against the partisans and people who sympathized with them, but in order to conceal their crimes, they entrusted most of the "dirty work" to the Czechoslovakians, whom the people called the Czech dogs. Today, the liberals put monuments to them, of course, "Western values", "Western culture" and other gay affairs they hold in high esteem.


Soviet historian F. F. Nesterov in his book "The Link of Times" wrote that after the fall of Soviet power in the Far East, "the supporters of the Soviets wherever the bayonet of the transatlantic" liberators of Russia "reached, were stabbed, chopped, shot in batches, hanged, drowned in the Amur, taken away in torture trains death, "starved to death in concentration camps." Having told about the peasants of the prosperous seaside village of Kazanka, who at first were by no means ready to support the Soviet regime, the writer explained why, after much hesitation, they joined the partisan detachments. Played the role of “the stories of neighbors on the counter that last week an American sailor in the port shot a Russian boy … that local residents should now, when a foreign soldier enters the tram,to get up and give way to him … that the radio station on the Russian island was handed over to the Americans … that dozens of Red Guards prisoners are shot every day in Khabarovsk, etc. " Ultimately, the inhabitants of Kazanka, like most Russian people in those years, could not stand the humiliation of national and human dignity perpetrated by the American and other interventionists, their accomplices and White Guards, and rebelled, supporting the partisans of Primorye. In the general picture, the invaders began to suffer losses in the Far East, where partisans constantly attacked American military units.revolted, supporting the partisans of Primorye. In the general picture, the invaders began to suffer losses in the Far East, where partisans constantly attacked American military units.revolted, supporting the partisans of Primorye. In the general picture, the invaders began to suffer losses in the Far East, where partisans constantly attacked American military units.


The losses incurred by the American invaders received significant publicity in the United States and prompted demands for an end to hostilities in Russia. On May 22, 1919, Rep. Mason said in his speech to Congress: “There are 600 mothers living in Chicago, which is part of my district, and their sons are in Russia. I received about 12 letters this morning, and I receive them almost every day, in which they ask me when our troops should return from Siberia. " On May 20, 1919, Senator from Wisconsin and future US presidential candidate La Follette submitted a resolution to the Senate, approved by the Wisconsin Legislature. It called for the immediate withdrawal of American troops from Russia. Somewhat later, on September 5, 1919, the influential Senator Bora declared in the Senate: “Mr. President,we are not at war with Russia. Congress did not declare war against the Russian people. The people of the United States do not want to fight Russia."

How is it that intervention is not a declaration of war? If Hitler invaded in order to liquidate the USSR, then he turns out to be the aggressor, and the Anglo-Saxons are white and fluffy? In this situation, they are one and the same, they just sensed the force of resistance and decided to hide the ends in the water.


American Arthur Ballard was on a business trip in Russia for 2 years - from 1917 to 1919. Since 1918, he was just in Siberia, when the main events unfolded there. In 1919, since it was already clear there who would win, Ballard returned to the United States and in hot pursuit wrote a book about what was happening in Russia.

Ask any Russian, even now, what do you know about what happened in Siberia after the Bolshevik coup in Russia? He will answer, they say, there was Kolchak, and then he was defeated by the Red Army, which "… from the taiga to the British seas, the Red Army is the strongest." This is the cut, "festive" - the official Bolshevik version, which was communicated both under the Communists and now under the capitalists, because the winners write history.

By the way, on page 171, Ballard calls Kolchak "the only Russian admiral enjoying the full support of the British authorities" - "… the only Russian admiral who had the confidance of the British authorities".

On the same page of his book, Ballard reports about Kolchak: “The Black Sea Fleet, commanded by Kolchak before the revolution, rebelled …”. - Is it the best characteristic of the admiral that the fleet rebelled under his command? "… at the same time, while many officers were lynched by the rebels, Kolchak's hair did not fall from his head when the rebels brought him to the shore by boat!" - Perfectly! The sailors became pirates, captured the fleet, and the admiral was brought ashore, safe and sound! - Why? The British Empire, which "rules the seas", has always dreamed of the destruction of the Black Sea Fleet and is still dreaming. Britain's agents were also the notorious lieutenant who worked under the "German" - Peter (Pinkas) Schmidt, whom the Anglophile press made a "Russian national hero" who had captured the battleship Potemkin. English agents,On October 20, 1916, the strongest newly built battleship "Empress Maria" was blown up and this explosion of the new battleship just happened immediately after Kolchak was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet in August 1916!


