How Does The US Get Evidence Of A Chemical Attack In Syria - Alternative View

How Does The US Get Evidence Of A Chemical Attack In Syria - Alternative View
How Does The US Get Evidence Of A Chemical Attack In Syria - Alternative View

Video: How Does The US Get Evidence Of A Chemical Attack In Syria - Alternative View

Video: How Does The US Get Evidence Of A Chemical Attack In Syria - Alternative View
Video: Evidence Debunks OPCW Claim on Syrian 'Chemical Attack' 2024, September

On the American TV channel CNN, a story appeared in which journalist Arva Damon communicates with people who “survived” in Duma after a chemical attack allegedly held there, which caused the United States to launch missile strikes on Syria on April 14.

The correspondent, in search of a "poisonous substance", sniffs at people who have left the Duma, touches their things, even sniffs some objects (a girl's backpack) and by smell (!) Confirms the fact (!) Of Assad's chemical attack

The most interesting thing is that …

… the US authorities claim that the chemical attack was carried out using sarin. But this substance has no smell or color.

Well, I am attaching a couple of photos from Japan, where in 1995 a terrorist attack was organized using sarin (a drop the size of a pinhead, kills an adult).


Promotional video:

But other journalists from the American conservative television channel One America News Network did not find confirmation that chemical attacks occurred in Syria. Correspondent Pearson Sharp talks about this in a story posted on Youtube.

“I interviewed about ten residents of the district, which is located in the quarter where the chemical attack was allegedly committed. None of the people I spoke to said they had seen or heard anything about a chemical attack. They said that that day in the area everything was as usual and they did not notice anything unusual,”Sharpe said.

According to him, locals believe the alleged chemical attack was a ploy by militants who were looking for a way to hide from the Syrian state army.

“I spoke to one of the doctors … That day, during the attack, he was on duty. I asked what he saw that day. He said that it was normal, but it was very dusty, many came with a cough, with irritation [of the respiratory tract], but there were no other ailments …”Sharpe added.

But of course no one cares anymore …