6 Scenarios Of Human Evolution Of The Future - Alternative View

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6 Scenarios Of Human Evolution Of The Future - Alternative View
6 Scenarios Of Human Evolution Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: 6 Scenarios Of Human Evolution Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: 6 Scenarios Of Human Evolution Of The Future - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

Millions of years of mutation and selection passed before the first homo sapiens took a stick in his hands and realized that he was more different from other animals than necessary. This is exactly what happened to a person and continues to happen to this day. Evolution has not stopped, but its progress cannot be estimated within one or even several hundred generations. It is possible that the technologies we use today will become elements of evolutionary change. We have collected six most probable scenarios for human evolution, which will occur in close connection with the development of science.

Our immune system will be weaker

With our constant addiction to drugs, we will have many problems for ourselves. Among them can be the creation of so-called super microbes that will be resistant to antibiotics of any kind and infect the human body with particular cruelty. In the future, massive epidemics are quite likely, which will be caused primarily by the loss of a person's ability to natural defense.


Our ability to remember will diminish

Our knowledge no longer depends on encyclopedic accumulation. Today, the most important are access schemes and principles of working with various databases. This can lead to a strong change in the structure of neural connections in the brain and ultimately lead to a dramatic change in thinking.

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A hierarchy of genetically modified people will emerge

Our advances in medicine and technology have made it possible to keep people alive who could not have survived before. Thus, humanity is defeating natural selection, which has been in effect for a long time. At the same time, the so-called "unnatural" selection arose. Genetic engineering is hidden under this name. It is quite possible that in the future it will be possible to collect babies in parts, from the structure of the skeleton to the size of the brain. Of course, this will lead to side effects such as the emergence of new disabled people with unpredictable mutations.


We will grow tentacles instead of arms

Some scientists speculate that our increased interaction with screens could radically reshape our hands. Instead of limbs for rough work and fighting, we get tentacles - soft and adapted to the touch of touchpads.


We will live forever

If the opinion of Google's personal futurist Ray Kurzweil turns out to be correct, then we will eventually be able to upload consciousness to the cloud, essentially saving ourselves after death. It sounds fantastic, but all scientists as one have the opinion that a truly advanced civilization will be incorporeal.


Our muscles atrophy

We have almost moved to a sedentary lifestyle and it will be more and more difficult to reconfigure muscle changes from generation to generation. We will also employ hundreds of technologies such as exoskeletons that will facilitate mechanical movement in space.