On August 19, 1917, Kolchak was allegedly "sent" to England, as they say, a "military observer". This is how the British describe it on their Wiki. Russian Vicky reports that “A. F. Kerensky summoned the admiral to Petrograd, where he forced him to resign, after which, at the invitation of the command of the American fleet, he went to the United States to consult American specialists.

Trotsky was in Halifax in April 1917, and Kolchak in the fall of 1917. Both English-speaking "assets" - Trotsky and Kolchak in the United States expressed their desire to become the Supreme Rulers of Russia, and were brought to Russia on American ships and bayonets, only from different parts of the world. Trotsky, together with his New York gangsters from the times of "Prohibition" - through Stockholm, and Kolchak, together with American troops through San Francisco - Vladivostok. At first, the US wanted to split Russia up - to make a "parade of sovereignties" Therefore, for the United States, two Supreme rulers of Russia - one for the European part and the other for Siberia - was the norm. Subsequently, apparently, Kolchak's Bonapartist tendencies and his attempt to take away from Trotsky the European part and appropriate part of the gold of the Russian Empire, and served as the reason for his arrest by the Czechoslovakians,under the command of the American General Graves.


What were the Czechs doing in Siberia? After the defeat of Germany in November 1918, the Czechs were no longer needed on the Western Front, because it ceased to exist, but the Czechs remained in Siberia for another 3 years!

And the fact, what did the Czechs do all these 3 years, instead of rushing to the Czech Republic after the end of the war in November 1918? The Czechs carried out punitive operations in Siberia for 3 years and blocked the Trans-Siberian for the Russians, allowing only coalition military traffic to pass! And this is a fact of great importance!

American "businessmen" were afraid of publicity among their people that they were fighting the Russian people without a declaration of war, without any reason, and therefore used the cover of their crimes with the help of the Czechoslovakians.

This is what Goldhurst's The Midnight War says, Quote:

"From the beginning of 1919, the Czechoslovak army was completely involved in the Russian civil war."

The answer to who the Czech army fought for, and at the same time the Americans and the Japanese, is found in Goldhurst's "Midnight War." He describes how President Wilson sat and thought about how to help Trotsky deal with Kolchak. The allies told Wilson that there was no other way out but to carry out a large-scale intervention with large forces, that is, to bring in one hundred thousand soldiers. Wilson feared that on such a scale, information would leak and it would become obvious who the United States really supported - Trotsky. There was a dead end.

And suddenly God himself sends Tomas Masaryk to President Wilson with his Czech army, which at the moment was just in the center of Russia. She only had to help with money and weapons and force her to fight against Kolchak. The strategic plan to seize the Trans-Siberian Railway was worked out quickly. It is very important that in this case, Wilson did not need to send a large number of his troops to Russia, which means that there was an opportunity to keep these events away from the interest of the American public and blame everything on the fact that, they say, the Americans are simply helping Czechs in trouble … On what they still insist.


In exchange for the successful completion of the entire operation, Wilson made Masaryk president of the "independent" state of Czechoslovakia. And when Trotsky's armies in January 1920 approached Omsk, to the headquarters of Kolchak, the Czechs hit Kolchak from the inside. They defeated Kolchak, captured him, and handed him over to the commissars with all the gold, because of which all the boron cheese flared up. This book mentions the sum of the gold reserves of the Russian Empire captured by the Czechs and expressed in royal gold rubles - 414,254,000, that is, almost half a billion gold rubles! At that time, an astronomical amount. If $ 20 million was then about a billion dollars today, then that's about $ 20 billion at today's exchange rate, but since the coins were gold,then this at the rate multiplied by almost five hundred times is ten billion dollars in today's money !!!

