Benefit Show By David Mead: Numerologist Broadcasts About 7 Years Of Great Tribulation - Alternative View

Benefit Show By David Mead: Numerologist Broadcasts About 7 Years Of Great Tribulation - Alternative View
Benefit Show By David Mead: Numerologist Broadcasts About 7 Years Of Great Tribulation - Alternative View

Video: Benefit Show By David Mead: Numerologist Broadcasts About 7 Years Of Great Tribulation - Alternative View

Video: Benefit Show By David Mead: Numerologist Broadcasts About 7 Years Of Great Tribulation - Alternative View
Video: 8 Perspectives of the Tribulation 2024, July

Restless David Mead will not rest until people are wiped off the face of the Earth, otherwise why does he tirelessly make gloomy predictions about our future?

Christian numerologist David Mead has set many a sore mouth: his statements about the approach of the planet Nibiru are tired of the whole world. As a result, the apocalypse never took place, but the specialist still did not calm down. He went into the shadows for a while to develop a new sinister theory of the end of the world. Now he is ready to tell the public about her.

According to him, the Bible describes such a phenomenon as the seven years of the Great Tribulation. It should come very soon - October 15th. After this period, the human race will cease to exist, and the planet Earth is transformed into an incinerated desert. We will begin to grieve next Sunday.

David Mead's forecast for the future may frighten especially impressionable individuals: earthlings will face seven years of endless grief and suffering: bloody rivers will flow, volcanoes will erupt, earthquakes will shake the Earth, acid rains will fall, in general, as in the most terrible and realistic Hollywood action films. In addition, a nuclear war will begin, all the prerequisites for which can already be traced: Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, the United States and Great Britain will be involved in it.

These cataclysms are associated with the same planet Nibiru. By the way, hurricanes raging in the Atlantic Ocean are the most striking illustration of his words, Mead said.