The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Has Never Existed - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Has Never Existed - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Has Never Existed - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Has Never Existed - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Has Never Existed - Alternative View
Video: SCP-787 - The Plane That Never Was (SCP Animation) 2024, September

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle with the disappearance of ships and aircraft has never existed. Everything is based on fiction and fears spread by journalists since the middle of the last century. Helen Cherski (physicist and oceanographer) does not hide his skepticism about this issue.

In a short video posted on Youtube, she logically and consistently explains the physical aspect of this phenomenon. It turns out that in the water area located between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida, from time to time, methane gas emerges from the sea depths. Some pseudoscientists have suggested that when a bubble that is too large rises out of the sea, it could swallow the ship as soon as it equals the horizontal plane of the water.

The scientist said that gas bubbles are never large, the maximum they can do is to cause the effect of "boiling water" on the sea surface. If the process is very intense, it will push the ship aside, but it is unable to overturn the ship, or drag it to the bottom due to the weak impact on a large object.