Hitler And The Seers - Alternative View

Hitler And The Seers - Alternative View
Hitler And The Seers - Alternative View

Video: Hitler And The Seers - Alternative View

Video: Hitler And The Seers - Alternative View
Video: The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany | DW Documentary 2024, September

During the reign of Hitler's regime in Germany, various psychological, mythological and scientific theories were widely spread in the country. Hitler surrounded himself with people who, he believed, could provide real help in achieving the highest goal of his life - in the conquest of the world. Hitler provided support for those scientists who could take a fresh look at well-known scientific statements.

The mythologist Hans Herbiger belonged to such a cohort of scientists. He managed to interest Hitler, expounding to the Fuhrer for several hours a day tirelessly all kinds of theories developed by him personally. All calculations of this "scientist" were based on the statement that the basis of all sciences should be based on theoretical studies of the Universe. Hans Herbiger developed his own theory of the ice world and argued that it was her that all Aryans should unconditionally accept. The essence of the theory was that the universe arose as a result of the confrontation between ice and fire, and that gradually ice wins over the fire element and all power on Earth will pass to ice. All his calculations were based not on scientific calculations, but on the occult and ancient mythology. Gerbiger was so convincing in the presentation of his theory that he had a huge number of adherents. He even managed to publish books, and in fairly significant editions, in which he explained the essence of his own ideas. It must be admitted that Gerbiger was a famous philosopher of his time - he provided justification for those ideas for which society was already ready.

In addition to Gerbiger, Hitler was surrounded by many alchemists, soothsayers, astrologers and charlatans. But since 1931, Erich Jan Hanussen has supplanted them all. It is difficult to say how many meetings between Hitler and Hanussen. But it is known for certain that in the 1920s the Fuhrer took oratory lessons from Hanussen. And although these meetings took place without witnesses, one of them is still described: in 1933 in January at the Kaiserhof hotel. The soothsayer examined Hitler's palms carefully, felt his skull, and then fell into a deep trance. After a while he said: "Your victory is inevitable …". Hitler was very inspired by the outcome of this meeting and promised to establish an "occult university" as soon as he came to power. Hanussen was promised the position of dean of this institution. The Fuehrer kept his word: on January 30, Hitler became Reich Chancellor of Germany,and on February 26, he already attended the opening ceremony of the Occult Center. It is interesting that in the center of the Hall of Silence of the occult palace there was a bronze statue of the dean himself, Hanussen.

The soothsayer knew how to use his unusual abilities - he performed in front of the public, just like Wolf Messing, each time striking the audience with a demonstration of his phenomenal abilities. Hanussen knew how to choose the right time and place to inform Hitler, for which the Fuehrer greatly appreciated him. Hitler often consulted with the soothsayer, Hanussen participated in many secret meetings with the permission of the Fuhrer. To emphasize his closeness to the Nazis, Hanussen joined the fascist party, for which he forged his passport, turning from a Jew to a Dane.

Through his close relationship with the Nazi establishment, Hanussen developed connections with high society. He published an astrological bulletin, which contained political predictions, stock forecasts. A large income was brought to him by trading in numerous occult paraphernalia.

But Hanussen made a mistake that cost him his life - he told Hitler about the burning of the Reichstag and the death of the dictator himself. Hitler did not like divinations about his defeat and gave the order to destroy the seer. Hannussen was taken to the Gestapo on charges of forging documents confirming his Aryan origin. Hanussen was shot. He is buried in a Catholic cemetery.

Undoubtedly, Hanussen was a very talented clairvoyant, an excellent psychologist and a very intelligent person. Otherwise, he would have failed to achieve overwhelming success in Nazi circles. But, at the same time, he was both a skilled adventurer and, of course, a clever swindler. He acquired these qualities during his difficult life. The personal diary of the "Great Hanussen" has survived with records of his numerous prophecies, including the prediction of the burning of the Reichstag, the creation of powerful nuclear weapons, future heart transplantation, the construction of solar power plants and much more. The most recent entry in the diary speaks of the destruction of New York in a fire. And Wanga and Edgar Cayce have a similar prophecy about this American metropolis …

Among the galaxy of world parapsychologists, Erich Jan Hanussen is known as a controversial and complex personality. He fully corresponded to the time in which he lived.

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I must say that Hitler's power was provided by hundreds of scientific workers who created modern technology, made amazing discoveries, developed unique theories. But Hitler was too carried away by the belief in the inexhaustible possibilities of man and mythological information. He devoted most of his attention to these issues, putting the leadership of military operations in second place - perhaps this is what led to his death.