The Czechoslovak army was a punitive shock army as part of the troops of the Anglo-American coalition and was personally subordinate to the American General Grevs, and the French General Janin commanded the Czech army directly. One of the Czech sub-armies was commanded by a defector, the Russian General Voitsekhovsky. The Czechs were armed with not only American armored trains, artillery, machine guns and small arms, even airships. All the most modern weapons, which were in service with the American army, were in the possession of the Czechs, and the Czechoslovak army itself was under American command. Therefore, the Czechoslovak army should never be viewed in isolation - it was a Czechoslovak foreign legion as part of the American army.


And what is interesting is that neither Soviet historiography, nor the present "democratic" one, does not mention a single word about the Czech army in Siberia! They released a recently "combed" film about the patriot hero Kolchak and everyone washed up. Can you explain the ignorance of the atrocities of the Czechoslovak army in Siberia somehow rational? The 100 thousandth foreign army has been bandaging in the country for 4 years and historians do not see it! After all, this is not less than the Hitler occupation in time! And Ballard calls the Czechoslovak army "the most effective force in Siberia", with the most modern weapons from England and the United States!

Arthur Ballard was one of many thousands upon thousands of American and British spies and saboteurs who were sent to Russia at the beginning of the century in order to prepare the result that the United States and the British Empire received at the Versailles Conference of 1919 at the end of the World War and two disastrous states coups in Russia and Germany. The only difference between them was that the Bolshevik-type coup in Germany stopped, so to speak, at the stage of "German Kerensky" and did not reach the Bolshevik ultra-radical genocidal stage.


Here you need to understand the psychology of Americans. They will protest if you call them spies and saboteurs, even if he has the "crust" of a CIA agent. Americans are brought up firmly in the belief that the United States is the beacon of the world; and it is the sacred duty and duty of Americans to drag the whole of humanity to happiness with an iron hand and to punish those who do not want "their own happiness" in the understanding of the Americans.

Therefore, any American is de facto an agent and saboteur. Even if he is just a trader or engineer in another country. For example, when real US secret agents return from a foreign country and write reports to the CIA, then many of their reports are drawn up as a separate book. Because everyone understands that a person wants to earn extra money. Why not? You just need to remove from the report the technical details related specifically to secret activities, and, please, publish it! The classic spy and saboteur writer was Bruce Lockhart, a British agent in Russia, with his book The British Agent.

In the United States over the past 100 years, hundreds of thousands of such literary reports of secret agents have been circulating, formalized as literary and scientific works. The United States is the only remaining Empire, which means a country of global espionage. The United States supplies both spies and saboteurs to the world market, hundreds of thousands, these are the most streamlined American products - spies and saboteurs. And all Americans are spies, freelance "patriots" of their "homeland."


Ballard begins the section on Siberia with the 18th chapter on the Siberian Railway! Quote:

“Tsar Nicholas II made Siberia a part of Russia. Before that, Siberia belonged to Russia only formally. For example, after the annexation of Alaska to the United States, the Americans did not touch it at all for 100 years. Alaska stood, and hands did not reach. The development of Alaska became possible only after the Second World War with the beginning of the era of airplanes and helicopters. (It looks like he didn't read Jack London).

The English-speaking countries, and with their submission, the whole world, have always considered Russia only up to the Urals, and then there was "Tartaria" - untapped virgin lands. The beginning of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway in the 1890s and the threat of the development of Siberia by the Russians themselves became the real reason for the Japanese-Russian War; with Japan, supported by the US and Britain.


Now, if the Transsib stops now, it will be the cause of the death of many thousands of people from hunger and cold, because food is transported by rail. The Transsib is the target of any military operations in Siberia.

Whoever owns Transsib owns Siberia. The blockade of the Trans-Siberian Railway by the Czechs in August-September 1918 immediately paralyzed all of Siberia. Cities along the Transsib were packed with refugees. In the city of Omsk before the revolution there were 200 thousand inhabitants, and in 1918 this number tripled to 600 thousand with the same housing stock. Here is Ballard's quote about the state of affairs in Siberia, in his opinion. By the way, during the Pugachev events, Catherine II blocked all tracts, paths and roads from Siberia, thereby disrupting trade, and then destroyed the state of Tartaria.

