Scientists From Novosibirsk Have Created A Cure For Cancer From Breast Milk - Alternative View

Scientists From Novosibirsk Have Created A Cure For Cancer From Breast Milk - Alternative View
Scientists From Novosibirsk Have Created A Cure For Cancer From Breast Milk - Alternative View

Video: Scientists From Novosibirsk Have Created A Cure For Cancer From Breast Milk - Alternative View

Video: Scientists From Novosibirsk Have Created A Cure For Cancer From Breast Milk - Alternative View
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Scientists from Novosibirsk have created a cure for cancer based on breast milk. The main difference between the new drug and the drugs used in chemotherapy is that it is non-toxic. It only kills cancer cells without affecting healthy ones.

Scientists of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the SB RAS have created a fundamentally new, non-toxic drug for cancer. It is formulated with the protein lactaptin, which is part of breast milk.

Analysis of the composition of milk proteins made it possible to identify a specific peptide that destroyed cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. The teachings were able to obtain a genetically engineered analogue of this protein. Studies have shown that it has an even stronger effect and inhibits the growth of various types of cancer, in particular, stops the growth of metastases in the lungs and liver.

-Treatment of oncological diseases today is one of the most urgent directions. For example, the diagnosis of infectious diseases is a practically solved problem. With oncology, everything is more complicated. Therefore, we consider these studies to be a priority. The idea of creating a new drug appeared when we studied the composition of breast milk. The institute has found that the protein lactaptin contained in it can affect several types of cancerous tumors. On its basis, a genetic construct with enhanced action was created. Laboratory studies have been carried out which have produced interesting results. The mice were inoculated with a tumor and then injected with lactaptin. After the injection, the growth of the tumor slowed down, it practically did not increase in size, and stopped developing.

Valentin Vlasov, Academician, Director of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the SB RAS

The fact that human and animal milk has antitumor properties has been known for a long time. However, it was not clear which protein was responsible for such an effect, how to create its genetically engineered analogue and how effective it would be.

-It is premature to say that we have created a drug that will help completely defeat cancer. At the moment, it has only been proven that it can significantly stop the growth of cancer cells. Further research on its antitumor properties is needed. It will be possible to talk about practical application not earlier than in five years.

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Alexander Fomin, Researcher, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, SB RAS

To date, a new drug is at the stage of preclinical trials. While scientists find it difficult to answer the question of how long it may take to complete the research.

However, it is already clear today that the main advantage of the new drug is its absolute non-toxicity, that is, it does not negatively affect healthy cells. This is what makes its use different from any chemotherapy course.

- The main disadvantage of the chemotherapy method, which is widely used today in the treatment of oncological diseases, is the toxicity of drugs. They affect both cancerous and healthy cells. In addition, as a result of their use, immunity is weakened, an imbalance of the intestinal microflora is created, digestive disorders develop, and the number of carcinogens and free radicals is growing. Most of the substances used are extremely negative and, importantly, have a long-term effect on the processes of hematopoiesis, especially in the bone marrow. As a result, a syndrome of low platelet and leukocyte count develops, the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops, and it is often impossible to repeat the course of treatment. It is necessary to stimulate the restoration of immunity, and this again causes the growth of cancer cells. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Therefore, oncologists around the world dream ofto have a non-toxic anticancer drug at your disposal.

Alexander Kogan, oncologist

The lactaptin-based drug is not the only anticancer drug created at the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the SB RAS. In the laboratory of biochemistry of nucleic acids, a study of immunostimulating ribonucleic acids (RNA) is underway.

- We are currently conducting preclinical trials of a drug that suppresses the spread of metastases. Its action is based on the use of enzymes that break down RNA. We also work with dendritic cells, which can cause a so-called immune response in the patient's body. We are studying their effects on cancer types such as melanoma and Lewis carcinoma.

Nadezhda Mironova, Acting Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the SB RAS

Another area of research by Novosibirsk scientists is the study of the effect of nanoparticles on cancer tumors. A suspension containing synthesized gold nanorods is injected into a tumor and irradiated with a laser. This method is intended for the treatment of superficial tumors; in experiments on mice, it has shown high efficiency.

It remains to be hoped that all the drugs under development will successfully pass clinical trials and in a few years will be able to appear on the pharmaceutical market.

-I sometimes transfer money to one of the funds for helping children with cancer. And I follow the news, I read all the stories that they post there on their website, I am interested in the topic. So: empirically, the benefits of breast milk have been identified for a long time. In any case, the doctors of the central clinic in the country, where young children are lying with leukemia (she is in Moscow) tell all mothers to keep lactation (up to 1-2-3 child years! - how long they stretch) at all costs. As far as I understand, the chances of survival increase significantly. And this has been known for many years, even before the discovery of the protein in question. Chemotherapy in breast milk is easier to tolerate.

Simka, comment on the site

Meanwhile, toxic reactions during treatment with chemical drugs are no less a problem than the diseases themselves. Scientists speak up on this topic and are looking for ways to reduce toxic effects.