What Did Nostradamus Predict For Russia In Kostroma? - Alternative View

What Did Nostradamus Predict For Russia In Kostroma? - Alternative View
What Did Nostradamus Predict For Russia In Kostroma? - Alternative View

Video: What Did Nostradamus Predict For Russia In Kostroma? - Alternative View

Video: What Did Nostradamus Predict For Russia In Kostroma? - Alternative View
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Valentin Moshkov was born in 1852 in the Kostroma province. He worked in the Imperial Russian Geographical Society and in 1910 published a work under the complex title "A new theory of the origin of man and his degeneration, compiled from the data of zoology, geology, archeology, anthropology, ethnography, history and statistics."

After 100 years, they began to call him "Russian Nostradamus".

The work of the famous Kostromich is based not on esotericism and prophecies, but on precise mathematical calculations. Based on the historical foundation, he developed a universal model for the formation of any society.

Valentin Moshkov calculated that every nation constantly goes through a cycle of 400 years. During this time, the state passes the period from dawn to decline. The scientist divided the cycles into 4 centuries - Golden, Silver, Iron and Copper times.

Each century, in turn, he divided in half - the first 50 years are necessarily marked by decline, and the second by progress.

Moshkov took the year 812 as a starting point. That is, according to the Russian Nostradamus, in 1612 the third 4-century cycle started, which ended in 2012. Consequently, according to his forecasts, Russia will decline by 2062, and prosperity for the next 50 years.

Supporters of the idea of Valentin Moshkov say that one cannot but trust the scientist, because already in 1910 he predicted revolutions and civil war, epidemics and famine in Russia. In addition, according to his data, in 1962 a total decline in all areas should have begun in the country. And the period between 2000 and 2012 he called the era of complete anarchy, comparable to the Time of Troubles.