Researchers at the University of Bergen published a report according to which a drug intended for the treatment of kidney cancer could help in other ways. Scientists said they have found some elements that help prevent the development of a fatal disease.
It is a drug called axitinib, which is used to treat kidney cancer. In order to create a universal medicine for all deadly diseases, scientists from Bergen spent several years researching. As a result of a series of experiments, they were able to establish the factors present in most of the existing drugs.
Experts emphasized that they have found a pigment that blocks the development of cancerous tumors inside the human body. It was important during the research to find chemical compounds that can change the communication system of cells. Scientists emphasize that in 90% of cases, their experimental results can be used in the treatment of cancer. It is axitinib that, according to experts, can prevent the development of a fatal disease and tumors. In addition, this medicine can become a universal medicine for most patients. It is worth noting that its cost is much lower than similar drugs.
Ruban Oleg