Will President Hillary Clinton Tell The World About Aliens - Alternative View

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Will President Hillary Clinton Tell The World About Aliens - Alternative View
Will President Hillary Clinton Tell The World About Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Will President Hillary Clinton Tell The World About Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Will President Hillary Clinton Tell The World About Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Donald Trump Brings Up Bill Clinton Sex Scandal at Debate 2024, September

In a word, the current president, who distinguished himself on the "alien front", eventually upset the ufologists - he did absolutely nothing for them. Although they pinned their hopes on him. As well as on his predecessors, who did not hesitate to use the aliens in the election races. And they did the right thing. After all, opinion polls show that almost 55 percent of Americans believe in UFOs, and 15 percent have seen them personally. This is a serious electoral reserve.

Alas, after becoming presidents, candidates immediately lost interest in alien secrets. Or were they not free to dispose of them?


Promising Is Not Doing: A Brief History of American Presidents' "Alien Contact"

Future American presidents, starting with Gerald Ford, expressed their intention to "deal with UFOs." He himself stated: "… the American people have a right to a more thorough investigation and explanation than the Air Force has done so far … I propose that the Science and Astronautics Committee or the Committee on the Armed Forces of the House of Representatives of Congress should include the UFO hearings on the agenda …"

During the presidential campaign, Jimmy Carter assured: “I will make all the information about UFO sightings that our country has available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist ….

Promotional video:

Carter kept his word only partially: ufologists got access to declassified documents, but not all of them. Carter himself never hid the fact that he personally observed a UFO. Though long ago - January 6, 1969. Then, according to him, "the most damn thing I've ever seen" appeared in the sky. The subject was "large, very bright, changing colors."

Father and son Bushey publicly swore that they would deal with the aliens, to the same person - ufologist Charles Huffer. During the election campaigns, he - stubborn - watched the older one once, the younger two. He asked: "Are you going to tell people the truth about UFOs?" News agencies and TV companies then focused on this. Especially in the words of George W. Bush: “Of course! So he (nods at Dick Cheney) will take care of this first. Has every right!"

Amazing photos are still circulating on the Internet, in which a natural alien is peeping from behind George W. Bush. Joke? Not at all. The investigation showed that the footage was taken from a real TV report, filmed on August 31, 2007 at a press conference in the White House. It was run by several TV companies, including CNN.

According to experts, most likely, the reflection of a certain object that looks like an alien has got into the frame. There are no assumptions about the subject itself.

The alien was spotted next to Bush - right outside the window of the White House


Bush's alien guest from a different angle: if it is, it does not leave.


And here is what information the famous Russian ufologist Mikhail Gerstein managed to get about Bill Clinton. On November 30, 1995, he was on an official visit to Northern Ireland. Speaking in Belfast, he first thanked the Irish children for the thousands of letters they sent, and then suddenly said that he wanted to answer a boy's question:

Ryan, if you're in the crowd right now, here's my answer. No, as far as I know, an extraterrestrial ship did not crash at Roswell in 1947. Ryan, if the US Air Force picked up the alien bodies, they didn't tell me either. And I also want to know."

It seems that Clinton was really interested in the events of 1947. During the investigation into the Monica Lewinsky case, prosecutor Kenneth Starr, while describing the books in the Oval Office, came across a book by ufologists Randle and Schmidt, "The Roswell UFO Crash."

After becoming president, Bill Clinton ordered his aide, Werner Hubell, to find out "who killed Kennedy and how things really are with UFOs." But whether he managed to get answers to these questions, he did not say.

Ufologists estimate that during the reign of Clinton and his wife, Hillary, 26 times mentioned aliens in their speeches. And leaving his post, tired of litigation, the president figuratively called on them for help: "Now, if we were attacked by aliens, we would not have time for such games."

Clinton was not shy about portraying alongside aliens. They joked, of course. But in every joke, as they say, there is only a grain of a joke …


Vladimir Putin: "The US President did not invite me to any" green rooms"

Our presidents have never shown a personal interest in ufology. However, under Gorbachev in 1989, the censorship of publications about UFOs was removed. And a story appeared as if he and Ronald Reagan were seriously discussing plans for a joint defense against aliens.

Indeed, during his meetings with the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, the US President mentioned them more than once. But only in order to emphasize how insignificant the disagreements between earthlings are. For the first time this happened on November 19, 1985 during a feast. Reagan told Gorbachev: "Now, if the earthlings knew that the aliens are flying to us on Halley's comet, intending to attack the Earth, it would rally all people into a single whole." Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze, who was sitting nearby, supported a successful joke: "Of course, even then there would be no need for meetings of foreign ministers."

The fact that Ronald Reagan was, to put it mildly, preoccupied with aliens, was revealed at a private screening of Steven Spielberg's film "Alien". The President got emotional and, patting the director on the shoulder, said: "There won't be even six people in the room who know how true all this is."

Nobody asked Boris Yeltsin about aliens at all. But Vladimir Putin did not avoid such a question. I asked him when the President of Russia looked into Komsomolskaya Pravda in 2005 to congratulate the team on its 80th anniversary. He told the most famous ufological legend that the newly elected American presidents are being taken to a kind of "green room" in which frozen bodies of aliens are kept. Look, make sure that we are not alone in the Universe.

I asked: they say, are you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, initiated into this?

“When I was in the States, the US President did not invite me to any“green rooms”,” Putin replied. - I assure you that I was not privy to any secrets of this kind - this topic does not exist at the government level, at the presidential level.


The hopes of ufologists are in vain. It is unlikely that Hillary Clinton "will deal with aliens." Even if he wants to. The experience of her predecessors testifies that something is preventing the truth from being revealed. Therefore, one should not expect any joy from her election. But disappointments, to put it mildly, are quite likely. Who knows what a woman who has been cheated on by her husband can do?

To do it, of course, on a global scale. After all, it is obvious that she received mental trauma. And very deep, having learned, thanks to the organized investigation, not only about treason, but also about its smallest details. It's alarming somehow with such a president …