What Are Aliens: Classification - Alternative View

What Are Aliens: Classification - Alternative View
What Are Aliens: Classification - Alternative View

Video: What Are Aliens: Classification - Alternative View

Video: What Are Aliens: Classification - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

There are many regions on our planet in which there are some kind of windows, channels through which alien beings penetrate the Earth. Such areas are available in Brazil, Germany, the United States of America, Australia, Great Britain, France, Japan.

One of the places especially rich in all sorts of abnormal incidents is the American state of New Mexico. There are also routes along the guides of which alien ships arrive on Earth. It is their presence that scientists explain the concentration of UFOs in certain places. And people do not see most of the phenomena associated with aliens, only because such preferred routes are far from settlements, and flights and landing of aliens occur mainly at night.

Scientists say that although people believe that all aliens are the same, in reality they are divided into species. We present to your attention a list of the types of aliens known to ufologists today.

The first type of alien is insectoids. They resemble insects. This type is quite rare, but characteristic. Representatives of its long thin limbs, instead of hands - pincers, huge eyes. If these humanoids exist in reality (and this is how the majority of eyewitnesses describe the aliens), then it is they who could most easily endure the accelerations that occur during long interstellar and interplanetary flights. Indeed, K. Tsiolkovsky, who himself was engaged in experiments with cockroaches, spoke about the ability of insects to better endure large gravitational overloads in comparison with highly organized animals, in particular mammals.

In addition to the launch and deceleration of the spacecraft, according to ufologists, overloads can also occur when performing complex and sometimes unthinkable pirouettes, when the "flying saucer", without decreasing its speed, instantly changes the direction of flight by 90 degrees. Such abrupt maneuvers, experts are sure, can only be tolerated by insectoids.

Another type of alien is three-toed giants. They usually land in Germany, in the lands of Lower Saxony. The growth of this type of alien reaches 2-2.5 meters. The head is huge in relation to the body. On the head, eyes are clearly visible, which more resemble the headlights of a truck, but the nose and ears are practically invisible. The skin of these aliens is a light blue hue. The limbs of giants make a special impression: the hands are almost twice the size of the head. There are only three fingers on the hand. Ufologists say that representatives of this type of aliens are males.

According to eyewitnesses, such giants are usually accompanied by creatures of small stature. This is the third type of aliens called space midgets. Their growth reaches about 90 centimeters - one meter. The lower limbs of these creatures are short, ending in a hoof, which, however, does not prevent them from moving quickly enough. Representatives of this race are also three-toed. The upper limbs are very thin and long and hang down to the ground. The eyes are black, almond-shaped, large. The mouth, nose and ears are clearly visible. If you look closely at them, you get the impression that these aliens are wearing a protective mask on their faces. They are dressed in silvery suits and are distinguished by their peaceful character. In this case, it is not necessary to talk about people in disguise, since people with similar anatomical features simply do not exist. And hardly anyone needs such a masquerade.

Some aliens are classified by experts as reptoids. Their distinctive feature is scaly skin, similar to snake or crocodile. The eyes glow with green and yellow light. There are claws on the limbs, and the whole body is in folds. Aliens of this type are very cruel, they commit violence against people. According to some eyewitnesses, the Reptoids can well be associated with hellish forces, since the mention of God causes a sharply negative reaction in them. All this served as the basis for experts to assert that it was the Reptoids who were the prototype of the devil in the New Testament.

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There are also gray humanoids. They are not very tall (it reaches only 90-120 centimeters). This type has gray skin, a thin torso, poorly developed limbs and a large bald head. In the classic version, such aliens have thin fingers, a very small mouth without lips, and a barely distinguishable nose. There are suckers or claws on the fingers.

As a rule, reports of gray humanoids come from the territory of America. So, in particular, during the incident in Roswell in 1947, when the bodies of the aliens were discovered, it was precisely the gray humanoids. When the bodies were opened, they found strange anatomical features - an incomprehensible liquid instead of blood, the absence of a digestive canal, liver and heart. At the same time, the brain was well developed, but significantly different from the human.

I must say that ufologists claim that several alien spaceships crashed in America, and the authorities seriously feared an invasion of aliens. But, as we can see, in vain …

There are also the so-called "men in black". These humanoids are distinguished by their striking resemblance to humans, but they are always dressed in black clothes, which makes a frightening impression on eyewitnesses. This type of humanoid is also called the Space SS because they resemble the SS teams of Nazi Germany. You can meet such aliens anywhere in the world. They usually emerge from "flying saucers" that land in full view of bystanders in connection with the need for repairs. They leave the spacecraft in groups. According to eyewitnesses, people are treated very demandingly and rudely. They have a good command of earthly languages. Dressed in black, well-ironed suits and wearing black bandages over their eyes.

Witnesses note that these newcomers willingly enter into dialogue, asking about their occupation, and are also very interested in everyday trifles and details of everyday life. Therefore, it seems that these are space hermits who have been isolated from civilization for a long time, for example, in the secret bases of the Fourth Reich. An indirect proof of this can be the threats of the aliens and the requirement not to disclose information about their devices.

Another type of alien that is associated with the Germans is the so-called Nordic type. These aliens are very similar to humans: they are very stately, beautiful, fair-haired. As a rule, mainly males come into contact with people, although sometimes very beautiful females are also found. According to eyewitnesses, Nordic humanoids are the most peaceful and humane of all representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Thus, a detailed analysis of all types of aliens gives reason to talk about the existence of both aggressive and extremely peaceful alien races. Most representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations want to keep the peace on our planet, stop wars, but some threaten humanity with reprisals and catastrophes. There are also such aliens who want to colonize humanity, already at the moment using it for some of their own selfish purposes, in particular, to improve and change their own gene pool. For this purpose, humanoids kidnap people, conducting genetic experiments with them.

Scientists say that recently, cases of sexual contacts between aliens and representatives of human civilization have become much more frequent. Humanoids are giving women implants with extraterrestrial genetic material. The result is the so-called hybrid children. Some women who have been sexually abused by aliens say that they gave birth to children who were then taken away from them, but occasionally they are allowed to see the babies and even hold them in their arms.

Women claim that hybrid children are genius already in infancy, they are distinguished by rare intelligence and physical strength.

Some of the most famous cases of alien abduction and sexual contact with women are the stories of American women Betty Hill and Betty Andreason Luke.

According to the researchers, it is possible that hybrid humans are currently found among ordinary people. In particular, this is evidenced by reports that periodically appear in the press about people who have unusual anatomy or abilities. So, for example, one girl has vertical pupils, like a cat, which is absolutely impossible for humans. This girl lives in Russia.

In addition, sometimes scientists find babies that are also strikingly different from the rest. So, in particular, a researcher from Switzerland Spiller in the jungle of Brazil discovered a small child, whose age did not exceed one and a half years. The baby looked very unusual. It had pointed ears, a tubular nose, and colorless eyes with small dots instead of pupils. Physically, the child is very strong, speaks in an unknown language, which until now scientists cannot decipher. The child is being held at a military base near Anori.

It is, of course, entirely possible that a toddler could be a hybrid child. But it is also possible that he simply has some genetic abnormalities, because on our planet there are many rare and little-known diseases about which no one knows practically anything, and even more so cannot explain them.

Thus, to believe in the existence of aliens or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Fans of science fiction, of course, are sure that humanoids of all the types listed above exist and have ever visited Earth, but sane people probably strongly doubt this. And this is their right, because science has not provided any unequivocal evidence of either the existence of aliens, or the fact that in fact they do not exist.