Brutal Experiments On Earthlings Continue - Alternative View

Brutal Experiments On Earthlings Continue - Alternative View
Brutal Experiments On Earthlings Continue - Alternative View

Video: Brutal Experiments On Earthlings Continue - Alternative View

Video: Brutal Experiments On Earthlings Continue - Alternative View
Video: The Most Horrifying Human Experiments Of All Time | Random Thursday 2024, June

This incredible incident happened on October 19, 2000. In a small village in northern Chile, a young teacher, Rojas Moffett, walked to school at about seven o'clock in the evening to prepare for the parent meeting. Beloved dog Dick followed him. Suddenly, the dark sky in the northeast flashed brightly, and Rojas saw a huge, radiant ball that split in two and disappeared southward.

Deciding that he was the victim of a visual hallucination, the teacher continued on his way when he suddenly noticed that there was no dog next to him. Dick responded neither to his nickname nor to the whistle. Rojas walked back down the narrow road to where he thought the dog should be. The young man was stunned by what he saw. Trembling with a big shiver, Dick crawled along the path and howled thinly. Noticing the returning owner, the dog began to bark at him as if he were a stranger. Rojas bitterly thought that the animal might have gone mad and would have to be shot. However, after a few minutes Dick calmed down a little and went up to the owner. He wagged his tail guiltily, and his sides heaved as if after a good run.

Rojas Moffett continued on his way to the school, noting to himself that the village was restless: in all the yards dogs barked, cows bellowed, and even chickens, which should have calmed down long ago, raised a terrible hubbub.

By nine o'clock in the evening, thirty adults gathered at the school - the parents of Rojas Moffett's students. All of them animatedly discussed the appearance of the mysterious ball, some claimed that they felt a strong smell of burning. The teacher realized that the visual hallucination had nothing to do with it - couldn't thirty people have become its victims? In addition, according to the parents, their family members also saw a mysterious object in the dark sky. However, judging that there would be no benefit in discussing what had happened, Moffett began the meeting. He could not even imagine that the most terrible events were still ahead.

Several children were playing in the schoolyard while waiting for the meeting to end. Eight-year-old Valentina, whose mother, Senora Frecia Vega, worked as a storekeeper at the school, suddenly raised her head and screamed, pointing her finger at the sky. The guys lifted their heads and saw that a giant flying object hovered right above the schoolyard. It was a white disc, almost the size of the schoolyard on which the children used to play football. On its surface, blue, red and yellow lights flashed and shimmered. It smelled like a fire all around.

At that moment Frecia Vega left the school. Not paying attention to her mother, or maybe not noticing her, Valentina, screaming wildly, rushed away from the school yard. Senora Vega, not yet understanding what was happening, ran after her daughter. The guys in the yard shouted and rushed into the classroom, where the meeting was going on. Already from the room, children and parents saw how a hole appeared in the bottom of the UFO hovering over the village, from which a blinding light gushed down. In the circle of this light on the ground, frightened mother and daughter were seen pressed to each other to death. Suddenly, the beam went out and there was a deafening explosion, from which the window panes rattled. Horrified, adults and children rushed into the street. We saw a huge spaceship, - Rojas Moffett later told the visiting journalists. It hung over the village somewhere at the height of a four-story building. We saw a dazzling ray of light coming from him, in which two motionless human figures were clearly visible - a large and a small one. As if frightened by the people who had run out of the school, the airship rushed from its place and glided straight south. He soon disappeared over the local cemetery. We rushed to look for Senora Bega and Valentina. It was already completely dark, and we were not sure that the poor things were where they were "nailed" to the ground by the UFO beam. However, they were there. But in what form! Both were trembling with fear and breathing heavily. Their clothes were burnt in places, and their skin was covered with burn blisters. After we sent the mother and daughter to the hospital, I began to analyze the events of that evening and understood the reason for the strange behavior of my dog and all other animals in the village. As it appears,animals anticipate the appearance of UFOs in the same way as they anticipate various natural disasters. After all, it is generally known that the beginning of an earthquake or volcanic eruption can be determined by the behavior of frogs, snakes, fish, dogs … It took about two weeks before Valentina and Frecia Vega left the hospital, where they got second degree burns. Both did not want to remember what happened, but, succumbing to the persuasion of journalists, they still gave an interview to the newspaper El Mercorio de Calama.succumbing to the persuasion of journalists, they still gave an interview to the newspaper El Mercorio de Calama.yielding to the persuasion of journalists, they nevertheless gave an interview to the newspaper El Mercorio de Calama.

- First, I saw a monstrous ship in the sky, and then my daughter fleeing into the darkness. I ran after her, and already when I caught up with her, a stream of light rushed over us from above. Directly above me was a hatch from which this light poured. I wanted to run, but I could not - it was as if I was paralyzed. Suddenly all over my body I felt a slight tingling and numbness, and then I realized that I was being sucked into the hatch. From somewhere far away I could hear voices, but I could not understand - whose. Then I thought that my last hour had come and began to pray. Probably, I still visited this ship, because I heard the hatch cover closing behind me. But around me I could not see anything: all around was flooded with a dazzling light, as dense as a curtain through which nothing could be seen. Nobody touched meand I didn't feel any support under me, my body seemed to float in the air. At some point, I suddenly got tired of being afraid and lost consciousness, and woke up already on the ground, next to Valentina.

“I hid behind my mother’s back,” the girl shared her memories, “and at first I was not scared. And then I suddenly felt cold. All my blood seemed to freeze. I looked up cautiously, but something was so bright there that I had to close my eyes. I began to ask my mother what it was, but she did not answer. She did not move or speak, but only looked up somewhere, and I decided that she was dead. I was very scared. And I don't remember anything else.

