September 11: Big Political Adventure - Alternative View

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September 11: Big Political Adventure - Alternative View
September 11: Big Political Adventure - Alternative View

Video: September 11: Big Political Adventure - Alternative View

Video: September 11: Big Political Adventure - Alternative View
Video: N.J. Burkett reporting as Twin Towers begin to collapse on September 11, 2001 2024, September

On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 Islamic terrorists, allegedly associated with al-Qaeda, hijacked four passenger liners over US territory. They took control of the Boeing and sent them to pre-selected targets.

The victims of the attack were 2,977 US citizens and 91 other countries. In response, US President George W. Bush announced a "crusade" against Islamic terrorists. Afghanistan, Iraq, and later Libya, Egypt and Syria - actions of retaliation have already claimed tens, if not hundreds of thousands of human lives.

Terrorist # 1

Two liners were sent to the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. The WTC was a complex of seven high-rise buildings, opened in 1973. Its dominant feature was two 110-storey towers - North, 417 meters high, and South - 415 meters. The first Boeing rammed the North Tower at 8:46 between the 94th and 98th floors. It collapsed after a fire that lasted 102 minutes.

The second liner hit the South Tower at 9:02 am, and after 56 minutes it also collapsed. Another building of the complex collapsed in the evening. The third plane crashed into the Pentagon building at 09:37. The fourth fell in Pennsylvania …

The official investigation report states that the fire protection of the main steel support structures of the towers was destroyed in the initial impact. The fires weakened the structures supporting the floors, causing them to buckle and sink. The sinking floors put more and more stress on the outer columns, which sagged inward. Since the main supporting columns were damaged by fire, the twisted outer columns could not support the buildings.

After the tragedy, the US government declared the head of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden "terrorist number 1". True, before his death at the hands of American commandos, he was on the wanted list not for the September 11 attack, but for previous terrorist attacks. Yes, and bin Laden himself confessed to involvement in the terrorist attack only in 2005, and so that he could refuse his words.

Promotional video:

Shadow Attack

The evidence is unimportant. One of them is a “shahid's memo” found by the US special services in a suitcase with things allegedly lost by Mohammed Atta (the leader of a terrorist group) in a car left at Dulles Airport by Nauaf Alfazmi and among the wreckage of an airplane that exploded in Pennsylvania.

Of course, one martyr could have forgotten his memo in the glove compartment, as he was going to certain death. But how can one explain the fact that the piece of paper did not burn in the plane crash? And why did Atta carry a suitcase with his belongings before the suicidal attack? It is also unclear how Atta's passport survived in the ruins of the towers.

The text of the memo is full of Americanisms and looks like a fake. Muslims do not perform “feats” “in the name of God, me and my family” and do not give instructions “to meet him face to face and understand him 100%”. This is, if you will, a Protestant agitation for green berets.

But the most surprising trace of falsification was discovered by French explorer Thierry Meissant. He proved that Abulaziz Alamari, Mohammed Al-Shehri, Salem Alhazmi and Said Alghamri lived in Saudi Arabia a few years after the tragedy, and Walid Alshehri - in Morocco.

Many do not understand how it was possible to prepare future martyrs for such a complex matter. To bring a giant liner to a relatively small target within the city, you need to be a qualified pilot.

Meissant believes that the liners entered the World Trade Center towers using radio beacons previously placed in the building. The Boeing's wingspan is 47 meters, and the tower is 63 meters wide. At a speed of 700 km / h, it is very easy to miss in manual control mode. And some New York radio amateurs recorded at the time of the disaster strange interference that could be created by radio beacons.

What about the Pentagon building? The blow fell on the facade between the first and second floors. But the terrorist had to understand that crashing the liner onto a roof of over 100,000 square meters is not only easier, but also more effective than ramming the facade.

Houses of cards

In the very first days, the representative of the design bureau that developed the supporting structures of the WTC towers, engineer Frank de Martini, said that they could not collapse as a result of a collision with an aircraft: these skyscrapers were built with a huge margin of safety. The government commission argued that the blow served as the first impetus for the collapse - the fire did the rest. But steel melts at temperatures over 1500 degrees. Aviation kerosene burns at a much lower temperature. It turns out that some kind of houses of cards were built in New York - as a result of the fire, the power frame weakened, and 110 floors were stacked on top of each other.

But the fire only raged on the damaged floors. Eyewitnesses noted that the tongues of flame were bright red, black smoke was pouring - this indicates a sluggish combustion with a minimum of oxygen. Everyone who managed to descend said that electricity, ventilation, elevators were already working on the 74th floor, and the fire in the damaged area was weak.

Meanwhile, the fall of each of the two 400-meter towers took less than ten seconds - they folded inward, as in a controlled explosion. Note that from a height of 400 meters in free fall mode, any object will fall in about nine seconds.

Business only?

Of course, the collapse of three of the seven buildings of the WTC complex at the speed of free fall gave rise to a lot of conspiracy theories. They started talking about the fact that the American special services received warnings about an impending terrorist attack - from Germany, Russia, Israel and even Pakistan.

The Israelis, for example, warned the heads of "their" firms, whose offices were located in the towers. This information was later leaked to the press. But the version according to which the CIA officers were simply inactive, few satisfied. This is how the theory of controlled commercial demolition of the WTC was born.

By the end of the 1990s, the complex became unprofitable, and a few months before the tragedy, its owner changed. It was a firm affiliated with ex-President Bush Sr. and working with the CIA.

The supporting structures of the towers and their fire protection were modernized. The new refractory layer contained termite, which, when a fire broke out, softened the steel beams. Many WTC office staff noticed strange noises on the technical floors. During the fire, people heard explosions heard in the towers. Moreover, these explosions corresponded to the dynamics of the collapse of buildings. The picture of the catastrophe most of all resembles a controlled demolition, when directed explosions "finish off" a previously weakened power frame and the structure folds inward.

But what if the fussing on the technical floors was the laying of charges? And after the aircraft hit and a short fire, the demolition mechanism was put into effect.

By the way, quite a lot of valuables were kept in the buildings of the WTC - both in money and in precious metals. They all mysteriously evaporated. The owner of the complex and the owners of the missing assets received insurance, and the government - the reason to invade Afghanistan.

Attempted coup

The retired military noted the oddities in the actions of the security forces on September 11. The attack was carried out as an air attack, but the alarm was raised according to the scheme adopted to reflect a possible amphibious operation. For half a day, Bush Jr. was taken from one base to another, for a long time without giving permission to take off the presidential plane because of the danger of an attack by ground means. Strange reassurance.

Bush himself said that he learned about the attack on the South Tower when he watched the recording of the North Tower ram. However, this video does not officially exist. Does it mean that the secret services were filming the attack from the very beginning? And they could well have shown this "horror" to the president in order to remove it from the scene.


But for some reason "board number 1" flies at a low altitude, Bush travels through the terminals of military bases in an armored car, fearing sniper fire. And as a result, it ends up not in one of the anti-crisis military facilities, but at the base in Offuta, from where the US nuclear forces are coordinated.

All this fuss and incomprehensible precautions suggest that the September 11 attacks were not without the participation of the American special services and the military. The same Thierry Meissant believes that there was an attempt at a coup d'état and the removal of Bush Jr., who was going to cut military spending. And it is quite logical that such an attempt failed - there are too many power structures in the United States, and it is unrealistic for everyone to agree at once. Probably, some wanted to eliminate Bush, while others were saving him. And, as always, innocent people became victims of the political adventure.