Holiday Of The Three Kings - Alternative View

Holiday Of The Three Kings - Alternative View
Holiday Of The Three Kings - Alternative View

Video: Holiday Of The Three Kings - Alternative View

Video: Holiday Of The Three Kings - Alternative View
Video: Three Kings Day - Holiday History 2024, September

On January 6, Catholics around the world remember three evangelical events: the adoration of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus Christ in Jordan and the miracle in Cana of Galilee, in which God revealed Himself to mankind.

In the countries of Western Europe, three kings are called the three wise men - the eastern sages who came to worship the baby Jesus Christ and brought him gifts - incense, myrrh and gold. Their names were Caspar, Melchior and Baltazar.

Arriving in Jerusalem, the wise men asked everyone: “Where is he who is born King of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and came to worship Him. " The Jewish King Herod, having learned about the purpose of their arrival, was afraid that the newborn King would take away the royal power from him, and decided to secretly kill the Infant Christ. However, he told the sages: "Go and find out everything about the Infant, and when you find Him, notify me, because I also want to go and worship Him." In fact, Herod only wanted to know the place where Christ was in order to send his people there to kill Him.

The Magi promised Herod to fulfill his request and went to Bethlehem. The star again shone in the sky and walked in front of the Magi, pointing the way, and then suddenly stopped just over the place where the Holy Child was. The Magi rejoiced, entered the cave, saw the Infant with the Mother and, falling on their knees, bowed to Him.

The next night, an angel appeared to the Magi in a dream and told them not to return to Jerusalem, not to bring King Herod the news about the Baby. Then they returned to their home in a different way.

In memory of this event, the "Wonder Star" ceremony is performed in some regions of France. A cart drawn by several pairs of mules with a fire burning on it is transported through the streets of cities to the accompaniment of tambourines. Next to the carriage are three men dressed as magical kings. Spectators filling the streets hold lighted torches in their hands, welcoming the "moving star" - a bonfire on a cart. If the flame of the fire is bright, then people expect a good harvest this year. But if it barely flickers, this is an unkind sign. In the end, the cart is overturned and everyone strives to take away the burning smut, which should bring prosperity and peace to the house.

According to custom, in the homes of Christian families on this holiday, doors are marked with consecrated chalk. Drawings and inscriptions made with chalk mean that the family devotes the year that has begun to Christ and asks for His blessing.

Girls on this day wonder about the grooms. On the eve of the holiday, before going to bed, they turn to the magical kings with a request to show them the groom. It happens that magicians appear to them in a dream, accompanied by their betrothed. And young people, on the eve of the holiday, kindle "bonfires of kings", at which round dances are arranged at night.

Promotional video:

For this holiday it is supposed to bake a huge cake called "the king's cake" in which a bean is baked. Bean pie sometimes reaches enormous sizes. A small child is seated under the table on which the pie is, and he indicates to whom to give which piece. The one who gets the piece with the bean becomes the “bean king” and chooses the “queen” according to his taste. The "bean king" to the right and to the left gives out orders, usually playful and intricate, which the "subjects" nevertheless rush to obey, because on this day everyone must obey him. In general, those around him should present the “king” with special signs of attention.

In the 15th century in France, the chosen "bean king" was dressed up in luxurious clothes and invited to dine in the company of a real king, and the feigned ones served both sovereigns. Each knight and squire had to pay a certain "tax" to the treasury of the "bean king".

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees

Lay down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills.

Brega with a motionless river

Equalized with a plump shroud;

Frost flashed, and we are glad

Mother winter's mischief.

- (A. Pushkin)

From the book: "100 Great Holidays" Elena Olegovna Chekulaeva