The Secret Of The Iron Mask Revealed! - Alternative View

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The Secret Of The Iron Mask Revealed! - Alternative View
The Secret Of The Iron Mask Revealed! - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Iron Mask Revealed! - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Iron Mask Revealed! - Alternative View
Video: The Man in the Iron Mask Real Story │Secret behind the Most Mysterious Man in History - Hindi 2024, July

The Secret of the Iron Mask Revealed! One of the main mysteries of mankind is the Iron Mask. And now the German historian Dr. Kaiser finally puts an end to this extremely dark story. Until now, we did not know who was hiding under the iron mask, nor even how it looked and what material it was made of. Many historians have argued that the mask was generally made of velvet. And as for the incognito, hiding under the guise, and at all the expanse of versions. But they all do not stand up to criticism.


Criticism of Pure Reason

The most famous version is that the illegal brother / twin brother of King Louis XIV was hiding under the mask. To avoid disputes over succession, one brother was put on the throne, and the other in prison.

This version was launched into use by Voltaire himself, and then all sorts of figures in literature and cinema parasitized on it.

Old man Dumas was especially trampled.

Voltaire was a well-known Maidan man, if only he could kick absolutism, and Dumas hypanul on the Mask was not weak, and even launched a soap opera, on which he raised the dough.

Promotional video:


And that version is rich, beautiful … but not viable.

Let's start from the very beginning. 1669 The

prisoner was arrested in 1669 and placed in the fortress of Pignerol (now Pinerolo, Italy), i.e. at the devil's horns.

Then he was kept in a number of other places, In remote border fortresses with small unreliable garrisons, far from Paris.

And only in 1698, before his death, he was transferred to the Bastille.

That is, for 30 years the top secret and super important VIP was hanging out in an unknown place …

Throughout this time, he had only one permanent guard Benigne Dovern de Saint-Mar, a greedy and selfish man who ate a prisoner, appropriating money allocated by the treasury for his maintenance.

It turns out somehow strange that State Prisoner number 1, on whose isolation the very existence of the kingdom depends, is guarded ugly, unreliable and completely insufficient. He is kept in a cell with several doors and under an iron mask … And his face can only be seen by the greedy commandant.

The reader has already guessed that anyone can sit in such conditions, and not necessarily the declared brother of the King.

They caught some poor fellow, put him in a cell, put on a mask, and scream, I don't want to, no one will hear anyway. Somehow, such a security scheme does not inspire.


And the twin king himself can be well sold to competing organizations, states that are at war with France. And the price would not stand up.

Louis 14 grappled with all the monarchies of Europe, and they could not live from him … The stakes were incredibly high. Yes, the Spaniards with the Austrians would have gilded the one who would have handed over to them the twin of the Sun King

This is not the daily ration of a prisoner to cut … Already Saint-Marr in such a situation would not blunder ….

Only a complete idiot can imagine that the royal government would agree to contain Prisoner One in this format.

The ancients said “ Keep your friend close, and the enemy even closer

If the King's twin was under the Iron Mask, they would have kept him side by side, under the side, in Paris, and not on the distant borders, from where to escape, like two fingers on the asphalt …

And one more small detail. After the death of the Prisoner, he was buried in a common grave, like a dog, in one of the many Parisian cemeteries for the poor … It seems like a trifle. But the Devil, as you know, is in the little things and dwells …

Ehhh, if it were the brother of the King - the Sun, would they do this to the body?

This is the Anointed of God, royal blood, grandson of Henry IV, Bourbon in the flesh, holy brace … One thing to keep in prison, there's nothing to be done, state necessity, and when he died and is no longer dangerous, throw it into a common grave ???

Stanislavsky does not believe….

Lots of bukoff and conclusion is not the King!

Who ?

A horse in a coat

Of the most promoted is the former Finance Minister Fouquet.

The king on Fouquet was very offended, he took the money, confiscated the property and put him in jail. This is normal. Everywhere they do it. Yesterday, today, tomorrow … What a marvel!

And why the mask? Who knew him by sight? Then there were no newspapers, no Internet, no television, okay, the King could be seen on the coins in profile, but who is the ex-Ministry of Finance ? Who needs? He got it for life with confiscation ! Who is interested in? It's like putting an iron Mask on Ulyukaev. The version is completely dead. Nah, definitely not Fouquet

Then who?


Some perverts from history suggest that Peter 1 was hidden under the Iron Mask. Present. Like, Pyotr Alekseevich went to study wisdom in Europe, and there the vile Eurogees seized him, replaced him with a double. The double went to Russia to reign and withdraw assets to the West, and the real Russian Tsar was packed under an iron Mask. It's just not clear why they didn't bang right away? And why did they wear the Mask? Again, who knew him in person in Europe? Where is the estate, where is the flood? Peter was caught by the malevolent Dutch, or vile Englishmen, and for some reason transferred for safekeeping to the French, their sworn enemies. What does that mean? Didn't you have your own prisons?

