Materialization Of Thought - Experiment "All-Seeing Eye" - Alternative View

Materialization Of Thought - Experiment "All-Seeing Eye" - Alternative View
Materialization Of Thought - Experiment "All-Seeing Eye" - Alternative View

In late 1977, the Montauk Project entered an unpredictable phase. Once the psychic Duncan Cameron was instructed to mentally create an image of a solid object, and to the great amazement of the researchers, the conceived object materialized: it really stood out from the ether!

This amazing phenomenon meant that the thought was able to materialize. Duncan was given a lot of tasks, investigating this phenomenon, and he mentally imagined any object and place on the territory of the base where he should be. Duncan imagined various objects, and the transmitter formed an image of the intended object from the ether. Almost everything Duncan had in mind appeared. Sometimes the object that appeared is visible, but intangible, like a ghost, and in some cases the object was completely material. It is interesting that in some cases this solid object was in a material state only during the operation of the transmitter.

However, the researchers were not satisfied with this, but continued to study the various possibilities of the installation. The first experiment in this series was called the "All-Seeing Eye". With a lock of human hair or other suitable object in his hand, Duncan could concentrate on its owner and could see with his eyes, hear with his ears, feel with his body. He could thus, as it were, inhabit other people in different places on the planet. It is difficult to even imagine how far this ominous experiment went, since there were many tests. It should be said that sensations such as those described, from the point of view of Christianity, may indicate an obsession with the spirit of evil. As mentioned earlier, at this stage of the project, the esoteric component had a very significant percentage, so the source of the above-described manifestations could already be a parallel world. But scientists did not think about this problem. Inspired by the opportunities they received, they tried to manipulate the thoughts of an individual or a group of people.

For example, Duncan was given a meeting with some person. Then, unbeknownst to this man, Duncan concentrated on him and a certain thought. In 95% of cases, the person being tested acted according to Duncan's thoughts. In this case, we are not talking about hypnosis - this effect occurs on a deeper level and is incomparably more effective. In a hypnotic trance, a person's mind and his will do not work, but in this case a person is awake, his mind is acting, but he perceives other people's thoughts as his own. Duncan's thoughts became a person's own thoughts, and he could be forced to do what he himself would never have done. This line of research continued until 1979 and included a series of experiments, some of which were quite interesting and others inherently terrible. The targets were both individuals and communities of people, animals and technological objects. Researchers could influence, for example, the TV, creating interference, causing the image to freeze or completely turn it off. According to the testimony of the participants in the experiment, the effect of telekinesis was also observed: the movement of objects (which corresponds to a poltergeist and may have a completely different origin than the participants in the “All-Seeing Eye” thought).about which the participants of the “All-Seeing Eye” thought).about which the participants of the “All-Seeing Eye” thought).

The experiments carried out within the framework of the "All-Seeing Eye" are extremely dangerous in their essence precisely because they, firstly, are directed against the free will of man, and secondly, they were able to open the door to a parallel world, and give way to beings who able to destroy a person. It remains to say that later the results of the research carried out formed the basis of an effective psychotropic weapon.