Also remember the US Ambassador to Russia, who was appointed banker and grain merchant David Francis and the subsequent famine, so where do the threads go? The Holodomor in Siberia and the blockade of the Transsib was achieved by the American interventionists with the help of the mercenary Czechoslovak army in order to suppress all resistance in Siberia and the breakaway of Siberia from Russia.


To begin with, according to this scenario, the Far East was torn off. In 1920, under the auspices of the United States, the Far Eastern Republic was formed - the Far Eastern Republic with the capital on Lake Baikal in Verkhneudinsk and with the President of the Far Eastern Republic, an American citizen - a Russian Jew, a former emigrant to the United States Abram Moiseevich Krasnoshchek, who had a passport of an American citizen Stroller Tobinson. The Americans liquidated the FER only after they were convinced that power in Siberia and the Far East, after the completion of joint punitive operations with Trotsky in Siberia, was transferred to him, an American citizen, like Krasnoshchek, who came from New York, Leiba Bronstein-Trotsky, who at that time he was an unrestricted dictator of the Council of Deputies in the position of the Pre-Revolutionary Council. But they miscalculated, Siberia, under the banner of the Bolsheviks and under the rule of Stalin, left the American dream forever.


Today, the FER officially sounds like this: “The Far Eastern Republic (FER) (April 6, 1920 - November 15, 1922) is an independent and democratic state entity with a capitalist economy, proclaimed on the territory of Transbaikalia and the Russian Far East. Was a "buffer" state between Soviet Russia and Japan."

FER Constitution (cover, 1921):


According to this principle, with the arrival of the Entente, Russia began to be torn to pieces, so it was formed:

- Kuban People's Republic. State formation on the territory of the former Kuban region and the Kuban Cossack army, created after the collapse of the Russian Empire and existed in 1918-1920.

Capital: Krasnodar

- The Great Don Host. The Cossack national state, proclaimed by the Don Salvation Circle on May 18, 1918 on the territory of the Cossack Region of the Don Cossack after the liquidation of the Don Soviet Republic as a result of the Cossack detachments establishing control over Novocherkassk on May 10, 1918. Was the heir of an independent Cossack state, annexed to the Russian Empire in 1721. was approved by the decision of the Big Don Circle on September 15 of the same year. Ataman P. N. Krasnov suggested this name for the revived Don republic, guided by the title adopted in the tsarist messages to the independent Don in the 17th century: “to the Atamans and Cossacks and to the entire Great Don Army”. Fell under the blows of the Red Army in early 1920. Capital: Novocherkassk.

- The Siberian Republic is a self-proclaimed state entity that operated from June to November 1918 on the territory of the Russian Republic, engulfed in the Civil War, from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean, including the Chinese Eastern Railway and Harbin. In the first week of its existence, the state was recognized by the United States of America, and most European states. According to the vote of the provisional government, Tyumen was declared the capital of the newly formed republic.

- Gorskaya, Belorusskaya and others were also formed.

The Americans do not change their plans, what they have outlined will be achieved by any means and means, and if today Siberia, God forbid, is occupied by the United States, then the Siberians will face the fate of the Indians, but in a tougher and perverted form and frosts will help them. An illustrative example of this is the events of the dashing 90s, where American advisers, being in the Kremlin, directed all processes in Russia, from the drafting of the constitution to privatization and the complete destruction of the country's economy. Now they regret their "soft" coup d'etat, now if they repeat, they will recoup in full, it will not cost a little, they have learned the lesson. Under them, the Siberian Republic was formed in 1993. The Caucasus, as a trigger, with its terrorist and military actions, was to play the role of the disintegration of Russia into separate parts, principality. But for the Americans,like the devil out of the snuff box, Putin appeared, who prevented all this orgy, though it was worth the incredible work and effort.