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It seemed to the people who ran out of the school that Fresia and Valentina had been under the UFO beam for only a few seconds, but the mother and daughter insisted otherwise. According to them, it took forever. Ufologists who analyzed this case believe that the mother and daughter got off with a slight fright. UFO encounters often do not end so harmlessly. In the book of the famous Russian ufologist G. K. Kolchin “The UFO phenomenon. A View from Russia”, in particular, the following episode is given.

“On one November night in 1957, a brilliant disc-shaped UFO hovered 60 meters above the Brazilian fort of Itaipu on the Atlantic coast. A humming sound was heard from within it, which then turned into a piercing howl, and a wave of searing heat hit the fort. Two sentries outside fell and screamed in pain and terror. The electric lights in the fort went out, the emergency lights failed, and the telephone line was out of order. At the same time, sirens began to sound. The awakened soldiers of the garrison, mad with fear, rushed through the dark corridors in search of an invisible enemy. Then the light suddenly came on, and a bright orange object was visible through the windows, moving across the sky. Both sentries suffered first-degree burns and were admitted to a hospital in Rio de Janeiro. A state of siege was introduced in the fort,and the Brazilian army was ordered to keep the incident a secret."

The same book cites a strange incident in Ohio in 1968, when nine-year-old Gregory Knot was attacked by a cylindrical UFO with a row of red lights. A pipe protruded from the bottom of the object towards the boy, from which a bright beam burst out, igniting the child's clothes. Gregory, screaming with fear, began to roll on the ground. He was taken to hospital with second degree burns. Why the inhabitants of UFOs commit such cruel and senseless acts remains a mystery.

Occasionally, UFO sightings and contactees find themselves afflicted with a radiation-like illness.

“In May 1967, in the state of Manitoba (Canada),” says German Kolchin, “an amateur geologist Mikhalek saw two disc-shaped objects that had landed with a diameter of 11 and a height of three meters. Assuming that these were some American vehicles, Mikhalek approached them and offered his help, but received no answer. After waiting 30 minutes, he approached one of the objects, and at the same moment a hatch opened on the object, from which a stream of bright light gushed out. Then Mikhalek, putting on sunglasses, stuck his head into this hatch, and saw some randomly arranged lamps inside the object. Then he touched the body of the object with a rubberized glove, which instantly melted."

Without coming to any conclusion, what kind of vehicles landed in front of him, Mikhalek moved away from them, and very in time. The hatch he had just looked into slammed shut, and the object began to rotate clockwise. The heat emanating from him burned clothes on Mikhalek in places. When both vehicles flew away, the amateur geologist saw staggered burns on his chest. A few days after this incident, Mikhalek felt unwell. He soon developed vomiting and diarrhea. In the hospital, where the unlucky geologist ended up, he underwent a blood test and was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - leukemia. Such a picture of blood occurs with radioactive irradiation. The patient lost a lot of weight. Doctors managed to save Mikhalek's life, but he remained disabled. More serious consequences of meetings of people with alien ships are also known.

In 1946, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, 40-year-old farmer Prestos saw an unidentified flying object descend into his field. When Prestos tried to get closer to the object, he, as if defensively, sent a beam of light towards the person. The farmer stopped, as if hitting an invisible obstacle, and the UFO soared vertically upward and disappeared into the black sky. Unwitting witnesses to this incident were several farmers, who that evening went to Prestos to drain a glass of whiskey. Then they told reporters that when the UFO flew away, their friend felt great and even joked about what happened. And about an hour later, in front of the witnesses, the muscles of the involuntary contactee began to fall off the bones, the teeth were bared, and the face looked like a skull. “His body looked like jelly! the farmers exclaimed.- He literally dripped on the floor of the veranda where we were sitting, and soon there was only one skeleton in the chair! This terrible transformation of man into a skeleton lasted for six hours. The worst thing was that even when his bones began to be exposed, Prestos did not die and asked to somehow ease his torment.

There are many known cases where people who approached UFOs died. Physicians who dissected the corpses of contactees believed that the cause of death was radiation sickness, which sometimes developed literally within a few minutes.

There are numerous known cases of UFOs conducting savage experiments on animals. After these experiments, terrible wounds remained on the bodies of animals. Mysterious operations are carried out at night using medical instruments unknown to doctors. After killing, the animals' hearts, kidneys, intestines, sometimes the brain and eyes are carefully removed. Usually after this, the bodies are completely exsanguinated. Traces of blood are usually not observed nearby. Moreover, there are no traces of vehicles or mysterious night vivisectors next to the corpses of animals.

And in 1995, the director of the Brazilian UFO Research Center, Dr. Guevard, made a statement that, since 1990, 15 cases of mysterious deaths of people have been recorded in Brazil - the police found corpses with internal organs carefully removed from them. In the state of São Paulo, for example, a human corpse was found with symmetrically drilled holes in the skull through which the brain had been removed by someone with a clear knowledge of anatomy. On the face of the deceased, incisions gaped through which the lower jaw was removed. Another corpse, found in the vicinity of the city of Goiânia, showed a hole in the navel, through which the stomach, intestines, liver and heart were apparently removed.

How people and animals are killed remains a mystery. The wounds on corpses left by mysterious tools are a serious subject for research. Usually these are very deep round or oval holes, made as if by some kind of hollow cylindrical device.

In most cases, "night killers" seize the sex glands from their victims, whether they be humans or animals. Therefore, some ufologists suggest that aliens are conducting genetic engineering experiments, trying to create "hybrids" that combine the features of both aliens and representatives of the Earth's civilization. Is it so? The answer to this question may not be far off.