A British Family Captured Four UFOs In The Video - Alternative View

A British Family Captured Four UFOs In The Video - Alternative View
A British Family Captured Four UFOs In The Video - Alternative View

Video: A British Family Captured Four UFOs In The Video - Alternative View

Video: A British Family Captured Four UFOs In The Video - Alternative View
Video: UFO caught on camera: Pentagon confirms leaked images and video are real | 7NEWS 2024, July

A British eyewitness residing in Bradford took the courage for nearly three years to report his UFO story (see video below).

On the evening of July 28, 2014, he, together with his wife and two young children, after a visit to his older sister, were going to go home. The family was already putting the youngest child in the car when the older boy Vincent noticed lights in the sky and immediately exclaimed that it was a UFO.

“We all looked up and saw a bright light in the sky moving very quickly in the clouds from left to right. I took out my mobile phone and tried to record this object on video, but then I decided that my attempt was unsuccessful,”- indeed, the words of an eyewitness, full of disappointment, are heard on the video.

According to the head of the family, he was really very upset, since from childhood he was interested in UFOs and loved to watch television programs "The Amazing World of Arthur Clarke", which was hosted by the famous British scientist and science fiction writer Sir Arthur Charles Clark.

When his wife Daniela spoke some comforting words to him, he thought, "I really saw it." And then pressing troubles postponed this event, and it turned out to be forgotten.

“One evening, about 7-8 months later, I was sitting at home and deleting photos and videos from my phone to free up space on the memory card, and came across a video that I did not recognize,” the man pressed the play button and realized that it was the same video taken at the moment the UFO appeared.

It turned out that as many as four UFOs were filmed in the video. Against the background of the night sky, three objects are clearly visible, glowing in pulsating green, red and blue, which are lined up in a horizontal line, and the fourth object with flashing lights, most likely a helicopter, approached them from the left side.

“I immediately called my wife, and we watched this video several times. I still can't believe that none of us even noticed these three objects that night,”the admiring eyewitness played the video to his friends and work colleagues, but received such a portion of ridicule that he never showed it to anyone else.

Promotional video:

Almost three years later, a local resident decided to send his video to the World UFO Network (MUFON) in order to finally establish his own opinion.

“I am fully confident that these objects are not stars, airplanes or weather balloons. Plus, the City of Bedford can only afford to fly one police helicopter in one night, let alone four. I'm pretty sure I filmed real UFOs."

Voronina Svetlana