Telepathy: From Theory To Scientific Evidence - Alternative View

Telepathy: From Theory To Scientific Evidence - Alternative View
Telepathy: From Theory To Scientific Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Telepathy: From Theory To Scientific Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Telepathy: From Theory To Scientific Evidence - Alternative View
Video: Telepathy Is Real 2024, September

Telepathy is one of the greatest mysteries of the human psyche. It would be easier to take it for a fairy tale, but there is so much evidence of the transmission and reception of thoughts from one person to another, so much that coincidences are simply ruled out. Nowadays, scientists have confirmed the possibility of telepathy, but the mechanism of this phenomenon is still a mystery. In fact, we can only hypothesize and state

assumptions, since not much is known about the human mind. Perhaps in the future, reading washing will cease to be a secret. But will there be by that time people endowed with an unusual gift? Most likely not: many researchers adhere to the version that telepathy is a kind of atavism harmful to society. So, it is doomed to disappear.

Remember: it was with you that you somehow perceived rather complex thoughts of another person, in no way connected with a specific situation? Did you understand what your interlocutor will talk about even before he opens his mouth? Have you ever heard in your address: "You directly read my thoughts!"? In that case, congratulations. You have telepathic powers and at times

use them completely intuitively in everyday life. But more often than not, you, like any sane homo sapiens, simply do not attach importance to such glimpses of your gift. But in vain …

Telepathy is an amazing manifestation of the work of the subconscious, the most common parapsychological phenomenon. When “reading thoughts”, intuition works in the human mind, and the logical principle prefers to “keep quiet”. Interestingly, such "communication" is equally effective both during waking and during sleep. It is noticed that most often an unusual connection occurs between a mother and a child or loving people.

Once the English philosopher and mathematician E. N. Whitehead said that the main components of reality are events and that everything in the Universe is connected to each other. From here, the researchers of the phenomenon of telepathy have deduced the theory that the most primitive form of manifestation of a unique susceptibility to other people's thoughts is "a sense of awareness of what is happening at a distance in all living organisms."

American physicist B. Hoffmann suggested that telepathy and gravity have similar mechanisms of action. However, no one has yet succeeded in explaining the phenomenon of mind reading. To a large extent, we owe this to the impossibility of staging a strictly scientific experiment that would prove the existence of interbrain communication. The difficulty lies, in particular, in the following. If telepathy is based on the ability of one brain to find essential information in another, and all people have a similar brain structure, then thought transmission

at a distance should be carried out in the same way for all. But it was not there! For some reason, different telepaths use completely different methods to establish contact. And the information itself can be obtained either at the language level, or at the level of symbols, images, or deep bodily sensations. A person demonstrating amazing capabilities can come into contact with the consciousness of both a loved one and a stranger. In addition, in some cases, thoughts are transmitted over short distances, and in others, the factor of remoteness of the person “receiver” does not matter at all. So it turns out that telepathy is a very simple "puzzle" for the human brain? After all, it is known that the more difficult the task, the fewer ways to solve it …

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But in this case, why are not all people able to establish mental contact with each other? There is no need to talk about a special intellectual level, about talent. Indeed, regardless of the mental data of a person, his telepathic abilities are most often undeveloped. Apparently, the difference between a telepath and ordinary people is due to the structure of the brain. Academicians psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev and biophysicist P. P. Lazarev admitted that “under special conditions, still unknown to science, the electrical energy of one brain can affect the brain of another person at a distance and cause“resonant”bioelectric phenomena in the“receiver” - “appropriate thoughts, ideas”. Psychotherapist and hypnologist K. I. Platonov, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, famous physiologist L. L. Vasiliev, academician I. E. Tamm,psychologist and philosopher A. G. Spirkin.

Regular research into unusual manifestations in the field of the psyche, including "mind reading", began as early as 1882, when the Society for Psychical Research was founded in London under the leadership of Professor Barrat. Among the only ones who passed the test, three people aroused particular interest. So, a young resident of the capital could easily describe the drawing shown behind her or

she called the written word if the “transmitter” face standing behind her was mentally imagining it. A young Peruvian woman, who did not know English, put together words she didn’t know from letters she didn’t know. True, for this, the scientist had to keep his hand on the woman's shoulder. And the petty clerk Irwin Bishop, "reading" information from the thoughts of the participants in the experiment, found certain things in the room. When asked how he does it, Bishop replied, "I just see where to go and what to take."

So, the British experts came to the conclusion about the existence of "mental vision". But the first really serious attempt to study it was made only in the 30s of the XX century. American scientists JB Ryne and his wife Louise have come to grips with the study of such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance and providence. They also first used the term "extrasensory perception" to describe them.

