The Story Of A Drunken Priest - Alternative View

The Story Of A Drunken Priest - Alternative View
The Story Of A Drunken Priest - Alternative View

At the end of the era of developed socialism, or rather at the end of the eighties, my own uncle worked as the head of a liquor store. The shop itself was located in the private sector of one town.

By this time, trade with coupons was in full swing in the country. Alcohol was no exception. The norm was considered to be two half-liter bottles per person per month. Naturally, the population did not like it at all.

It was this circumstance that made my uncle a very important and popular person. He had acquaintances and connections almost everywhere, from good doctors to bandits. In addition, the clergy often visited the store. So what? They are also mortal and weak.

Among them, a certain Father Gennady stood out, who was simply called Sasha in the world. Drank our pop avidly. He was constantly seen staggering through the streets or lying in a roadside ditch. But on the whole he was a kind and interesting person. His sermons drove local grandmothers to hysteria, and he was a great master just to tell an interesting story.

Once he got to a gathering in his uncle's store, and while drinking in the back room, he told a very interesting story. It is clear that a drunkard has a peculiar understanding of the secret of confession, but behind a glass of white, what kind of secret is there.

Once a woman came to him. I think her name was Katya. So she fell to her knees and let's repent. They say the sin on her is heavy and there is no urine to endure it. Screams, cries, they say all these demons are to blame. In general, a year earlier, she had a strong fight with a neighbor. And unable to resist went to church, and put a candle for the repose on the neighbor's son Misha. And why exactly on Misha, because of mental anger she wanted to see how she would be tormented, watching how the curse acts on her beloved child.

It should be noted that Misha grew up as a sickly and restless child even without any curses. Misha was a thin, pale, but rather hooligan child. And the reason for the conflict between the neighbors was directly in Misha. The boy did not like his mother's neighbor and in every possible way did something to her. Either he will open a heavy fire from a slingshot at Katerina's garden plants, or he will catch a chicken walking around the yard on a loop. And once he even threw a captured snake into a barrel of water. It almost made a neighbor feel unconscious when she tried to get water for irrigation.

In short, the neighbors swore constantly, there was not a day that they did not come together again in a verbal skirmish through the fence. One day, patience ran out and Katya went to church to turn over the candles. Although she soon regretted it.

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Six months later, Katya's father suddenly died, leaving Katya's mother and her greatly grieving. And a month later, Katya's husband died. But this was a young and strong man whose heart simply stopped. But the whole mystery of what was happening was that both men were called Michael. It was this fact that became a suspicion that her disgusting actions were to blame.

Thus, Katya was left alone with the priest and her very serious sins. It is difficult to say what Katya expected in church. Perhaps she understood that punishment could not be avoided, or she sincerely wanted to atone for her guilt in front of an innocent woman. The priest advised him to regularly visit the temple and light candles for the health of the neighbor's son, on the icon of Panteleimon the Healer. At the same time, constantly repent and ask for forgiveness from God.

Exactly two years later, Katerina again stood on the threshold of the church, dressed in mourning. And again she rushed to the priest in vain asking for help. It turned out that her daughter had met a great guy. He had a head and hands of artisans, and most importantly he did not drink, which was very appreciated in those places. Katerina could not get enough of her daughter's happiness and felt that life would soon get better. By this time, another joy happened in Katya's family. Her youngest son came from the army. He was a handsome and fit young guy that any local girl could only dream of.

In general, in order not to waste time, both families decided to play a noisy and expensive wedding. By the way, the bride's relatives were very wealthy people, and they wished to pay most of the wedding expenses. The best restaurant was filmed and over a hundred guests were invited. It seemed that this was real happiness, but not for Katya.

It all ended in a moment. As it happens during the culmination of the celebration and wedding dances, a fight broke out among the guests. In this fight, the groom was accidentally killed. His head was smashed by a leg from a heavy chair. But here's the irony. The groom's name was Michael. But the most difficult thing is that Katerina's son was found guilty of the murder and he received a long term. Since then, Katya spends every Sunday in church.

Well, what about the weak son of a neighbor Misha. The guy eventually outgrew all his sores and took up bodybuilding. Today he is the owner of the most expensive sports complex in the city and is doing excellent business. Who knows what helped a thin, sickly child to become an excellent athlete and businessman, but perhaps it was the higher powers that tried to protect an already weak child from the terrible curse of an offended woman.