How To Deal With Evil In A Person? - Alternative View

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How To Deal With Evil In A Person? - Alternative View
How To Deal With Evil In A Person? - Alternative View

Video: How To Deal With Evil In A Person? - Alternative View

Video: How To Deal With Evil In A Person? - Alternative View
Video: 7 Signs You’re Dealing With an Evil Person 2024, September

A couple of thousand years ago, one man was nailed to a wooden cross only because he called and asked people to be a little kinder to each other at least sometimes, well, at least from time to time.

Why are we so angry? What is the reason for our cruelty and hatred for each other? And is there really some absolute evil that seduces people from the path of goodness and compassion, pushing them to vile and cruel acts?


Inborn morality

There is a widespread misconception that man is inherently a bloodthirsty beast and that he is naturally prone to cruelty and violence. This is partly true, since a certain range of our actions is programmed by instincts that have been formed during evolution. But, nevertheless, most of human actions are the result of the influence of the society and cultural environment that surrounded each of us from the first years of life.

And indeed, looking at the cheerful and laughing toddlers, it is hard to believe that a little later they will turn into angry, callous and indifferent people. Unfortunately, our environment is polluted not only by harmful substances, but also by an unthinkable amount of hatred and terror, which have a detrimental effect on all of humanity.

Dr. Karen Win of Yale University has devoted nearly 20 years of her life to studying the psychology of young children. In a sense of the word, newborn babies represent a pure human essence, since their consciousness has not yet had time to “saturate” the cultural code, religious concepts, socio-political relationships, etc.

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- The more I get to know children, the more difficult they seem to me. A lot of interesting things are going on in their heads. Their mental life is much richer and not as straightforward as we thought,”says Karen.

She and her colleagues develop and conduct various tests, the purpose of which is to identify innate patterns of behavior. In the course of one of these experiments, a small scene with the participation of three toys is arranged in front of the little ones: one toy tries to perform an action, but it fails. Then the second toy helps the first. Then the toy again tries to perform this action, but the third one, instead of helping, in a rather rude manner, stops the whole process.

Then the kids are asked which of the characters they liked best: the one that helped, or the other, who took away the opportunity to perform the action? Almost 95% of babies answer with complete confidence that they liked the toy that helped them the most.

This clearly indicates that we are all born with the beginnings of good and a rejection of evil. However, it cannot be denied that if children grow up amid violence and cruelty, then in the future they themselves will do evil.

What goes around comes around

An amazing people of short stature live in the vast savannas of South Africa. They are pygmies. They are unique in every way. But the most amazing thing is that they lack the very concept of evil as such! It is impossible to believe in this, but among them there are no fights, murders, wars, violence, etc. They don't even quarrel with each other. How the hell do pygmies do this?

The secret of their happy life, in which there is no place for senseless hatred, lies in the attitude towards their children. Pygmies simply adore their offspring. They never shout at them, do not insult them, and even more so do not subject them to physical punishment.


If the child leaves somewhere without asking, then upon his return the father will not wait for him with a face twisted with anger and will not growl through his teeth: “Where have you been? Well, take off your pants, now you will get a belt! Rather, the baby will be hugged, kissed, told that they were very worried, and asked not to do this anymore.

As numerous studies have shown, in all societies where a tender and affectionate attitude towards children is widespread, there is an extremely low number of crimes, primarily serious ones, such as murder. Now take a look at the level of violence against children in the CIS countries, where the same pedophilia has become an epidemic.

It remains to be hoped that the governments of our countries will begin to fight not only international terrorism, but also the horrors that adults do to young children.

A psychopath is a calling

There are those among us in whom the desire to torture, maim and kill their own kind is inherent from birth. The horrific crimes they commit lead many to regard such people as the devil. They are called psychopaths.

How is a psychopath different from a normal person? The most important difference is how he perceives other people. A normal person, looking at other people, fully realizes that they, like him, are sentient beings who have the right to life and happiness. For a psychopath, people are not individuals, but objects.

He is characterized by an abnormal obsession with some idea. Therefore, a psychopath can kill an innocent person without the slightest twinge of conscience, if he is not lucky enough to stand in his way. The psychopath perceives this as removing obstacles, like removing stones from the road.


One of the brightest psychopaths of our time is Anders Breivik. On July 22, 2011, he planted a bomb in central Oslo, which killed four people and injured more than a hundred, and then went to the island of Utøya and shot 73 people there. The main motive for Breivik's actions was his disagreement with the immigration policy of Norway and his protest against the Islamization of Europe. As it turned out, for many years he was obsessed with the idea of fighting against Muslims and returning to a truly Christian and "knightly" Europe.

Neuroscientist Jim Fallon studies the brains of murderous people. He found out that such personalities differ from all others not only in their worldview and manic obsession with some ideas, but also in the anatomy of their brain.

By looking at thousands of MRI scans, Fallon discovered one pattern that is characteristic of psychopaths. In a normal brain, the amygdala, anterior temporal lobe, orbital cortex, medial frontal cortex, cingulate groove to the hypothalamus form a loop. In psychopaths, the above areas are open.

The situation is aggravated if the genotype of such a person contains genes that contribute to antisocial and violent manifestations. It would seem easier than ever to identify such people and isolate them from society. However, the presence of these deviations is not an absolute guarantee that a person will become a serial killer. Jim Fallon himself was convinced of this by his own example.

He once made scans of his family members. While studying them, Jim encountered the characteristic psychopathic anomaly. He experienced a real shock, as it was a scan of his brain! Moreover, after a genetic examination, he was found to have high-risk genes.

As the shock began to wear off, Fallon dug into his past and found the answer. The fact is that his parents, uncle, aunt and grandparents did everything in their power to ensure that he had a happy and carefree childhood. Jim was surrounded by affection and love, this is what helped him to overcome the program inherent in him and become a good person.

“When I asked my friends and family if I had any signs of psychopathy, they said:“Well, yes, everyone around you knows that you are crazy. You delve into people's heads and strive to find out how everything is arranged and working there. But you are a harmless psycho and funny person, so forget about it,”- laughing, says Jim. - You can say I'm a prosocial psychopath.

Take care of children

As any river has a source, so evil always has a root. The seeds of hatred dropped on the human soul in early childhood will sprout bloody in the future. Every year, thousands of people turn to psychologists for help in an attempt to understand the cause of the contradictions in their lives. In most cases, the reason is the same: a lack of love and understanding on the part of the parents.

People grow up, become independent individuals. But childhood resentments and fears still occupy their minds and do not allow them to live normally. Many still fail to get rid of them completely, and people transfer the mistakes of their parents to their children, and those to their own, and so on ad infinitum …

Absolute evil is an abstraction. People invented a goat with long horns and bat wings to dump all their weaknesses and sins on him. Yes, indeed, the "scapegoat". Do you want to defeat evil? First defeat him in yourself. And most importantly, do not even let him touch your children, and perhaps one day the evil will disappear just as darkness disappears under the rays of the rising sun.

"Secrets of the XX century" September 2014