The British Were Puzzled By The Black Ring In The Sky - Alternative View

The British Were Puzzled By The Black Ring In The Sky - Alternative View
The British Were Puzzled By The Black Ring In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: The British Were Puzzled By The Black Ring In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: The British Were Puzzled By The Black Ring In The Sky - Alternative View
Video: LUCA's Alternate Ending & DELETED SCENES You Never Got To See! 2024, September

A strange black ring was photographed in the skies over the UK. So far, none of the specialists can give a clear explanation of this phenomenon.

The picture was taken on July 9 near the town of Birkenshaw in West Yorkshire, 22-year-old Kimberly Robinson, who at that moment passed with her companion in a car.

According to the girl, the ring looked like a smoky one, but at the same time retained a clear shape, Express reports. However, according to local firefighters, no sources of smoke were observed in the area.

Representatives of meteorological services were also unable to confirm that the observed phenomenon is of natural origin. However, the journalists managed to establish that at about the same time in the vicinity of the city a historical reconstruction of one of the battles of the Second World War was arranged, during which pyrotechnics were actively used.

Another possible explanation for the phenomenon was put forward by a member of the State Duma Defense Committee, cosmonaut Roman Romanenko. In his opinion, the ring could be a trace of a forced turn of a fighter with a full tank of fuel under certain weather conditions.

The deputy explained that due to the different levels of humidity in the atmosphere, turbulence occurs, which can then remain in the air for a period of about 20 minutes, TASS reports.

Such rings in the sky are observed from time to time in different parts of the globe. So, in 2016 he was observed over Disneyland in California, and in April this year - over Novosibirsk. Then this phenomenon was explained by the exhaust of soot from the drift show held in the city.