Ruskolan - Rus And Alan - Alternative View

Ruskolan - Rus And Alan - Alternative View
Ruskolan - Rus And Alan - Alternative View

Video: Ruskolan - Rus And Alan - Alternative View

Video: Ruskolan - Rus And Alan - Alternative View
Video: Теория заговора Легенда о Русколани 2024, September

The history of the ancient Slavic state is not homogeneous and is almost unknown, but already in the 18th century, in order to justify the influx of German nobility into Russia, the Norman theory was created, which made Russia a young and weak state that needed the protectorate of more experienced neighbors. It should be noted that in a few years the anti-Norman theory will appear, which will be supported by Tatishchev and Lomonosov.

It is reliably known that the Scandinavian name of Russia sounds like Gardarika - the country of cities. Arab historians also write about this, counting hundreds of Russian cities. At the same time, they claim that there are only five cities in Byzantium, while the rest are "fortified fortresses." In ancient documents, the state of the Slavs is referred to as Scythia and Ruskolan. In his works, academician B. A. Rybakov writes that the state of Ruskolan was the bearer of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture and experienced a heyday in the Troyan centuries (1st-4th centuries AD).

The word “Ruskolan” contains the syllable “lan”, which is present in the words “hand”, “valley” and means: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable "lan" was transformed into land. Sergey Lesnoy in his book "Where are you from, Russia?" says the following: “With regard to the word“Ruskolun”, it should be noted that there is also a variant of“Ruskolan”. If the last option is more correct, then you can understand the word differently: "rusk (th) doe". Lan is a field. The whole expression: "Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes the assumption that there was a word "splitter", which probably meant some kind of space. It also occurs in a different verbal environment. Likewise, historians and linguists believe that the name of the state "Ruskolan" could come from the two words "Rus" and "Alan" after the name of the Rus and Alans, who lived in a single state.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov also proves this in his works: “Alanov and Roksolans have a common tribe from many places of ancient historians and geographers, and the difference is that the Alans are the common name of a whole people, and the Roksolans are the words of their habitat, which is not without reason they are produced from the Raa River, as the ancient writers had a reputation for as the Volga. Pliny believes Alans and Roxolans together. Ptolemy's Roksolans are called alanorsi by a portable addition. The names of Aorsi and Roxane or Rossane in Strabo, the exact unity of the Ross and Alans, assert, to which the reliability is multiplied, that they were wallpaper of the Slavic generation, then that the Sarmatians were of the same tribe from ancient writers and therefore with the Varangians-Ross of the same root."

Lomonosov considers the Varangians themselves to be Ross, although the German professors call the Varangians an alien - not a Slavic people. Modern historians, in addition to adherents of the Norman theory, also agree that the Varangians are precisely a Slavic tribe. Lomonosov writes: "According to Gelmoldov's testimony, the Alans were mixed with the Kurlanders, the same tribal Varangians-Ross."

Further, Lomonosov writes about the Rugen Slavs: “The Rugen Slavs were abbreviated as wounds, that is, from the Ry (Volga) River, and Rossans. This, by moving them to the Varangian shores, as follows, will be signified in more detail. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that the Amakosians, Alans, and Vendians came from the east to Prussia. " It is known that on the island of Rügen in the city of Arkona there was the last Slavic pagan temple, destroyed in 1168. Now there is a Slavic museum. Lomonosov writes that it was from the east that the Slavic tribes came to Prussia and the island of Rügen and adds: for a short time, as in the footsteps that have remained to this day, it is clear with which names of cities and rivers should be honored."

The capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, was located in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region near the modern villages of Verkhniy Chegem and Bezengi. Sometimes it was also called Kiyar Ant, after the name of the Slavic tribe of Antes. Descriptions of this Slavic city can be found in ancient documents. "Avesta" in one of the places tells about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus near one of the highest mountains in the world. As you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. "Rigveda" tells about the main city of the Rus all on the same Elbrus. Kiyar is mentioned in the "Book of Veles". According to the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiya Old, was founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani (368 AD), i.e. in the 9th century BC. The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - the beginning of the 1st century AD writes about the Temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the holy city of the Ross, in the Elbrus region,on the top of the Tuzuluk mountain. The foundation of an ancient structure was discovered on the mountain. Its height is about 40m, and the diameter of the base is 150m: the ratio is the same as that of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity. There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. The observatory-temple was created according to a "standard" project and, like other cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended for astrological observations. In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction of this majestic structure on the sacred mountain Alatyr (Elbrus), which was revered by all the most ancient peoples. He is mentioned in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. According to Zoroastrian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in Usen (Kavi Useinas) in the second millennium BC. Archaeologists officially note at this time the emergence of the Koban culture in the Caucasus and the appearance of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes. Mentions the Temple of the Sun and the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the golden fleece and the oracle of Eetus. There are detailed descriptions of this temple and confirmation that astronomical observations were made there. The Temple of the Sun was a real paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. The priests with certain knowledge created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There were calculated not only the dates for farming, but also, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined. The Arab historian Al Masoudi described the Temple of the Sun on Elbrus as follows: “In the Slavic lands there were buildings that they revered. Between others, they had a building on a mountain, which philosophers wrote about, that it is one of the highest mountains in the world. There is a story about this building: about the quality of its construction, about the location of its heterogeneous stones and their different colors, about the holes made in its upper part, about what was built in these holes to observe the rising of the Sun, about the precious stones placed there and signs noted in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the sounds in the upper part of it and what comprehends them when hearing these sounds. " In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the "Elder Edda", in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in the "Book of Veles".made in the upper part of it, about what was built in these holes to observe the rising of the Sun, about the precious stones placed there and the signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the parts of sounds and what comprehends them when listening to these sounds. In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the "Elder Edda", in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in the "Book of Veles".made in the upper part of it, about what was built in these holes to observe the rising of the Sun, about the precious stones placed there and the signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the parts of sounds and what comprehends them when listening to these sounds. In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the "Elder Edda", in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in the "Book of Veles".about the sounds in the upper part of it and about what comprehends them when listening to these sounds. In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the "Elder Edda", in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in the "Book of Veles".about the sounds in the upper part of it and about what comprehends them when listening to these sounds. In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the "Elder Edda", in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in the "Book of Veles".