The last invaders - the Japanese left Vladivostok only in November 1923. Under the influence of defeats and pressure within the United States, in the summer of 1919, the withdrawal of American interventionist troops from the North of Russia began. By April 1920, American troops were also withdrawn from the Far East. Veterans of the intervention in the north erected a monument in honor of 110 killed in battle and 70 who died from disease in Russia. The monument is made of white marble and depicts a huge polar bear.

By the time the Americans left Russia, our country suffered huge human losses, and it suffered colossal material losses as a result of the intervention and the Civil War. There is no doubt that responsibility for the atrocities and robberies of the interventionists, the ruin of the country and the death of millions of people in 1918-1920. are also carried by the American invaders. Considerable damage was caused to the country as a result of the fact that Russia lost the grain market, which the States captured after the First World War. Francis and his friends in the grain business could triumph.


Today, neither the British nor the Americans like to remember these events. No one has apologized for that intervention to this day (what were you waiting for?). When US President Dwight Eisanhower, at a meeting with Nikita Khrushchev, said that Russia and America had never fought with each other, he was somewhat misguided. The last veteran interventionist of those events died on March 11, 2003. There are still hushed up events of the recent past, this is the October 1950 bombing of the US Air Force, 5 air bases in Vladivostok, then 103 Soviet aircraft were destroyed. Well, the shame of the 20s did not give them rest, where they got out of our territory, and after that they clashed with us in the Vietnam War.

The most notable clash between Russians and Americans in the Far East was the battle near the village of Romanovka, on June 25, 1919, near Vladivostok, where the Bolshevik units under the command of Yakov Tryapitsyn attacked the Americans and inflicted 24 casualties on them. Yakov Tryapitsyn - an extraordinary personality, from a detachment of 19 partisans, brought the strength to five regiments and gave the Japanese and White Guards a “light”. Recently, they have been making a hero out of him, which is understandable, but judge for yourself …

As has happened more than once, our peoples were divided into red and white, and pitted against each other. Under the "red and white terror" was understood not only a fratricidal war, but also a war with the civilian population. On the example of one city, you can imagine all the horror created by the “red terror”.

In 1920, the beautiful and one of the oldest cities in the Far East, Nikolaevsk, disappeared, and almost the entire archive on Sakhalin died there. This bloody event would have remained unnoticed, like many other crimes, but thanks to the Japanese who raised a fuss and the foreign press, we can now learn how, using the example of Nikolaevsk on the Amur, people, villages and cities were destroyed, how they mocked hostages, officers, Cossacks and their families and so it was all over Russia.

Below you can see the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur before the devastation and after, when the red commissars came to establish Soviet power.


In Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, in the second port city of the Far East, in February 1920, the situation developed differently than in Vladivostok - there were no routes to it before the ice melted, and only one Japanese battalion was stationed in it with a Russian garrison of 300 people …

On February 29, the first representatives of the Soviet power that came to the Far East in the amount of 4000 Red Army soldiers, the population of Nikolaevsk arranged a solemn meeting … Then everything was as usual: the establishment of "social justice" coupled with "terror against the bourgeoisie and its agents" - in an extremely frank version, of course … Robberies - without formalities, rape - under the decree on "socialization", the elimination of "reptiles and parasites" - without hiding. They killed by families, in the most artistic versions, delighting the eyes. Finally, the skulls were broken with the butts of axes, infants and young children were torn in half. And, as usual, all this was done under the brand of a high mission, almost solemnly. How! - "the legitimate revenge of the oppressed", "the noble courage of the proletarians, breaking out of the shackles", entry into the "light kingdom of socialism." No wonder Soviet historians,describing the days of the establishment of "the power of workers and peasants" in the initial path, they always carefully concealed the details of the reprisals, vehemently disowning the numerous files of the Denikin commission with reports of the discovered "corpses with severed hands, broken bones, decapitated bodies, crushed jaws, severed genitals organs ".

