10 Signs That Aliens May Have Influenced Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

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10 Signs That Aliens May Have Influenced Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
10 Signs That Aliens May Have Influenced Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: 10 Signs That Aliens May Have Influenced Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: 10 Signs That Aliens May Have Influenced Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Alien Ideas That Changed Human History (Season 9) | History 2024, September

Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious civilizations in human history. After that, there was clear evidence of the existence of infrastructure and technologies that were unusual for that time (as far as modern scientists know). Nowadays, people are still fascinated by what ancient Egypt managed to achieve, and it is still a mystery how the Egyptians managed to do such complex things with their humble technology.

Modern science still cannot explain some of the achievements of the Egyptians, one of which is the creation of the pyramids. A number of scientists and conspiracy theorists argue that this would not have been possible without the intervention of aliens who have allegedly actually visited Egypt in the past. They also argue that there are overwhelming signs pointing to this.

1. Building pyramids

It's worth starting with the obvious. How did the ancient Egyptians manage to build pyramids, and in such numbers? The construction of such tombs of the pharaohs required millions of blocks of stone, each of which weighed tons. According to specialist Richard Coslow, only ten people could lift one stone (it would simply not fit anymore due to the size of the block), but each would have to lift 400 kilograms. It's almost impossible.


The second question is how the Egyptians achieved such amazing precision in the construction of the pyramids. The blocks were cut so precisely that it seems that computers and special machines were used for this.

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2. Electricity

After the ancient Egyptians, there are many hieroglyphs of great historical and artistic value. But this is not the most important thing in them. There are drawings that have caused real amazement among modern people, especially among those who are interested in ancient Egypt. An example is an image that shows people holding an electric lamp or light bulb. But how the ancient Egyptians knew about electricity is a mystery.


3. Hieroglyphs with flying machines

The image of a light bulb is far from the only interesting ancient Egyptian hieroglyph. There are images and even more advanced technologies. For example, there are images strikingly similar to modern helicopters and airplanes that raise even more questions about the development of Egyptian technology.


4. Aliens on ancient coins

During the reconstruction of a house in Egypt, coins were found on which there were very unusual portraits. One resembles the head and shoulders of an alien. The image on the other coin shows an alien spaceship, or at least something very similar to it. Although many people oppose this theory, such coins do exist.


5. Alien mummy

Another sign often cited by proponents of claims that aliens visited ancient Egypt is a mummy that was recently discovered in a small pyramid near the pyramid of Senusret II. The structure of her skeleton is not similar to that of the human body, and her face looks especially alien. The mummy was found by Dr. Victor Lubeck, a former professor at the University of Pennsylvania.


The remains were found surrounded by unusual objects, and could not be identified. An anonymous source claimed that the mummy was clearly not from Earth, and that it greatly disturbed the Egyptian authorities who want to keep it a secret. According to the source, during his lifetime this "creature" was called Osirunet and it was the Pharaoh's advisor. This mummy isn't the only discovery that has fueled rumors of aliens.

6. Pyramids of Giza

The pyramids of Giza are clearly not randomly located. The three pyramids are perfectly aligned with the stars in Orion's belt, and even the size of these pyramids correlates with the brightness of the stars. Two pyramids are identical in size, and the third is half their height, just like the two stars in Orion's belt are the same in brightness, and the third is half as bright as they are.


The pyramids are even located in an almost perfect line with the magnetic North Pole. Such a positioning of the pyramids would require vast knowledge in the field of science, geometry and astronomy, comparable to modern ones.

7. Akhenaten

Akhenaten was potentially one of the largest religious innovators in human history. The Egyptian Pharaoh, who lived and ruled during the 18th Dynasty, is known as the ruler who transformed Egypt from a society with many gods to a monotheistic society. The god whom Pharaoh worshiped was called Aton or the Sun Disc.


Akhenaten's devotion to his god even pushed him to create a whole city for Aton - Amarna. In the legends of that time, it was indicated that the Pharaoh was visited by beings from heaven. Some legends even indicated that he was one of these creatures. Akhenaten brought a religious and social revolution to Egypt and ushered in a new era for the nation.

8. Recordings of UFO sightings

The Tully Papyrus is potentially the best primary source for describing the presence of aliens in Ancient Egypt. The papyrus allegedly contains UFO sightings at the time when Thutmose III ruled Egypt. The man who wrote the papyrus claimed that a disc of fire descended from heaven. Then several such disks appeared, which shone brighter than the Sun. After a few days, the objects disappeared from the sky.


9. Hieroglyphs on a spaceship

Another major factor that has raised many questions about aliens in ancient Egypt is the alleged sighting of Egyptian hieroglyphs both on UFOs in Roswell and on those sighted in Randlesham Forest in 1980. Supposedly these symbols coincide and are very similar to the ancient Egyptian ones.


10. Ancient artifacts

Ancient artifacts were allegedly found in the former home of Sir William Petrie, known as Flinders Petrie, who is considered one of the finest Egyptologists in history.


The items found in his old home in Jerusalem are rumored to be of unearthly origin. Among these items were two mummified bodies of supposedly extraterrestrial beings, as well as items with symbols that cannot be explained. The artifacts were moved from the Petrie home to the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem and are said to be kept secret.