The Boy Spoke English, Never Studying His - Alternative View

The Boy Spoke English, Never Studying His - Alternative View
The Boy Spoke English, Never Studying His - Alternative View

Video: The Boy Spoke English, Never Studying His - Alternative View

Video: The Boy Spoke English, Never Studying His - Alternative View
Video: Why You Understand English But Can't Speak Fluently 2024, July

Imagine only that a 3-year-old Arab boy O'Neill Mahmoud from an ethno-confessional group of Druze suddenly spoke in pure English, and with a purely British accent, incredibly surprising first to his relatives, and then to linguists. The preschooler's family lives in the Golan Heights and speaks exclusively in Arabic. Even on TV, Mahmoud never watched English-language channels. The same goes for radio and books. Where the child learned to speak English well is a real mystery for his family, as well as for invited experts and journalists. However, we note that this is far from a unique case in world history.

Until recently, the amazing boy did not speak at all, and then all of a sudden he began to utter English words for no reason. O'Neill's relatives, who do not speak English, at first did not even understand what was happening. Now the preschooler is learning to speak Arabic, but his knowledge of his native language is still significantly inferior to his English skills. At the moment, the child goes to kindergarten, where he has an English-speaking teacher, with whom he communicates freely. However, O'Neill has practically no contact with peers, which is quite frustrating for his parents and other relatives.

In parapsychology, this phenomenon is known as xenoglossia. There are many officially documented cases where people suddenly started speaking languages and dialects that they had never learned. Sometimes even in dead languages, which no one speaks in the modern world, or even nonexistent - languages that supposedly once existed somewhere, but which modern science can only guess about.

Proponents of reincarnation believe that a person, for a reason unknown to us, thus recalls his past life. According to others, a person remembers the languages of their ancestors at the genetic level, and they again somehow miraculously break out. One way or another, this is a very interesting phenomenon for which there is no clear explanation yet. Perhaps little O'Neill Mahmoud will allow scientists to shed light on the nature of this phenomenon. Or at least replenish the collection of knowledge about this strange for people and very rare phenomenon, which ultimately will bring its solution closer …