The Japanese were shocked. And since they lived together with the Russians and they naturally sought protection from them, the situation was very difficult. And then the commander of the Japanese battalion, Major Ishikawa, decided to stand up for the tortured residents of Nikolaevsk. Lacking sufficient strength, he took a mortal risk - in the hope that the bandits would not dare to pounce on the detachment behind which the entire Japanese army stands. The battle began on March 12. Major Ishikawa underestimated the insolence of the enemy. The Bolshevik gang was formed on the basis of a detachment of hunghuz and former convicts - professionals. They were specially recruited and trained to carry out terror among the civilian population and eradicate the Cossacks. Such gangs made "cleansing" of territories throughout Siberia and the Far East, which facilitated the advance of the Red Army.

Forced to die, the Japanese fought back for three days. The result was sad, among the dead were Major Ishikawa and even the local consul with children and servants, who, by the way, like many other Japanese, were tortured by the Bolsheviks. All of Japan grieved for its murdered fellow citizens, special meetings were held in parliament, the government protested at the international level and obtained an expression of regret from the Council of Deputies. The killed Russians, and there are much more of them - no one remembered. Moscow, headed by Chief Commissar Trotsky, approved the actions of Comrade. Tryapitsyn, the leader of the gang that seized Nikolaevsk, and the local authorities, represented by the commander-in-chief of the NRA G. Eikhe, appointed him by order of April 22 "the commander of the Okhotsk front." We are left with photographs from the Japanese and the foreign press and their public response to the "Red Terror" policy.


Where can we find here the ancient monuments, which are so rich in Western Europe. If, under Catherine II, the history of Siberia was rewritten, where after the “Pugachev events” only embankments and earthen ramparts in the form of former stars-fortresses and the deathly silence of those events remained from the cities and villages, then criminal facts cannot be hidden here. In October, the last White stronghold, Spassk, was taken, and on October 25, 1922, revolutionary troops occupied Vladivostok.

Defeated the atamans, Dispersed the governor

And in the Pacific

We finished our hike.

This is how the popular song of the partisans is sung about this final stage in the struggle of the Far East for Soviet power. For the complete destruction of the entire clan of the Cossacks, the revolutionary commissars, right and left, began to give out generous promises, and in fact carry out the policy of "divide and rule". The lumpenized stratum, raised to the level of dictators, was allowed to "plunder the loot", and the landless were given Cossack land for a while. The nomadic peoples were promised sovereignty and began to create artificial state formations, arbitrarily, without taking into account the ethnic factor, drawing borders. First of all, it was the historical lands of the Cossack troops, which were given to the Kirghiz-Kaisaks, to be redistributed. At the same time, the elimination of the Cossacks was of no small importance. So, by decree of July 10, 1919, in the territories of the Ural, Orenburg,The Siberian and Semirechye Cossack troops were formed by the Kyrgyz Autonomous, Soviet Socialist Republic within Russia (RSFSR), with the capital in Orenburg. It included the following areas, within the administrative boundaries:

- Semipalatinskaya, as part of the Semipalatinsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Zaysan and Karkaralinsk districts;

- Akmola - Atbasarsky, Kokchetavsky, Petropavlovsky and part of Omsk districts;

- Turgayskaya - Kustanaysky, Aktobe, Irgiz, Turgaysky districts;

- Ural - Uralsky, Lbischensky, Temirsky, Guryevsky districts;

- Transcaspian - Mangyshlak district, 4th and 5th Adayev volosts;

- Astrakhan province - Sinemorskaya volost, Bukeevskaya horde, territories of former quitrent lands adjacent to the 1st and 3rd Primorsky districts. Safonovskaya, Ganyushinskaya and Nikolaevskaya volosts.

By a decree of August 26, 1920 (the official date of the formation of the Kazakh statehood), the Orenburg province was completely included in the Kyrgyz ASSR (the concept of "Kazakhs" at that time did not exist in its current form). And until 1925 the government of the Kyrgyz (future Kazakh) autonomy was located in Orenburg - the administrative center of the Cossack army.

