Mystical "looking Glass" - Alternative View

Mystical "looking Glass" - Alternative View
Mystical "looking Glass" - Alternative View

Video: Mystical "looking Glass" - Alternative View

Video: Mystical
Video: ➤Magical Girls Transformations ● Looking Glass✿ 2024, September

In our time, there is hardly a house that does not have at least a small mirror. Every day a person comes up to the mirror several times, carefully looking at his image. At the same time, not everyone knows that a mirror is the strongest magical element that can harm a person.

The first mirrors were once made of bronze, silver and obsidian by the craftsmen of Ancient Egypt, India and Sumer, but after the invention of amalgam, glass began to form the solid base of the mirrors.


A mirror image has always attracted a person's gaze, and magicians and sorcerers not in vain considered it a portal to the other world. Modern scientists also believe that a mirror is not just an everyday item, but something more. Some experts suggest that mirrors are surrounded by an invisible energy field that they absorb from people, and this field can be either positive or negative. Residents of the East preferred to hang mirrors in front of the entrance to the house in order to reflect negative energy and prevent it from entering the house.

Europeans inserted mirrors into window openings to reflect the negative energy of neighbors or nearby buildings: hospitals or prisons. At first, the ancient Slavs did not have mirrors at all - they were considered "unclean" objects, but when they did come into use, they continued to be treated with extreme caution. There were especially many prohibitions for women: they could not look in the mirror during menstruation, during pregnancy, after childbirth.


Mirrors are credited with the ability to remember everything that happened in their presence. Mirrors that were present during scenes of quarrels, murder and violence, which are accompanied by a huge outburst of negative emotions, are charged with especially strong negative energy. Subsequently, such mirrors, under certain conditions, can "impose" images on a person incomprehensible to him, a feeling of fear, depression.

In 1997, a theft was committed in France, including the disappearance of a mirror that had been stored in one of the police warehouses for over 80 years. The inscription on the frame of the mirror read “Louis Arpo. 1743 . The item is old and certainly valuable. However, the strange thing in this story turned out to be the following: dealers in antiques through the press turned to lovers of antiques with a request not to buy this item in any way, since it caused the death of about 40 people. People who looked in this mirror died from cerebral hemorrhage. The mirror was not found, the mystery remained unsolved. However, experts have put forward a hypothesis according to which rays reflected in a certain way by an Arpo mirror are capable of causing a stroke. Therefore, it is not recommended to take other people's mirrors, especially for permanent use.

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But, nevertheless, some researchers of this phenomenon successfully use the memory abilities of mirrors in their work (and at a very high level). A psychotherapist from St. Petersburg Viktor Vetkin uses a similar technique in his work. He even has a special "mirror" room where "mirror therapy" sessions are held. This method helps patients get rid of depression and obsessive compulsions.

Very interesting are the results of experiments with "Kozyrev's mirrors", which are a special system of concave mirrors made of aluminum. According to the hypothesis, this system is capable of capturing all kinds of radiation, including information. More than four thousand volunteers from different countries of the world took part in the studies conducted with "Kozyrev's mirrors"; the experiment itself was carried out twice over many days. As a result, the possibility of remote transmission of mental images from person to person was proved, and with the help of a system of concave mirrors, stable reception stability was achieved.


However, the features and mysteries of mirrors are not limited to this. Since ancient times, mirrors have been used by fortune tellers, or simply curious girls to penetrate the secrets of the future. Mirrors open the door to the other world, and there are many testimonies that support this. Of course, not everyone can see the future in the mirror, but many girls who are wondering about the groom saw their betrothed in the mirror kingdom. But these are still the most innocent images that a mirror can show. Sometimes it turns out that inexperienced "fortunetellers" by means of a mirror attract unpleasant energetic entities from a parallel world, which greatly complicate their further life. Therefore, scientists strongly discourage even experienced magicians from engaging in such a dangerous business.

Sometimes mirrors can also "pull" a person inward. It is believed that this is exactly what happened to several teenagers from the city of Kent at the end of the last century. The teenagers entered the "room of laughter" and no one else saw them. No secret passages were found in the room, and after several such incidents the institution had to be closed.


According to the invited medium, the children entered the parallel world through a distorting mirror, which was somehow activated. Ancient legends mention such cases when even a small concave mirror becomes a door to other worlds. There are more than enough riddles in the mirrors, and it remains to be hoped that people will someday be able to solve the mystery of the "kingdom of crooked mirrors" in order to use "mirror" energy for creation, not for destruction.