Since that time, interest in the problem of "mind reading" has not subsided. So, in 1969 at the University of California, an international symposium was held on the topic "The Modern View of Supersensible Perception." It presented a report on the success of an international experiment on telepathic transmission between the cities of Los Angeles-New York (USA) -Sussex (UK). And in 1971, the results of four telepathic sessions between the Apollo 14 spacecraft and the Earth became known: of the 200 images of the "Zener maps" transmitted by astronaut Mitchell to Earth, 51 coincided. The probability of an accident in this situation was negligible and amounted to 0, 0003%. By that time, numerous experiments on "mind reading" had already been performed around the world in situations where other communication channels were unavailable or undesirable. They gave an unexpected result: it turned out that spontaneous telepathy is a very common phenomenon. Most often, it manifests itself in close people. 10-15% of the subjects could thus receive information steadily even at a considerable distance. And 70% of the participants in the experiments did this half the time. At the same time, another interesting fact was established: only a few succeed in transmitting something to other people, and even then very rarely. By the way, at present in Russia a number of scientists continue to study this phenomenon, among them - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Human Brain Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Svyatoslav Medvedev. He often recalls how his mother, never interested in the condition of her son's car, suddenly demanded to change the "bald" tires. Medvedev was surprised, but heeded the advice. Two targets later, when the car skidded on a slippery road, it saved his life …

How does the “receiver” catch other people's thoughts? Academician Yu. B. Kobzarev put forward the assumption that the appearance of thought gives rise to special ultra-light particles - psychons. This process is accompanied by the release of energy, which charges energy clots. The latter are called solitons by biophysicists, while parapsychologists call them thought-forms (thought-images). Research by Professor A. V.

Chernetsky show that solitons are electromagnetic in nature and can be emitted into the surrounding space through the eyes and through the energy centers - chakras. With spontaneous telepathy, the thought forms of one person, once in the surrounding space, spontaneously come into contact with the brain of other people. The subconscious mind of those around them literally sees solitons; but because of the insignificant energy charge of thought forms, the consciousness does not notice them in the "information noise". But in close people, the brain over time begins to emit thought forms of each other. According to the same principle, ordinary people, working in a stable, long-existing team, and super-receptive psychics "read" other people's thoughts. True, telepathic contact does not arise "on demand": this requires specific conditions. Sure,they can be created artificially - through meditation and similar techniques. But ordinary stress, fatigue, can also bring consciousness into an altered state that differs from normal.

alcohol consumption. Researchers also highlight the phenomenon of "crisis telepathy" - it turns on when troubles or, conversely, happy events occur with friends or relatives who are far away.

Interestingly, "extrasensory perception" is especially common among the so-called primitive peoples, whose representatives are still active in the more ancient part of the brain. Apparently, it is she who makes it possible to know about what is happening at a distance. So it turns out: a part of humanity calmly uses the amazing ability of the brain, but at the same time does not have the slightest idea of how this is actually done. And the other part falls into a stupor when meeting with real cases of reading minds and tries hard to unravel the essence of this process. True, unsuccessfully.

Explicit telepathic abilities are demonstrated, for example, by the Bushmen living in the Kalahari near the Bechuanaland border. The "sixth sense" of Aboriginal people allows them to easily find direction in unfamiliar areas and know about the actions of loved ones. But the greatest impression on the researchers was made by the work of "Radio Kalahari". This is the name given to the pillars of smoke that the Bushmen transmit

distance messages. The paradox is that such signals do not have any coding system. Just when looking at the smoke, some members of the tribe understand what is at stake … Neither experts nor the Bushmen themselves can explain how they perceive such "messages". For the latter, it is quite enough that the necessary information "comes" to them. And how and why is no longer important. One of the Australian aborigines explained the unusual "informativeness" of the smoke in this way: “I make the smoke so that another person knows what I think. And he also thinks, and in this way he thinks my thoughts. " Most likely, the smoke plays the role of a "contact" signal and does not carry information by itself. Therefore, not everyone can “read” the “programs”, but only those peoplewho, with a close look at the smoke, are able to introduce their consciousness into the framework necessary for accepting the message. Radio Kalahari sometimes "broadcasts" very complex and detailed messages that reach much faster than if they were transmitted using conditioned signals. For example, during the Zulu War, news of the victory of Chief Ketchyo over Colonel Dernford at Isandlwana in Natal spread instantly. None of the types of communication that existed more than 100 years ago could provide even half the speed of message arrival. And some researchers argue that Bushmen can sometimes communicate over long distances without smoke at all. For example, during the Zulu War, news of the victory of Chief Ketchyo over Colonel Dernford at Isandlwana in Natal spread instantly. None of the types of communication that existed more than 100 years ago could provide even half the speed of message arrival. And some researchers argue that Bushmen can sometimes communicate over long distances without smoke at all. For example, during the Zulu War, news of the victory of Chief Ketchyo over Colonel Dernford at Isandlwana in Natal spread instantly. None of the types of communication that existed more than 100 years ago could provide even half the speed of message arrival. And some researchers argue that Bushmen can sometimes communicate over long distances without smoke at all.

