The Miracle Of The Incorruptible Relics - Alternative View

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The Miracle Of The Incorruptible Relics - Alternative View
The Miracle Of The Incorruptible Relics - Alternative View

Video: The Miracle Of The Incorruptible Relics - Alternative View

Video: The Miracle Of The Incorruptible Relics - Alternative View
Video: How to Tell if Your Saint is Incorrupt 2024, September

In many parts of the world, the incorruptible bodies of saints, called relics, are carefully preserved. Among the remains of this kind can be called the relics of the Catholic, Saint Charbel, located in Lebanon, and the body of the former head of the Buddhists of Russia Itygelov, which has already been repeatedly reported on television and in the press.

The imperishable bodies of Buddhist monks

The Chinese chronicles speak of the famous patriarch Sun Gun Nen, who died at an old age in 712. When the Mongols occupied China in the 13th century, they, wanting to be convinced of the truthfulness of the rumors about the elder's holiness, dug his body out of the grave. Having opened the body of the saint, they were convinced to their horror that it had not undergone decay …

In Thailand, on the island of Koh Samui, a glass box is exhibited in a Buddhist monastery by the imperishable monk Phra Kru Sanatakitittkhun, who died in 1973. Before his death, he sat in the lotus position and told those around him that he was going to nirvana. Then his disciples built a kind of glass sarcophagus and placed the body of the deceased there. Several years ago, a monk's left eye leaked out for no apparent reason, after which they put on sunglasses so as not to frighten numerous tourists with an empty eye socket …

Another Buddhist initiate named Pu Chao passed away in 1982 in Taiwan in a state of deep meditation. According to the will, his body was left in a cave nearby, allowing guests and tourists of the monastery to examine the deceased and even shake his hand. The monks wipe the body of the saint with a wet towel once every seven days. According to them, the muscles of the deceased remain soft and elastic, and the hair continues to grow …

In the courtyard of the Tikhvin temple, 23 kilometers from Hanoi, for more than 300 years, the dried body of the abbot of the monastery, Wu Khak Min, has been sitting in the lotus position. It is known that by the end of his days this monk refused food and spent all his free time in solitude and prayer. In this mode, he lived for about a hundred more days, which in itself was amazing. In anticipation of his end, he bequeathed to the monks to leave him here, since his body would not be subject to decay. Studies have shown that the abbot's body was not embalmed, but how it did not decay in the tropics with humidity up to one hundred percent, remains a mystery.

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Catholic Saint Bernadette Soubirous

The nun Bernadette Soubirous was revered as a saint even during her lifetime due to the fact that the Virgin Mary appeared to her in visions, and after her death and burial in Lourdes, her grave turned into a place of pilgrimage and numerous miraculous healings. To officially confirm her holiness, Bernadette's body was exhumed three times. This happened for the first time in 1909, thirty years after her death, the second time in 1919, and the third time in 1925, and each time her remains were found incorrupt. After that, the relics of St. Bernadette were placed in a special sarcophagus for public viewing and worship. The body of Saint Bernadette is still amazingly fresh without the slightest signs of decay. It seems that this woman is asleep, now she will get up, open her eyes and speak.

The relics of St. Alexander Svirsky

Alexander Svirsky is one of the few Orthodox saints who was canonized so quickly - 14 years after his death. Already during his lifetime the Monk Alexander was distinguished by extraordinary piety. His life describes him as a man who spends his life in constant work and prayer, dressed in rags and sleeping on the bare floor in a cave dug by himself. In 1553 he died, and according to his will, he was buried outside the monastery near the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In 1641, during the rebuilding of this church, the grave was opened, and the relics that turned out to be incorrupt were transferred to the Valaam monastery …

In 1918, a detachment of Chekists was sent to the Alexander-Svirsky monastery with a specific task - to destroy the relics of the saints located here. The Bolsheviks wanted to demonstrate to the people that “the priests lie” and that the imperishable relics are fairy tales. But when they opened the reliquary with the relics of the Monk Alexander of Svir, they were seized with horror - the body of the saint was in such a state as if he had died only yesterday. It was impossible to tell the truth and show the results of the autopsy to the Chekists, and therefore the body was secretly taken to Petrograd and placed in the closed anatomical museum of the Military Field Academy, and instead of the relics they put a doll, which was shown to the people. Only in 1998, the body of the saint was identified and returned to his home. It is noted that an oily liquid, the so-called myrrh, systematically oozes from the foot of the Monk Alexander.the floral scent of which bees flock from all over the area. This was recorded on video, as well as by numerous pilgrims.

Swamp people

In the high peat bogs of Denmark, Sweden and Finland, the dried bodies of people in old clothes are periodically found. All of them died a violent death or drowned thousands of years ago, and the presence of humic acids in the peatlands and the lack of oxygen allowed these bodies to be preserved for centuries. The only thing that at first confused the eyewitnesses was the dark, almost black color of the skin of the discovered corpses - were all these dead people really Saracens? But the forensic scientists and archaeologists called to the scene unanimously declared that the crime, if it took place, happened several thousand years ago, and the dark color of the skin of the dead is due solely to the influence of the tanning substances of the swamp.