Prophecies About The Earthquake In The USA - Alternative View

Prophecies About The Earthquake In The USA - Alternative View
Prophecies About The Earthquake In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies About The Earthquake In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies About The Earthquake In The USA - Alternative View
Video: Cascadia: The Earthquake that will Destroy Westcoast America 2024, September

The famous American psychic Chet B. Snow, with whom Dr. Helen Wambach conducted hypnotic sessions of progression (foresight of the future in a state of trance), in her book “The Future. Your life after 2000”cites numerous circumstances of the upcoming catastrophe associated with the intensification of the seismic activity of the bowels of our planet.

Here are just some excerpts from the psychic's records:

“Your eyes are closed and you are pleased that they are closed,” Helen says. Deep relaxation, it engulfs your facial muscles, the tongue falls loose in your mouth…. Hovering and moving forward in time, this time you will perceive everything that you see, hear or feel as happening to you in a dream …”.

Further, under hypnosis, the psychic reports: “Recently there have been volcanic eruptions, terrible storms and subsidence of the soil, which led to strong floods along the west coast. The consequence of this was atmospheric disturbances and rather heavy destruction throughout the entire Pacific region.

- What volcano was it? Where did it all start?

- Fuji.

- Where? Tell me the name of this volcano again. Your voice sounds distinct and clear when you pass the whole scene through your mind, just like in a dream …

- It was Fujiyama, I think. Anyway, a volcano in Japan. Its eruption triggered a chain reaction of powerful earthquakes and subsequent volcanic eruptions in the Pacific region, all the way to Alaska. The newspapers called it "the flash of the ring of fire."

Promotional video:

- When it started?

- Around the beginning of March, it seems. I did not know the exact date, because there were only small tremors in our area before Fuji exploded.

- What about California? Has anything happened there?

- Yes, there were violent storms, big floods … maybe even what is called a small tsunami happened. I think there were subsequent tremors, even possibly one strong earthquake. This led to terrible floods. Part of the coast simply went under water, and as a result, sea waters penetrated into the central valleys of the country and flooded the lowlands. The worst of all is in southern California, where a huge part of the earth's surface subjected to shocks simply collapsed ….

David Wilkerson's book The Vision describes a terrible earthquake that will hit the United States. This cataclysm will begin after the devastating cataclysm in Japan (earthquake of March 11, 2011 - Approx. SV): “In the not very distant future, the United States will experience the strongest earthquake in history. The day is approaching when the news in this country will report terrible news - the worst and most devastating earthquake in history.

This message will be the cause of widespread panic and fear. All television broadcasts will be interrupted, day after day they will only talk about this disaster.

It will be preceded by a very strong earthquake in Japan … I am not entirely sure that the future earthquake will be in California, but I know that it will be where it is least expected, i.e. not at all in the zone of earthquakes ….

Prominent American fortuneteller Edgar Cayce (1877-1945): “Most of Japan must go under water. In western America, the earth will begin to split. " California and southern Nevada will make a "somersault" into the Pacific Ocean …

“Look at New York, Connecticut and the like. Many areas on the east coast will shake, as will the central United States.

Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed even before New York.

Areas of the east coast near New York, and possibly New York itself, will practically disappear from the face of the earth. Here, however, another generation will live; as for the southern parts of Carolina, Georgia, they will disappear. And this will happen earlier …”.

Earthquake vision recorded by Joe Brandt (1937): “Looking at the huge map of the world, I could see what was happening on Earth and with people. Hollywood and Los Angeles … they swayed from the earthquake. I could see the mountains that come together - Sierra Nevada, San Andreas, and Garlock. I knew what would happen in San Francisco - it would be turned upside down … much faster than Hollywood ….

Clairvoyant Ross Peterson. In his opinion, Georgia, Carolina and the entire US West Coast will suffer as a result of a nightmarish tectonic cataclysm. California will be flooded and New York will sink into the ocean.

Palestinian prophet Ziyad Silvadi. According to Silvadi's forecasts, the States will be washed away by a powerful tsunami. "Water Death" will fall on America simultaneously from the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean … ".

Ruth Montgomery (1913 - 2001). “Shortly before the actual movement of the poles, two special events will occur. The eruptions of ancient volcanoes in the Mediterranean Islands, South America and California will cause epidemics, and soon after, as a result of powerful tremors affecting Northern Europe, Asia and South America, giant tsunamis of a hitherto unknown scale will form.

Before these events, the Earth will shake slightly for several days and nights, as if strong hands are rocking a baby …

New York will disappear. Florida is unlikely to survive. The southern states overlooking the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, including Texas, will change beyond recognition. In the west, the remains of California will disappear into the boiling sea. Canada will find itself in warm latitudes and relatively safe from the tsunami, it seems like a good place to survive. Washington will be devastated, but not completely destroyed ….

Prophecy of the American Indian Robert the Ghost Wolf: “Darkness and gloom will descend on the Pacific coast of the United States at the beginning of the new millennium, for several months it will be as dark as it is only on long polar nights. This will happen because dozens of volcanoes will erupt almost simultaneously, ash and smoke will cover the entire western part of America for a long time. A volcanic eruption at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean will cause a sharp rise in coastal waters up to almost a hundred meters."

American clairvoyant Michael Gordon Scallion, in his book "Messages from Space", describes the terrible consequences of a tectonic cataclysm, as a result of which vast land areas on all continents will go under water. In the near future, he predicts an earthquake in San Francisco, which should mark the beginning of global tectonic cataclysms.

According to the seer, “during an earthquake, the earth's crust will split along a line connecting Eurika and Bakersfield, and then turning from Bakersfield to the Gulf of California. A giant crack in the ground will cross the San Joaquin Valley and the Sacramento Valley. The area to the west of the rift - the longest segment of the California coastline - will begin to move independently of the bulk of North America. It will move relative to the North-South axis and form an angle with respect to the split line.

The western edge of the breakaway segment will begin to descend. As it sinks, the Pacific Ocean will move further and further until it reaches the split line. Thus, the entire segment will go under water. An earthquake of this magnitude will have several simultaneous consequences. Giant tidal waves will sweep across the Pacific Ocean. The sound shockwave will spread to the east of North America. The shockwave will vibrate sedimentary rocks beneath the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain systems, reducing their height and causing massive destruction. While the western regions of the United States begin to split, the eastern regions will also undergo significant changes.

Parts of New York will go under water, Manhattan will lose about 50% of its territory, a third of Maine's coastline will be flooded, most of Rhode Island will disappear under water, Connecticut will sink more than half into the ocean, Long Island will disappear completely, Florida will be half flooded. The Midwest will also experience significant cataclysms. The main change will be the transformation of the Great Lakes into one huge continental sea, and the Mississippi will turn into a giant sea strait. All these events will be followed by a shift of the Earth's poles.

Global changes on the territory of the United States will begin with fractures and separation of parts of the North American Plate, which will turn into 150 California Islands. The waters of the Pacific Ocean will flood the rifts and form a new coastline, and the west coast will move eastward. All the Great Lakes will merge and merge with the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the spilled Mississippi will link them to the Gulf of Mexico. The rise in the level of the World Ocean will push the entire east coast from Maine to Florida many kilometers inland.

Huge areas of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico will be flooded. The California Peninsula will become an island, and the Yucatan Peninsula will disappear under water. Hudson Bay and Fox Basin form a vast inland sea. Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta will become centers of survival and migration of the population of Alaska and British Columbia.

A new land will appear in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of the former western coast of the United States"