Kyrgyz ASSR with its capital in Orenburg:


To lose the meaning of the word Cossack, the Kyrgyz ASSR was renamed to Kazakstan, and after a decree of April 19, 1925, the Kyrgyz ASSR was renamed the Kazakh ASSR. Somewhat earlier, on February 9, 1925, by decree of the Central Executive Committee of the Kyrgyz ASSR, it was decided to transfer the capital of the republic from Orenburg to Ak-Mechet, formerly Perovsk, renaming it Kyzyl-Orda, since one of the decrees of 1925 returned a part of the Orenburg region to Russia. So the original Cossack lands, along with the population, were transferred to the nomadic peoples and after the well-known events of the 90s, they ended up on foreign territory. Now, for today's Kazakhstan, world Zionism demands payment in the form of anti-Russian policy and loyalty to the West for the "service" rendered.


The Cossacks who remained on the territory of Kazakhstan, the Soviet government methodically, for years, destroyed their memory of their great past, and this primarily concerned the Semirechye Cossacks. The original names of villages, towns and cities have been erased from the geographical maps, because Semireki are real Siberian Cossacks immigrants who could declare their rights to their historical homeland - Siberia. In 1968, the last Cossack settlement, which bore the official name "stanitsa" - Issyk, disappeared from the map of Semirechye, which became the city of Issyk. After the Belovezhsky agreement of 1991, outside of Russia, part of the Ural (Yaitskoye), Orenburg, Siberian and completely Semirechenskoye Cossack troops remained in Kazakhstan. Now all new history textbooks published in the Provisional Abroad,the period of the development of Kazakhstan and Central Asia is presented as long years of humiliation, fear and hardship under the despotic yoke of Russia.

History repeats itself, after the civil wars of the times of Pugachev and Razin, some of the Astrakhan, Volga, Yaitsk and Siberian Cossacks ended up in China and after being processed by the Jesuits, they began to be called Manzhurs, and then assimilated. The same thing happens with the Cossacks who find themselves on the territory of Kazakhstan. The Kazakhs are the former Kaisak-Kyrgyz, who were once protected by Russia and allowed to settle in the Cossack steppes, just as the former Dzungars were saved from destruction by the Chinese and settled in new lands, where they are now called Kalmyks.


Today, everything that was done by the Soviet Union good in the former Soviet republics is hushed up, as well as the scale of the tragedy of the Siberian, Primorsky and all peoples of Russia during the civil war. The tragedy of the Cossacks of Russia and Siberia was that they could not see the trap that world Zionism had prepared for them. In Russia, most of the Cossacks joined the Reds, and in Siberia, the Whites. They could not discern the enemy, because the new government, from ordinary Russian peasants to the nobility and military classes, killed and starved them. The Tsar was killed, the monarchy was deposed, and now, against this background, any government is calling for its own truth and vengeance. In this controlled chaos, infected with false ideas, under different slogans, divided by class and into two warring camps - red and white, that the Cossacks, that the rest of the people, taking up arms,begin to frenziedly destroy each other.


The result of this fratricidal war is terrible, millions were killed, and overseas conductors received colossal profits. Imagine, in the entire history of Russia, how many priceless treasures and knowledge have been accumulated and all this went abroad. In pursuit of super-profits and the establishment of world domination, they unleashed the Second World War and are now preparing for the Third. The main component of the force - the Cossacks of Russia, which for many centuries were a reinforced concrete barrier to their insidious plans, no longer exist and political events in the world began to change rapidly.


The United States has developed a reliable political instrument for itself - controlled chaos. They deliberately plunge different countries of the world into chaos, contributing to the emergence in them of such phenomena as civil war, ethnic tensions, economic turmoil, food problems, corruption, etc. The way these processes are initiated with the participation of special services, diplomacy and the US armed forces, Americans retain a certain amount of control over what is happening and can get some benefit from what is happening. Thanks to this, the United States itself can pump out human, financial and raw materials from other countries, thereby raising its own standard of living and lowering that of someone else's. One of the directions of introducing controlled chaos is the organization of color revolutions by Americans. After coming to power in the Soviet Union M. S. Gorbachev and the beginning of the "detente" policy pursued by him, for a long time no one seriously interfered with the United States from organizing coups and bombing rebellious countries, even if the interests of world powers such as Russia and China were directly affected. Resistance was at best limited to regrets and condemnations of US violence. This continued until 2011, when Russia and China vetoed the draft resolution against Syria in the UN Security Council. In this regard, among the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, and then in wider circles, the idea of Russia as a catechon, the last hope of mankind, arose and began to gain adherents, preventing the world from completely plunging into chaos. Russia has acquired the image of a defender of weak countries abroad, and not only in countries friendly to Russia - Syria, China or Serbia - but also in such unexpected places as in Haiti.where protesters come out with portraits of Putin asking to help them get rid of the country's American-backed leaders.

