Palmistry - Alternative View

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Palmistry - Alternative View
Palmistry - Alternative View

Video: Palmistry - Alternative View

Video: Palmistry - Alternative View
Video: ✔ Different Types of MARRIAGE Lines | Palmistry & Palm Reading 2024, September

Today, more and more often you can see how professional palmists offer their services. They promise to tell the person about everything that interests him, even indicate the date of death.

All this is interesting and too tempting, but for some reason palmistry frightens and alarms people. The reason for this is ordinary human ignorance. Most of us simply do not know what palmistry is studying and whether such fortune-telling can be trusted.


What is called palmistry

Palmistry is a direction, one of the occult teachings, called hirosophia. This is a kind of fortune telling system that came to us from distant antiquity, which helps to determine not only the individual characteristics of a particular person, but also his character.

Today palmistry is very popular, knowledge and research methods in this area are constantly being improved. Using the hands of a person, you can in detail and, by the way, absolutely accurately determine many nuances of his fate, for example, about what happened to him in the past and what awaits him in the future. It's not only about personal life, but also about health, the intersection of destinies and much more.


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Palmistry studies absolutely the entire surface of the hands, these are palms, various hills, patterns and lines. The appearance of the hands has also been studied in detail to date. Knowing that palmistry deals with the study of human hands, many mistakenly believe that it is considered hands as a whole.

Why do you need palmistry

Today, by studying palmistry in detail, many researchers in this field can accurately determine human destiny. They tell not only about the character of a person, but also open the veil of his secret desires and aspirations.

A person carefully disguises his true "I", but it is completely impossible to hide it, the lines clearly tell about him. If you correctly present the secret of the human hand and skillfully use the knowledge gained with the help of palmistry, you can not only prevent terrible events in human destiny, but also make everyone's life much better, happier.


And what about the person who has the knowledge of palmistry! He will be able to constantly see who is in front of him, what kind of person appears on his way. Any non-standard, incidental situation can be prevented, thereby saving yourself or your loved ones life.

It is impossible to conceal a psychological portrait of the person in front of him from such a specialist. This means one thing that these secrets about a person can be used exclusively for their own purposes. It turns out that this fortune-telling allows you not only to learn something about yourself, but also about those around you. Knowing others can play an important role in life!

Who and where applies the knowledge of palmistry

Unfortunately, today there are few people who can be called real professionals regarding fortune telling. Modern mankind practically does not believe such teachings and considers them absurd, although in vain.

The most successful example, where people constantly apply knowledge of palmistry, is the fortune-telling of the gypsies. The only pity is that these people use their knowledge not for the good of humanity, but for their own, most often selfish purposes of profit.

Levels of studying palmistry

There are only four levels (stages) of studying the hand. All of them are interconnected and are predecessors of the previous stage.

· First, the papillary lines, which are located on the palms and fingers, are studied. They are responsible for the characteristics of the genetic inheritance of the organism as a whole. Studying them, you can learn about gene pathologies, a set of chromosomes. The patterns themselves and their number, which are on the palms and fingers, will tell you about everything;

· Then move on to a detailed study of the shape of the hand. Its width and length are important here. The shape of the fingers plays a huge role, even possible fractures and displacements are taken into account. The condition and size of nails is also fraught with important information;

After reading the lines located on the palms;

· Complete the study with palmistry - the collection of all the collected information into one whole. After that, all found indicators are interpreted according to the relevant literature.

For a beginner in this teaching, many things will seem strange and not entirely clear. People often cannot cope with such a flow of information and cease to be interested in this topic forever.

However, it should be remembered that nothing is impossible, and it is impossible to learn any information without labor and certain efforts! It will be good if there is a person nearby who agrees to provide initial assistance and sanctifies many incomprehensible questions.

Interesting Facts

Ancient people seriously believed that at birth the Lord endows a person with a kind of "seal" - palms, hands. If you know what it says there, then you can know not only a person, but also learn about his thoughts and secret desires, which means that much can be prevented and prevented.

Hands cannot be hidden from others, which means that secret information about every person on our planet is completely non-secret, if you can read and perceive it correctly. That is why the ancient sages, when they met, first of all, paid attention to the hands of a person, and only then to everything else.


It was believed that the creator is not in vain places seals. At some point, even if not soon, even by accident, there will still be that sage who can tell people the truth, tell them what God has written on the palms of this or that person.

The end of the story: palmistry today

Before reaching modern man, palmistry went through many periods. People who studied this teaching faced, first of all, with distrust and ridicule of others. Many of them turned out to be ordinary charlatans, confusing palmistry with ordinary fortune-telling, they sometimes worked such miracles, this significantly reduced the importance and veracity of the teaching.

However, many centuries later, palmistry did not get lost in the abyss of disfigured delusions, but on the contrary develops and becomes more and more widespread. Palmistry is a whole science, although it is not recognized by any scientific community as official. She speaks and knows mankind about a lot, but in return requires serious knowledge, practice and experience.

ps You can watch the training of palmistry in our special section.