Dying Revelation About Aliens - Alternative View

Dying Revelation About Aliens - Alternative View
Dying Revelation About Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Dying Revelation About Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Dying Revelation About Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, September

An engineer from the American aerospace corporation Lockheed Martin Boyd Bushman admitted that aliens exist.

Boyd Bushman, who claimed to be a senior research engineer at Lockheed Martin, suddenly started talking about aliens and the government's hidden technology to roam the universe …

Scientist Boyd Bushman, likely holding some position at Lockheed Martin, recounted in his deathbed 33 min. video about aliens who arrived on Earth long ago and came into contact with the Earth race.

Bushman, apparently, drew on his own experience when talking about extraterrestrial beings who visited the military base 'Area 51'.

In his rather strange interview, the scientist also stated that antigravity has become one of several working technologies that the government is currently hiding. The video, which caused a lot of hype, apparently was made shortly before the death of 78-year-old Bushman on August 7, 2014. It was made public quite recently.

Several patents have been registered with the Lockheed Martin specialist. Boyd was probably a senior scientist at the company, but there is no direct evidence. Bushman's list of inventions includes a magnetic drive; a light beam used to detect objects; alternative power source and thermal radiation detection system.

Bushman argued that some Americans work for the aliens 24 hours a day. According to him, the aliens came from the planet Quintumnia, 68 light-years distant from Earth. These creatures need only 45 minutes to overcome such a huge distance. Boyd also argued that there was a special flight path to 'Area 51' from space.

The scientist compared the activities of humanoids on Earth with the arrangement of a cattle farm. Aliens can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first is similar to ranchers, more accommodating and friendly with people, while the second is engaged in cattle stealing.

Promotional video:

As for the physiological characteristics, the growth of extraterrestrial beings reaches 1.5 m. They can live up to 230 years. Each individual has five fingers on his hand, which are 30% longer than humans, and five webbed toes. According to Bushman, the inhabitants of the planet Quintumnia communicate through telepathy.

They are able to read minds and speak to people through their own brains.

Returning to the topic of anti-gravity, Boyd said that Area 51 scientists are collaborating with Chinese and Russian counterparts. However, the reality of interstellar travel threatens the power retention system designed to squeeze all the juice out of people through crises and lack of resources, so technology is kept secret.

Bushman's video was immediately the subject of criticism and ridicule. UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of Haynes's UFO Investigations Manual, said: “This story was received by the UFO community with equal enthusiasm, curiosity, confusion and skepticism. Several people noted that Bushman's photographs of aliens are very similar to the alien dolls (from 'HalloweenFX') sold in stores a couple of years ago. '

'Was Bushman delusional or was he telling the truth? Without a doubt, Bushman himself believed in what he said. Back in 2008, he passed a lie detector test. During the test, he claimed to have worked on anti-gravity projects, extraterrestrial technology, and even met and photographed aliens. He claimed to have researched at least eight different types of alien spacecraft. '

"Bushman also admitted that he received death threats and that the security officials tried to discredit him and keep him from talking openly with the public."

Boyd's footage is called "the ravings of an old man who has gone out of his mind." But what could have prompted a scientist of this level to start coming up with such "fables"? At least Lockheed Martin declined to comment of any kind …