The Secret Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View
The Secret Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View
Video: Tunguska: When the Sky Fell to Earth 2024, September

It is worth starting with the fact that the incident that happened back in 1908 in the area of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River remains a mystery to this day. Scientists who try to investigate it come to a dead end, from which there is no way out. At the time of the "fall", seismographs registered a five-point shock, and after examining the crash site by specialists, it was revealed that approximately 80 million trees had fallen over a total area of two thousand square kilometers.

The main mystery is that after the fall of the meteorite there should have been at least some traces, but the fact of the matter is that they still cannot be found. There is no evidence of what happened: there is no crater after the fall, there is no substance that should have remained in this place, there is no need to talk about witnesses - the area is quite deaf and sparsely populated. Therefore, the very expression "Tunguska meteorite" is relative - there are no facts confirming its fall.

Over the years, scientists have explored the mysterious territory up and down, and based on the data that were obtained, they managed to recreate the picture of the incident. Their reasoning is as follows: in view of the fact that there was no crater in place, it means that the asteroid or meteorite exploded in the atmosphere. This can be confirmed by the fact that the glow of the sky after the disaster could be observed over the entire territory from the Atlantic to Siberia. It can be very often seen after the comet's ice "tail" hits the Earth's air envelope. But if it was a comet, fragments of the fallen object could have been found throughout the Taiga, but they were not. Thus, the theory of the fall of a celestial body is not consistent.


Despite this, some evidence was found - it was a small fragment of glassy material, which contained inclusions of air bubbles. The scientist L. Kulik, who became the author of the discovery, did not manage to prove that it was this fragment that was "the hero of the occasion" - the Great Patriotic War began, during which the fragment disappeared.

Later, in 1988, another researcher, Andrei Zlobin, decided to repeat the feat of his predecessor. He managed to find interesting geological materials. Due to the fact that it was not possible to immediately conduct research on the samples, there was little hope of revealing the secret. But it turned out to study the samples and it turned out that they are of unearthly origin. On the other hand, the density of the material is only 0.6 g / cm3, so it makes no sense to assert that these are the remnants of a comet.

Another theory suggests that the Tunguska Meteorite was an alien spacecraft that crashed. This version is adhered to by those people who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. In confirmation of their words, one can name the fact that until today not a single fragment has been found at the site of the fall.

Against the background of this reasoning, the following hypothesis seems more likely. Everyone knows the great scientist - Nikola Tesla. At that time, he was called a prophet, a man who was ahead of his time due to the large number of discoveries he made and who allowed progress to rapidly move forward. According to this theory, Nikola Tesla conducted experiments on the transfer of energy over a distance. During the test, something went wrong and the result was disastrous.

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Unfortunately, it cannot be argued that the mystery has not yet been disclosed due to the silence by the authorities of the facts of the tragedy, because they themselves do not know what actually happened in the distant 1908 on the territory of Taiga.