Mysterious Moth Man - Alternative View

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Mysterious Moth Man - Alternative View
Mysterious Moth Man - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Moth Man - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Moth Man - Alternative View
Video: Mothman - Q+A 2024, July

Moffman - "Man-Moth", "Man-Mole", a creature belonging to the so-called cryptids - animals, the existence of which has not yet been scientifically proven. Among them are the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot - Bigfoot, Chupacabra and other amazing creatures. Moffman rightfully occupies one of the first places in the hierarchy of the unknown.

For the first time about Moffman - a moth-man - the newspaper "New York Sun" told in September 1877. The article stated that a certain eyewitness observed in the sky a flying "winged creature with a human figure." Later, evidence of the appearance of the "moth man" more than once fell on the pages of the press, but a real flurry of observations occurred in the 60-70s of the twentieth century.

Bird with red eyes

On November 16, 1966, a report on the mysterious phenomenon of the winged man was published in a newspaper at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, USA. The witness described the Moffman as a creature resembling a bird and a person at the same time. Literally the day before the article was published, on November 15, 1966, five people digging a grave in a cemetery in the vicinity of Clendenin (the same West Virginia) said that they saw a flying humanoid figure. Then two young couples from Point Pleasant - Roger and Linda Scarsbury and Steve and Mary Mallett - spoke about her. They saw a large flying man with wings about three meters and with glowing red eyes. This flying creature allegedly pursued their car. Over the next few days, two firefighters said they saw "a huge bird with red eyes." There was other evidence as well.

However, Mason County Sheriff George Johnson did not attach any importance to all these statements, believing that eyewitnesses saw an abnormally large heron. He was supported by a biologist at the University of West Virginia, who was consulted by newspapermen. He stated that the description of the creature is similar to the Canadian crane, which could go astray. However, all the applicants categorically disagreed with this, claiming that they saw him quite clearly and that this creature could not be any bird.


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And this story happened on the night of August 30, 1967 in Mexico. José's watchman saw a strange creature that was advancing at him with huge steps. As he later said, the creature had wings like a small plane. The monster made strange sounds, reminiscent of the mechanical clanking of iron parts. When this monster flapped its wings, Jose in fear ran into the lodge and hid in it until the morning. In the morning, he surveyed the area and found large, strange footprints about 30 cm in size. They were deep enough, it can be argued that the creature weighed more than 250 kg.

The next night, in the same place, several watchmen watched a whole group of monsters flying towards Mount San Migelito.

On November 25 of the same year, shoe seller Thomas Urie was driving his car when he saw a tall humanoid figure standing in a field near the road. Before his eyes, she spread her wings, flew up sharply and chased the car. Thomas pressed the gas pedal all the way, but the "flying creature" did not even think to lag behind …

During those same days, 18-year-old Connie was driving home from a local church. A large dark figure more than two meters in height with huge, blazing fire eyes suddenly appeared near the golf club standing by the road. Wings suddenly opened behind the creature's back, and it silently rose vertically upward.

Reports of the mothman ended on December 15, 1967, just after the collapse of the Silver Bridge over the Ohio River, connecting Point Pleasant and Gallipolis, Ohio. The bridge had a 213-meter center span and two 115-meter side spans. When it collapsed, 46 people died. The people began to talk about the connection between the Moffman and the collapse of the bridge …

Head-on collision

For a long time there was no information about the moth man. However, after almost half a century, new evidence emerged.

“It happened in the summer of 2016 near Chesterland, Ohio,” said an eyewitness who asked not to be named. - I am 32 years old, and until that moment I did not believe in anything paranormal. At about four in the morning, I was driving my truck full of packs of fresh newspapers along road 322 towards Chesterland. Fog hung, and there were no stars in the sky, only the light from the moon was white. I was driving at a speed of about 80 km / h when I saw that a very large dark figure was flying over the road directly towards me, through the windshield. I braked, but the collision could not be avoided: the creature hit the roof of the cabin with full swing. I stopped 75 meters from the scene of the accident and, having examined the cabin, did not find any serious damage. Walking around the car, I noticed a creature lying on the ground. It looked very large, at first I thought it was a giant bat,because his wings resembled the wings of bats, not birds. Then the creature stirred and jumped to its feet. It was about two meters tall and its eyes glowed red-orange. I froze in fear, unable to move. And the creature looked at me and began to spread its wings. Coming out of my stupor, I rushed into the cab, pressed the gas pedal to the floor and drove away … What was that? I can only add that the creature reminded me of the monster from the Jeepers Creepers movie. I could not see his face, I remembered only the burning eyes. Since then I always travel this route with caution … "And the creature looked at me and began to spread its wings. Coming out of my stupor, I rushed into the cab, pressed the gas pedal to the floor and drove away … What was that? I can only add that the creature reminded me of the monster from the Jeepers Creepers movie. I could not see his face, I remembered only the burning eyes. Since then I always travel this route with caution … "And the creature looked at me and began to spread its wings. Coming out of my stupor, I rushed into the cab, pressed the gas pedal to the floor and drove away … What was that? I can only add that the creature reminded me of the monster from the Jeepers Creepers movie. I could not see his face, I remembered only the burning eyes. Since then I always travel this route with caution …"

In December 2017, a post appeared on the Internet, left by the girl under the initials PS and made after a trip to a holiday in Ny Rishmont (Quebec, Canada): “My friend and I took my grandmother's car and went to the city to have fun. On the way back we almost reached the house, and then a large dark figure jumped out from behind a tree to our right. The creature had huge black wings that enveloped its body, it looked like a sleeping bat or something. We saw that his body was very large, 2-2.5 meters. My boyfriend jerked away from him along the road. We were just numb and wanted to get home as soon as possible."

The monster in the sky above the road to Nu Rishmon was reported periodically by other witnesses.

Illinois case

On June 25, 2018 at 2:17 am, a surveillance camera recorded a strange phenomenon in one of the parking lots in the American city of Rantul, Illinois. The video caught an incomprehensible shadow that flew rapidly against the background of a bright street lamp. Experts who got acquainted with these shots concluded that there can be no talk of a bird or an insect …

Who are you, moth man?

All witnesses describe the creature in approximately the same way: growth is from 1.8 to 2.5 meters, the span of membranous wings reaches 4-6 meters, the body is covered with dark hair, large eyes glow with red or dark orange light, the figure is similar to a human. All eyewitnesses note an unpleasant smell and strange sounds, similar to metallic clanging. The creature is found mainly in North America and Mexico, but it is periodically observed in other parts of the world, including Russia and Georgia. We saw him in the Pripyat area during the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986.

There are several theories about the origins of the Moffman. There is an assumption that this is a military development - either a mutant or a robot. Ufologists claim that these creatures are either inhabitants of a parallel world who have dropped in to visit us, or aliens collecting information about our planet.


On October 15, 2018 in the American city of Andover, Massachusetts, local resident Sarah Bishop was returning home at night. As she passed the wasteland, she saw the "Moth Man" -a pale gray figure with large wings. Despite her fear, she began to photograph the creature with a smartphone. During this time, the monster spread and folded its wings several times, looking at the woman, and then suddenly soared into the air and instantly disappeared.

Author: Sergey LEIBMAN