Several cases are worth mentioning in this regard. On the evening of September 9, 1914, at Zomba, where there was a training camp for recruits, the native women in the barracks of the Royal African Riflemen suddenly began to lament. They said they mourned their dead husbands and several white officers who had just been killed in action. Official confirmation of the women’s righteousness came the next day: a telegram from the commander of the troops in Karong reported two clashes with the Germans and contained a list of the dead and wounded.

During World War II, a troop transport Mehndi sank in the English Channel. Together with the vessel, hundreds of black South Africans went to the bottom, traveling to France to work at military installations. The tragedy was kept secret for a long time. The first statement in parliament was made only after a complete list of the dead was compiled. But it turned out that by this time many Bantu women had already mourned their drowned husbands and sons …

Judge Frank Brownlee, a member of a prominent missionary family from Kingwilliamstown in the Cape, has made quite a few reports of the Bushmen's telepathy. For example, a local diviner several times helped to solve thefts, calling the name of the thief and indicating where the stolen was. Similar cases were also recorded by the staff psychiatrist at Cape Town Hospital, Dr. Laubscher.

There are also cases of reading thoughts at a distance, devoid of tragic coloring. For example, in 1912 a gallant major shot a lion in Port Herald in Nyasaland. And the next day, having met a friend who had arrived by train from Blantyre, I heard from him words of congratulations on the well-aimed shot and the size of the killed predator. The major was dumbfounded, but a friend explained that the news had been given to him early in the morning by an African servant at home … When asked how he learned about the hunt, the native just shrugged his shoulders: "I just know, bwana."

The outstanding railway builder H. F. Varian faced a tragicomic case of telepathy. After the end of his contract in Rhodesia, he took a leave of absence and returned to England. After considering job offers in Argentina, Peru, Sudan and Angola, he decided that the latter was the most attractive. Naturally, in Rhodesia, no one had any idea where the engineer would go in the future. Several months passed after Varian arrived in Angola, before he and a group of construction workers camped on the Kubal River, far inland. There the engineer was approached by two skinny, ragged, but very joyful Africans - the engineer's Rhodesian servant and his kitchen worker. It turned out that this couple just … missed their kind owner, decided to find him and to achieve their goal walked half of Africa on foot!Loyal servants set out from the lower Zambezi as Varian accepted the government's offer

Angola. They endured hardships and starvation, but never for a second doubted that they would find their former master. The Africans could not explain why it was necessary to go specifically to Angola, to the Kubal River. The servant just shrugged his shoulders: "My heart told me …"

Representatives of European nations do not often have spontaneous mind reading. This usually happens in acute crisis situations. For example, a young American woman saw in a dream a huge sinking ship and people who were fleeing in boats. Many unfortunate people floundered in the icy water. One of the women reached the saving vessel, turned her head and the sleeping woman recognized her … her mother! It turned out that she really decided to surprise her daughter and come to visit without warning. To make the trip pleasant and fast, the woman took a ticket to the Titanic … Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. Interestingly, the strange dream was true in the smallest detail. One got the impression that the sleeping woman really "saw" the tragedy unfolding at night. The surviving passenger of the ill-fated liner, by the way, admitted: once in the water,she thought only of her daughter. Perhaps the “addressee” caught the painful thought of a loved one, who was on the verge of death, and for some reason got the opportunity to observe what was happening with his eyes.

Why is the ability to read minds manifested so rarely? Physiologist, academician Natalya Bekhtereva argued that it is simply unprofitable for society! And therefore evolutionarily it is under a ban: "If all people know about each other's thoughts, then no society will be able to exist, because any society is, in a certain sense, hiding some information." So, using the instinct of self-preservation, people "close" from telepathy, subconsciously blocking the manifestation of a unique natural gift in themselves. “The phenomenon of telepathy may have existed in antiquity, but today it has mostly faded away,” wrote NP Bekhtereva. Many experts of the world adhere to the same idea.

V. Syadro, T. Iovleva, O. Ochkurova "100 famous mysteries of nature"