Lublin Damn Court - Alternative View

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Lublin Damn Court - Alternative View
Lublin Damn Court - Alternative View

Video: Lublin Damn Court - Alternative View

Video: Lublin Damn Court - Alternative View
Video: July Rain (drama, dir. Marlen Hutsiev, 1966) 2024, July

Lublin is one of the most beautiful cities in Poland, which has an interesting and rich history, while being a symbol of an entire era. The city, which received the right to self-government, is the second most important in the Commonwealth, amazes the traveler with its majesty and sophistication of architectural structures. It was Lublin that was chosen to sign the Union in 1596, which testifies to its undeniable importance for the Polish kingdom and the Lithuanian state. The city has a huge number of different historical monuments: the market square, the Krakow gate, the royal route, the castle hills … You can continue to list the city's attractions for a long time.

In the history of Lublin there were a huge number of mystical events. Very often, residents of the city became eyewitnesses of incidents that did not fit into the framework of everyday life. Therefore, it is not strange that the city has a mysterious and mystical reputation. Today, there are a huge number of urban legends telling about mysterious and sometimes frightening events.

Legend of the Devil's Court

One of the most mysterious episodes in the history of the city is the Legend of the Devil's Court. In 1637, the city Tribunal tried a case between a wealthy tycoon and a poor widow. As is often the case, the tycoon tried to expand his land holdings at the expense of a field that belonged to the widow and her young children. Having agreed in advance with the judges, he received a decision in his favor, which doomed the unfortunate woman to inevitable death from hunger. After the end of the trial, the widow, leaving the court, angrily said that if the devils had tried her, the decision would have been much fairer.

Several days passed, one night the city watchman noticed a light flickering in the windows of the tribunal. Approaching the building, he found that the lights had gone out. After examining the locks and locks on the doors, he did not find any traces of penetration inside, considering everything that was happening as a fantasy, he headed away from the building. Moving a little distance, he was horrified to find that the light in the windows had reappeared. This was repeated for several nights in a row, sometimes from the closed building came the unintelligible voices of people who were hotly arguing about something.

The news of the night visitors to the Tribunal instantly spread throughout the city, people began to try to understand what was happening in the building. Reinforced guard posts were organized around the building so as not to let anyone into it at night, but this did not give any result, again lights were turned on in the windows of the Tribunal and people's voices were heard, when local law enforcement officers entered the building, they did not find anyone.

In the heat of these events, the locals completely forgot about the incident between the poor widow and the greedy tycoon. No one connected the events at the city Tribunal and the sudden illness of the landowner.

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The mayor decided to find out who is using the building with impunity at night and decided that it was necessary to put a person in it in advance, hiding it in a secret room so that the latter could see impudent visitors. The choice fell on the night watchman, who became the first eyewitness to the mysterious night visits.

As it turned out, at night a conclave of judges gathered in the Tribunal building to hear the case of the poor widow and the tycoon. The testimony of witnesses was heard, the prosecutor spoke, the scribes obstinately recorded the whole process. The judges argued among themselves, discussing the correctness of the previous decision. People who had previously participated in this process appeared in the courtroom, but they were all in nightgowns and were, as if under hypnosis. The last to speak was the tycoon, who had been unconscious for several days. He admitted his guilt and pleaded with the presiding judge to forgive and release him. Everything that happened very much surprised the watchman, who watched this from a secret room. He did not immediately notice that all the court officials were devils. One secretary had a pig's snout, the prosecutor constantly hid his tail, scribes had claws,the presiding judge had horns sticking out from under his hair.

With the onset of dawn, all the participants in the trial disappeared into thin air, and an eyewitness to all the events hastened to tell the head of the city and residents what happens at night in the building. A new court session was assembled in line order, the corrupt judges rushed to reconsider their decision, but climbing the stairs, they began to fall from it, breaking their limbs. The townspeople saw this as God's punishment for the corrupt servants of Themis, and on the same day the magistrate ruled in favor of the poor widow and her children. As soon as the decision of the magistrate was signed, the tycoon was healed of his illness and came independently to ask for forgiveness from the widow. The night sessions in the Tribunal building then ceased.

And there are a huge number of such stories, because Lublin is an old city with an interesting and mysterious history.