This is how they tell about two wars between the Goths and the Slavs, the invasion of the Goths into the ancient Slavic state by the Gothic historian of the 4th century Jordan in his book "History of the Goths" and "Veles's Book". In the middle of the 4th century, the king of the Goths Germanarech led his people to conquer the world. He was a great commander. According to Jordan, he was compared to Alexander the Great. The same thing was written about Germanareh and Lomonosov: "Ermanarik the king of Ostrogoth, for his bravery in conquering many northern peoples, was compared by some with Alensander the Great."

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Judging by the testimony of Jordan, the Elder Edda and the Veles Book, Germanareh, after long wars, captured almost all of Eastern Europe. He fought along the Volga to the Caspian, then fought on the Terek River, crossed the Caucasus, then went along the Black Sea coast and reached Azov. According to the "Book of Veles", Germanarekh first made peace with the Slavs, and only then "went with a sword at us." The peace treaty between the Slavs and the Goths was sealed by the dynastic marriage of the sister of Busa Swan and Germanarech. This was the price for peace, for Germanarech had a lot then. According to Edda, the son of Germanareh Randver wooed Swan-Sva, and he took her to his father. And then Jarl Bikki, Hermanarech's advisor, told them that it would be better if the Swan went to Randwehr, since they are both young, and Hermanarech is an old man. These words were to the liking of Swans-Swa and Randver,and Jordan adds that Swan-Swa fled from Germanarech. And then Germanarech executed his son and Lebed. And this murder caused the Slavic-Gothic war. Treacherously violating the "peace treaty", in the first battles, Germanarekh defeated the Slavs. But then, when Germanarekh moved into the heart of Ruskolani, the ants took the path of Germanarekh. Germanarech was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck with a sword in the side of Rossomon (Ruskolans) Sar (king) and Ammiy (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarekh, and he soon died. This is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.when Germanarech moved to the heart of Ruskolani, the Antes took the path to Germanarech. Germanarech was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck with a sword in the side of Rossomon (Ruskolans) Sar (king) and Ammiy (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarekh, and he soon died. This is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.when Germanarech moved to the heart of Ruskolani, the Antes took the path to Germanarech. Germanarech was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck with a sword in the side of Rossomon (Ruskolans) Sar (king) and Ammiy (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarekh, and he soon died. This is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.

“Book of Veles”: “And Ruskolan was defeated from the Goths of Germanareh. And he took a wife from our race and killed her. And then our leaders flowed on him and defeated Germanarech."

Jordan. “The story is ready”: “The unfaithful clan of Rosomon (Ruskolan) … took advantage of the following opportunity … After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named clan to break off her husband, ferocious horses and prompting the horses to run in different directions, her brothers Sar (Bus) and Ammiy (Zlat), avenging their sister's death, struck with a sword in the side of Germanarech."

M. Lomonosov: "Sonilda, a noble Roksolan woman, Yermanarik ordered to be torn apart by horses for her husband's escape. Her brothers Sar and Ammiy, avenging their sister's death, pierced Yermanarik in the side; he died from a wound one hundred and ten years old."

A few years later, Amal Vinitarius, a descendant of Germanarech, invaded the lands of the Slavic tribe of Antes. In the first battle he was defeated, but then "began to act more decisively", and the Goths, led by Amal Vinitar, defeated the Slavs. The Slavic prince Bus and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. It happened on the night of March 20-21, 368. On the same night that Bus was crucified, a total lunar eclipse occurred. Also, the earth was shaken by a monstrous earthquake: the entire Black Sea coast was shaking, destruction was in Constantinople and Nicaea. Later, the Slavs rallied and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.

“Book of Veles”: “And then Russia was defeated again. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was great turmoil in Russia from Amal Venda. And then the Slovenian gathered Russia, and led her. And that time the Goths were defeated. And we didn’t let Zhala flow anywhere. And everything worked out. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced, and greeted the soldiers - many of our fathers, who won victories. And there were no troubles and worries of many, and so the Gothic land became ours. And so it will remain until the end."


Jordan. "History is ready": Amal Vinitarius … moved the army to the borders of the ants. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then behaved more bravely and their king named Boz with his sons and 70 noble people crucified so that the corpses of the hanged doubled the fear of the conquered."

A Caucasian legend says: “Baksan (Bus) was killed by the Gothic king with all his brothers and eight ten noble Narts. Hearing this, the people indulged in despair: the men beat themselves in the chest, and the women tore the hair on their heads, saying: "Killed, killed Dauova eight sons!"