And yet, according to the dates, the alleged substitution of Peter 1 took place in 1698, but who then warmed the place of Peter under the Iron Mask before that time? From one thousand six hundred and sixty-nine? 29 years old, like a bush !!!


The version about Peter I in the iron mask has a retrospective historical implication. The fact is that the Iron Mask was found by order of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The Parisian cemetery was dug up and raised from the grave.

After his defeat in Russia, Napoleon carried this mask with him everywhere, like a fetish. He said that when he defeated the Russians in the future, he would put this mask on the Russian Tsar Alexander, a descendant of Peter the Great.

Will restore historical justice. They say, Russians are animals, they don't want to fight according to European rules, they need to muzzle them … But, as you know, the cow is not lucky … Nevertheless, the myth of the Iron Mask, able to curb Russia, went to the masses.

Adolf Hitler was known to be an avid collector. He collected artifacts of world-wide historical significance. The task is to influence the course of history. It is common knowledge that the main target of the Anschluss of Austria was the Spear of Longinus , the Spear of Destiny, which was kept in Vienna.

And Hitler was eager to Paris not because of the Eiffel Tower, but in order to take possession of the Iron Mask. Which is exactly what happened in 1940.

Hitler always took the Mask with him. He promised to put the Iron Mask on Comrade Stalin.


But Comrade Stalin did not believe in mysticism, and instead of the Iron Mask he wrote out a wooden pea jacket for Genosse Hitler.

The economy should be economical …

Thus, we can discard the version of Peter 1 in the Iron Mask.

Then who?

Grandfather Pikhto

There are about 50 applicants for the role of the prisoner of the Iron Mask, but upon close examination, none of these options can be recognized as reliable.

Some small, walk-through adventurers, clowns and charlatans. They don't deserve the Iron Mask ! The wrong scale.

One of the main mysteries of history seemed to never be solved. The Iron Mask itself, after the defeat of Germany, disappeared without a trace

In April 1945, Hitler realized that all the artifacts of the world could not help in his struggle and lost interest in them.

The mask was hidden by Annenerbe employees in the Alps, in a specially equipped cache

In 2019, German historian Dr. Kaiser discovered the Iron Mask in a cache of the German historical organization Annenerbe.

The study of Musk's device led to an unexpected discovery.

Designed to isolate the wearer from others, this wrought iron construction is attached to the head with straps.

The mask has one notable feature - a round hole in the middle.


Those. it is so forged with a hole in the middle at the level of the mouth. Initially. Is the purpose of the hole completely unclear?

Dr. Kaiser suggests that this hole was intended to feed the Prisoner.

Nutrient mixture through a thin tube-straw fed through the mask.

But who could be fed in such a strange way?

The design of the mask also assumes that the prisoner has horns, passing through the upper slots, which provided additional rigidity for attaching the mask to the monster's head …

Here everything understandable ends and the most interesting begins.

Only one version is possible.

It was clearly not a man, but a creature of a different breed. A creature with a different digestive system. Who can have such parameters?

A creature from another planet?

It was a UFO. …

Apparently, the Iron Mask not only hid his appearance from people, but also protected those around him from himself … Perhaps there were poisonous fangs or other means of destruction.


The huge list of applicants for the role of the prisoner of the Iron Mask becomes understandable. None of them matched in one way or another. Once again, they were looking for a black cat in the wrong place.

The secrecy measures around the mysterious prisoner are also becoming clear. His capture baffled the French authorities. They did not understand what they had to face … They could not think of anything better than putting an Iron Mask on an incomprehensible creature and imprisoning it in a distant prison … We will never know how this Instance fell into the hands of the French. But the very fact of keeping an alien creature in the Bastille can be considered proven.

Only due to the broad outlook and natural scientific interests of the Sun King, the Alien was not killed immediately, but granted him a long life under the prison vaults. Secrecy ensured the non-interference of the Church, otherwise the Guestwithout any doubt or delay, would have gone to the stake. The irreplaceable commandant of Saint-Marr provided a cover operation, misinforming those around him, throwing in different versions.

We do not know where the Guest came from, how he got to our planet, but, apparently, his possibilities were exhausted, he had nowhere to go, and being under the Iron Mask guaranteed him at least some life.

Voltaire was wrong. Damned absolutism proved its ability to tolerance and, under the Iron Mask, rescued a representative of an alien fauna.

The Scripture says "For there is nothing secret that would not become apparent, nor secret that would not become known and would not be revealed."

The Secret of the Iron Mask Revealed !!! But that doesn't make it any easier, because one mystery was replaced by another, even more intractable..


Wilhelm Kaiser