Chinese Man-made Caves At The 30th Parallel - Alternative View

Chinese Man-made Caves At The 30th Parallel - Alternative View
Chinese Man-made Caves At The 30th Parallel - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Man-made Caves At The 30th Parallel - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Man-made Caves At The 30th Parallel - Alternative View
Video: Top 7 Most Mysterious Creatures Caught In China 2024, September

Places that are located at 30 degrees latitude are full of secrets and mysteries along the entire parallel. This is the notorious triangle near Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean, the well-known Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx, Mexican antiquities.

These mysterious places are known to many, but not everyone knows that in China in the northern latitude of 30 degrees there are also no less mysterious places - "Labyrinth of stone caves - Flower Mountain". These caves are located near the famous landmark of China, the Huangshan Mountains in the southeast of the country.

They are the largest in size and the most mysterious man-made stone caves discovered to this day in China, created by ancient people.

The ancient stone caves of Huangshan have not ceased to haunt the minds of people since their discovery. It is believed that the creation of stone caves in these mountains began more than 1700 years ago. Among the currently known 36 stone caves, the largest of them has an area of 12 thousand square meters. meters. There are almost 10 basketball fields.

Flower Mountain has become almost hollow inside due to the construction of stone caves. Today it remains a mystery where the removed stone disappeared. It has been calculated that the excavated stones can pave a road more than 240 kilometers long. However, it is strange that the local peasant houses are mostly built of blue stone, but there is none that would be built from the stone of the Flower Mountain. This stone is colorful.

In addition, Flower Mountain is fraught with many other secrets. For example, how, and with the help of what technique, our ancestors were able to complete such large-scale labor-intensive work 1700 years ago, to build such huge caves, and why there is not a word of information or any records about this anywhere. Why the locals never had a legend on this score.

The purpose of building such caves remains extremely unclear. Among such ancient caves that have already been discovered in China, there are those that were intended for habitation, for worship or for meditation of Buddhist monks. But the stone caves of the Flower Mountain were clearly not built for habitation. Moreover, there are no wall paintings or Buddhist deities in these caves. Therefore, they do not seem to serve a cult purpose.

There are many versions regarding the purpose of building the caves, but they all lack a scientific basis. If the caves were dug for the purpose of extracting stone, then such operations could easily be carried out in the open air. There was no need to engage in such titanic work. If they were created for storing grain, then these places cannot be considered dry. Maybe they were created with the aim of building the imperial chambers? But none of the historical records mentions them. Therefore, they really remain an outlandish mystery for the Chinese.

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Cave number 35 has a depth of 170 meters, an area of about 12 thousand square meters. meters. The entrance to the cave is small. A tunnel 20 meters long runs from it and then suddenly a huge underground palace appears in front of you. In the middle of the palace there are 26 tall, huge stone columns, the circumference of which is more than ten meters. These columns diverge to form a triangle and look very majestic. They support the caves and prevent them from collapsing.

In a stone cave, everything is made of stone: rooms with beds, bridges and even carved towers. A total of 36 stone rooms, among them the smallest with an area of two square meters. meters. In the course of them from one side. It is a small door that only one person can walk through. The caves are full of green lakes with crystal clear waters that never dry up.

There is one more place in the cave at number 35, which causes involuntary admiration among visitors. This is the wall of a stone cave, stretching to the ground at an angle of 45 degrees. It is 15 meters wide and 30 meters long.

But why did the creators of the caves want to give such a shape? With the help of infrared rays, it was discovered that this wall is just a natural slope of the mountain. This wall does not have a distance of five meters from the peak of the mountain. If, having reached this point, the builders did not change direction, then they could dig through the mountain.

Traces of human labor are clearly visible on this wall. Pay attention to the texture of the surface - what tools did the builders use to create these grooves? Exclusively for aesthetic reasons, or was the stone taken out all at once, in one pass? Did they use the "forests"?

Obviously, the builders specifically designed this slope of the wall. But how in those ancient times, when everything was primitive and there were no measuring instruments, they were able to calculate the slope of the mountain so accurately? This also remains a mystery.

The caves are located between the following coordinates: 29 ° 39'34 "and 29 ° 47'7"