The Briton Sells In His Store Children's Skeletons, Body Parts And Pieces Of Human Flesh - Alternative View

The Briton Sells In His Store Children's Skeletons, Body Parts And Pieces Of Human Flesh - Alternative View
The Briton Sells In His Store Children's Skeletons, Body Parts And Pieces Of Human Flesh - Alternative View

Video: The Briton Sells In His Store Children's Skeletons, Body Parts And Pieces Of Human Flesh - Alternative View

Video: The Briton Sells In His Store Children's Skeletons, Body Parts And Pieces Of Human Flesh - Alternative View
Video: Squishy Human Anatomy with Scientist Teacher & Student Video 2024, July

A shop called "Curiosities from the 5th Corner" in Essex is owned by Henry Scrugg and all the goods in it are as strange and creepy as the owner himself looks.

White sage smoke and Scandinavian music greeted you as you enter the store, and the store's many shelves offer almost anything from the world's most artsy merchandise, from armless dolls and Ouija boards to stuffed animals, dried chunks of human flesh and baby skeletons.

Somewhere here lie dried human entrails, and in banks next to them, female ovaries, a baby-miscarriage, severed hands with a cancerous tumor, and other specimens, more familiar to the Cabinet of Curiosities or a medical museum, are stored in formaldehyde.

And all this can be bought for a very modest amount, starting from 10 pounds.


According to Henry Scragg, there is nothing criminal in his collection and all this comes to him from old medical laboratories around the world.


Henry once worked as a gardener at a local university, but 5 years ago he was fed up with all this. After that, he decided to turn his dark hobby of collecting various strange things into a business of selling them.


Looking for interesting items for his store, Henry now mainly follows online auctions like eBay.

According to Henry, his clients include both medical professionals and people who live in the neighborhood.


The rarest and most valuable things are expensive. Severed hands with cancerous growth cost £ 2,500.


“There is nothing wrong or unethical if you like these kinds of things. Sometimes people bring me such things themselves, because they find them at home and do not know what to do with them."

A piece of dried human flesh
A piece of dried human flesh

A piece of dried human flesh.

Henry's four-year-old daughter is already very passionate about her father's store and in the future he wants to attract her to his business, and then leave the store to her.

Henry sometimes faces public hatred. So recently a note was thrown under his door "you and your store are sick." But according to Henry, he was used to this for a long time.
