Underground Gnomes From Siberia. - Alternative View

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Underground Gnomes From Siberia. - Alternative View
Underground Gnomes From Siberia. - Alternative View

Video: Underground Gnomes From Siberia. - Alternative View

Video: Underground Gnomes From Siberia. - Alternative View
Video: Гномы. Подземные жители Сибири. Документальный фильм 2024, September

In the article The underground network of tunnels entangled the whole of Europe and was built in the Stone Age, it was told about the strange catacombs of Europe, discovered in the nineteenth century. It was then that scientists penetrated the first of them. In the old days it was believed that these tunnels were dug by dwarfs.

Dwarf legends are very popular in Europe. And all over the world. But in Russia? It turns out that in our open spaces there were places for underground crumbs. For example, in Siberia. Or in the Urals. There, not only their tunnels were found. People called the Siberian gnomes "scarecrows".

Andrey PEREPELITSIN, head of the interregional group for studying the secrets and mysteries of the Earth and Space "Labyrinth", who himself and his colleagues set off in the footsteps of the Siberian gnomes:

“… On 7 ver. from Kungur in the direction of Perm along the Perm tract there is a large hole under the stone, into which an adult can freely pass. There are small dug steps into the cave. According to popular legend, this cave was once inhabited by "chuchki" - small people …"

Shamanic plaque. Such products were cast by representatives of Chudi. Didn't they portray themselves?


This is what the local ethnographer MA Blinov wrote in 1925 in his article "An unexplored cave", apparently hoping that scientists would be interested in this unusual cave. Alas, hopes were not justified: in subsequent years, the cave was not only not explored, but completely lost. Only in the 1990s, the famous Perm speleologist Igor Lavrov, having discovered Blinov's article, decided to find the Chuchek cave. According to the enthusiast, it was not easy to do - too much changes have taken place in the specified area. Only in 2002, the passage leading underground was opened …

Alas - although the cave, called Babinogorskaya, turned out to be very interesting and branched, with underground lakes - no traces of people staying in it in antiquity have yet been found. Including "dug steps". Which, however, is not surprising: even if the cave is identified correctly, the former entrance to it is now blocked by a landslide …

Promotional video:

However, the Babinogorskaya Cave is not the only place in the Perm Territory where, according to legends, the mysterious Scots lived (by the way, Igor Lavrov also found out the meaning of this word - in the 19th century it meant “grimy ones”). Mention about them can be found in the literature, however, very scarce. So, in a guide to the Urals published in 1970, literally in one phrase, Mount Chuchek is mentioned, several kilometers from the city of Suksun. Having reached this regional center adjacent to Kungur, we go through the houses. At first, a bummer awaits us - there are almost no indigenous people left, those living recently, at best, only know the name of the high-rise. Only Anna Ivanovna Tretyakova remembered the legends about its legendary inhabitants.

Badge. Human bird. 13-14 c. Bronze. 6.2 / 3.8 cm. Upper Kama region of the Perm region


- Dwarfs lived there, they were called scarecrows! - Immediately said the interlocutor, explaining: - No, even in the old days no one saw the little chuchek, there is only a legend that they left here when the Russians settled in the Urals and saw them … But that they were small - for sure! From the top of the mountain to the river, ladders were made of stone, steps of this height (the woman spreads her arms to the height of her palm). There were several ladders, I saw them myself! My deceased man always cleared them out. Now they, probably, have been dragged by the earth, everything has been uprooted up there, the forest has been uprooted … And the river has long since moved away from the mountain, it washes away our bank. Somehow about fifty years ago, exactly opposite the Chuchek Mountain, the coast collapsed: log cabins and a tunnel opened. Everyone was surprised, some people came, studied, said, it goes far. Then we arrived with scuba gear, climbed up and - as they told us - the course disappeared:collapsed …

Chud wonderful

Attempts to make inquiries among the Ural cavers and speleodivers about the "underwater tunnel" led to a discouraging result - none of them conducted research in the area of Mount Chuchek, and did not hear about such … In the same way, its archaeological study seems to have not been carried out. However, legends about people who once lived undersized, either displaced or driven out by migrant peoples, exist not only in the Perm region, on the contrary, they are very widespread in the Urals, although they called the dwarfs differently:

- There were such undersized people - eccentrics. When the new population came, they buried themselves alive. There is such a place near Harino, like their grave. Anyone will show there. In the summer, people come to Trinity there, commemorate them - a young hunter in the Komi-Permyak district enlightened me.

Ethnographer, now editor of the Kudymkarskaya newspaper Elena Ivanovna Konshina summarizes:

- We have a lot of such stories. She wrote it down herself. Usually they say that these dwarfs, chud, as they were more often called, buried themselves when the conquerors came: they dug a hole, put a roof on the pillars, cut down the pillars … Moans and weeping from the ground were heard for a long time. Until now, people come there every year. Chud is not considered ancestors, but they are respected anyway. In place of one of their "graves" they even erected a cross.