On August 9, 2015, in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin published an article in which he talks about Russian relations with the United States in plain text and calls some things by their proper names.

Naryshkin states approximately the following:

1. Our Western partners have more than once arranged various provocations: from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the beginning of World War I to the invasion of South Ossetia.

2. Last year's provocation with Boeing has clearly failed.

3. Washington needs instability on the planet, and he diligently organizes it in different places.

4. The dollar has huge problems: if the States doesn't rob someone soon, America will grunt.

5. The stakes are so high that the Americans are ready to sacrifice Europe without hesitation.

6. The United States is a very belligerent power, you can expect it to start a new war.

7. Washington is preparing something, and Russia knows about it.

Here is the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, 2015:

“In the modern world, relations should be based on dialogue and consideration of mutual interests. I think if the same principles were perceived by Western partners, there would be no confrontation with NATO's advance towards the Russian borders, there would be no Ukrainian crisis … Today, the sphere of foreign policy interests is associated with the struggle of ideas, which consists in choosing or imposing it in the development model and values. The era of domination of the historical West is coming to an end, this has lasted for hundreds of years. Now this era is entering into objective conflict with the fact that new centers are emerging in the Asia-Pacific region. Attempts to preserve dominance artificially through sanctions and even by armed means add chaos, turning entire countries into regions where the threat of terrorism is growing."

So, controlled chaos is a political theory and practice, following which the United States is trying to establish world domination in order to support its own hegemony, but for this Russia, as the only restraining force, must disappear.

The United States understands that the most loyal allies can betray, and the most obedient vassals can rebel, and, as history has shown, blocs, alliances, alliances based on military, economic and political dependence are unstable and short-lived. Therefore, it is obvious for the United States that, having undivided rule in Eurasia today, tomorrow the number one world power may be out of work on the Eurasian continent. It can be squeezed out by newly formed blocs and alliances.

In order to eliminate the threat to American control over Eurasia, to increase its influence on general Eurasian politics, America needs to directly gain a foothold in Eurasia, acquire a "supporting territory on the continent." Such territory for the USA is Siberia with its resources.


For American analysts, the question of whether Siberia will remain Russian at all is no longer a question. American strategists see today the main geopolitical alternative: Russia cedes Siberia to the United States, and America gets "strongholds" on the continent, and with them absolute dominance in Eurasia. Therefore, America's peaceful invasion of Siberia and the creation of a "new world order" as a result are realities of the very near future. But in the opinion of the Americans, if Russia resists, then Siberia will be given to China and afterwards they will observe from the side how the Chinese and Russians reduce the number of their population in a bloody meat grinder.

Siberians will immediately feel the scenario of a "peaceful invasion": mines and factories will be closed everywhere in Siberia, state and collective farms will be dismantled, unprecedented devastation, in general, will return to the original year - 1917. And at an incredibly fast pace will begin the construction of a highway comparable in scale to the Trans-Siberian Railway, the construction of a railway tunnel between Alaska and Siberia under the Bering Strait, etc. So the Americans have already blazed the "path" to Siberia a hundred years ago and are moving on, but that started back in the times of Ivan the Terrible, since the development of America was delayed, the war with the Confederates and the Cossacks still had a strong edge.

Today, America is undoubtedly afraid of being "late" for the implementation of its plans, and this allows us to predict the possibility of a new geopolitical deal, after the change of "Putin's regime" through controlled chaos, disastrous for Russia. So, the battle for Siberia is not over yet.