The well-known expert on Ural legends PP Bazhov heard about stunted people from childhood, and he lived in the south of the present-day Sverdlovsk region: “Most often it was said about“old people”. These "old people" brought all kinds of wealth here, and then, as ours came to this land, these old people buried themselves in the ground, only one girl was left to look after everything. " “People were old and small. They walked underground on only the "walkers" they knew and "knew everything inside." "The old people are not Russians or Tatarvians; they lived here before them."

Gnomes, Zettes, Seeds, Chuckles, Donbettyrs …

Generally speaking, legends about dwarf miners have long existed throughout Eurasia, only they are called differently: gnomes, zettes, sids, chakli, donbettyrs … slightly lower than that of an ordinary person, the usual rating: from "teenager". It turns out that quite real African pygmies are even lower than the legendary underground inhabitants! Yes, and "spirits", descendants from the other world, these children of the underground in the Urals were never considered - just a skillful, skillful, but physically weak people, ousted by the conquerors underground. You can even find out the features of their social structure and culture from legends and traditions. So, an unusually large number of virgin rulers can speak of matriarchy among the Chuchki. Property stratification is not alien to them either:

“Sirts (as the Nenets call our heroes) now live inside the earth, because they cannot bear the light of the sun, they have their own language, but they also understand the language of the Nenets. Once a Nenets, digging in the ground, attacked the cave in which the Sirts lived. One of them said: "Leave us alone, we are afraid of the light and love the darkness of the earth, but there are passages here, go to our rich people if you are looking for wealth and we are poor." Samoyed was afraid to go by dark passages and again filled up the cave he had opened *. (* N. A. Krinichnaya Legends of the Russian North)

Rich and poor - everything is like people! So maybe the underground dwarfs belong to the human race?

Mysterious invisible

Behind the legends is often a distorted, but reality. I tried to look for possible traces of chuchek / chudi / old people not only in folklore, but also among archaeological data - and there were a lot of them. However, they are scattered and, as a rule, unsystematic. Another famous academician Simon Pallas, on the instructions of Peter, who compiled a geographical description of the Russian Empire, wrote about the "Chud mines" and even about the household items found in them: mittens and a purse. A little later in the same century, a Russian academician, Ivan Lepekhin wrote:

“The whole samoyad land and the present Mezen district are filled with desolate dwellings of some ancient people. They are found in many places, near lakes on the tundra and in forests near rivers, made in mountains and hills like caves with holes like doors. Stoves are found in these caves, and iron, copper and clay fragments of household items and, moreover, human bones are found. Russians call these houses the Chud dwellings. These desolate dwellings, according to the Samoyeds, belong to some invisible people, actually called in Samoyadic "sirte".

Especially impressive is the riddle of the "Chud casting" Throughout the Urals, not even thousands, but tens of thousands of so-called "shaman plaques" have been found: cast copper and bronze miniatures depicting animals and people in surprisingly expressive poses. In 1910, one of the first Russian archaeologists A. A. Spitsyn published a whole atlas with drawings of such gizmos. They are also studied by modern archaeologists: plaques are in many Ural museums. Art critics even introduced the term "Perm Animal Style". Surprisingly, in the Middle Ages, their culture abruptly disappears: in the southern Urals a little earlier, in the North a little later. Undoubtedly, under the influence of the immigrants who came to the Urals - Turks and Russians. Where did a whole people of ancient metallurgists disappear to? The archaeologists, with whom I spoke on this topic, shrug their shoulders: some could be killed, some assimilated. However, all the semi-underground dwellings of the Chud look rather abandoned, there are no noticeable traces of battles. Where have their inhabitants gone? Sometimes modern Khanty and Mansi are called the descendants of the Chudi, which has gone into the deep taiga, but, in my opinion, the geometric ornaments of their embroidery have nothing to do with the “Perm animal style”.

What if the legends are right, and the chud went not into the woods, but underground? Moreover, this nation has already accumulated a fair amount of experience in constructing semi-underground dwellings and setting up ore mines. And there are precedents.

However, if the remains of the underground Chud have survived to this day - why do they not go to the official, so to speak, contact? Here one can only guess: maybe the underground leaders intelligibly explain to their subjects that people are fried in pans on the surface, one can think of other reasons … Or maybe the eccentrics have really completely disappeared … In any case, it is clear - the initiative is in search their traces (or maybe, what the devil is not joking, and the dwarfs themselves) should belong to us, the "upper people." Together with my friends, I have been dreaming of a serious expedition to the Polar Urals for many years. Moreover, some legends indicate the exact location of the "chudi caves".

However, amateurism in such a matter is unacceptable! Not only cavers should take part in the search, but also archaeologists, ethnographers, and, after all, translators from the languages of small nations … Plus, those places are very sparsely populated. So the expedition will take a lot of time and will cost a not too big, but still unaffordable "pretty penny" for amateurs. Perhaps, sponsors from among the oil and gas companies located in the regions of interest to us will show interest in searches that threaten to open new, unknown and unexpected pages of Russian history, especially the history of the North?