Magnet Children: There Are More And More. - Alternative View

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Magnet Children: There Are More And More. - Alternative View
Magnet Children: There Are More And More. - Alternative View

Video: Magnet Children: There Are More And More. - Alternative View

Video: Magnet Children: There Are More And More. - Alternative View
Video: Magnetism | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids 2024, September

The parents of six-year-old Zhenya Karpenko considered their daughter a completely ordinary child. Until the girl announced that she had a magnet inside

- See, they do not fall! - says Zhenya, putting two tablespoons folded into each other to his chest. Wearing a "necklace" of cutlery, the girl calmly walks around the kitchen.

- Only stainless steel products adhere well, - says Zhenya's mother Elena Nikolaevna. - But silver and cupronickel slides to the floor.

Zhenya's "magnetic properties" were accidentally discovered by a kindergarten nanny. Putting the children to sleep, she decided to play Minute of Glory. She brought them from a tablespoon and jokingly began to hang them on the children. And she was terribly surprised when the spoons hung on Zhenya, as if glued.

- Where did she get such abilities? - parents are surprised. - Everything in our family is ordinary. Except that the grandfather sometimes sees prophetic dreams.

Now Zhenya is practicing… magnetizing coins. While it turns out through time. According to the parents, the girl does not complain about her health; all her medical indicators are normal. The parents did not turn to doctors for an explanation of Zhenya's phenomenon. But the views of scientists on this matter were divided.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of MASU Alexander Bekhterev is convinced that the girl has a strong biofield, due to which the spoons are calmly attracted to her body. The scientist said that recently, new means have appeared in physics, created on the basis of nanodevices, which will allow studying the nature of human magnets.

“In the future, such people can be involved in diagnosing electromagnetic fields and predicting earthquakes,” says Alexander Bekhterev.

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Valery Belov, professor of the physics department at Moscow State Technical University, does not see anything phenomenal in Zhenya's abilities. Belov believes that the whole point is in the unusual properties of Zhenya's skin. It seems to suck in metal objects, firmly holding them on itself.

The magnet boy from New York

In New York, a boy was found, similar in his abilities to the heroes of the notorious blockbuster "Fantastic Four".


A 12-year-old schoolboy named Joe Falchiatano not only does not know how to work on a computer, but also physically cannot do it. No, that's not what you thought - his hands and eyes are okay. The whole problem is that it has too strong a magnetic field, and all equipment, when it approaches, simply stops working.

In computer science lessons in elementary school, this feature of the child caused a lot of problems, because from the presence of Joe in the classroom, all computer systems "hung up". Even the Xbox game console donated by his parents, he could not use.

The solution to the problem was suggested to Joe by a mathematics teacher who had similar troubles, but on a smaller scale - he could not wear an electronic wristwatch, because it broke all the time. The teacher, guided by his own experience, advised the boy to put on an electrostatic bracelet.

Scientists became interested in the phenomenon of Joe, and school friends gave him the nickname "man-magnet". So far, experts have not identified the reason for the appearance of such unusual abilities in the boy, but research is in full swing.

A child magnet lives in Azerbaijan

Iron, wood, paper and even crystal - objects made of these materials can easily be "magnetised" by 6-year-old Baku girl Asen Heydarli. The child's unusual abilities were discovered several months ago. While Asena is happy to demonstrate her talent to everyone, scientists are puzzled over how to explain this phenomenon. Elshan Aliyev talked to a child-magnet.

Child-magnet - this is what her mother now calls her 6-year-old daughter Asena. The girl no longer needs to pick up various objects - things stick to her by themselves. In the bathroom - soap and a toothbrush, in the kitchen - plates and spoons, in the nursery - pencils, books and even an album. Asena can safely keep all these objects on her body. Even a family heirloom - grandmother's silver spoons do not fall from her chest.

Asena dreams of becoming a doctor, and applying her talent in the profession. She wants to "draw out" people from their diseases.

Asen Heydarli discovered her unusual abilities just a few months ago. At first, my father did not believe in miracles and was looking for glue on things. And I was very surprised when I saw with my own eyes how Asena magnetized the ice cream she had just bought. Mom says that she knew about her daughter's capabilities for a long time - approximately when Asen was 2 years old.

“She came up to me with a rattle stuck to her hand and wanted to explain something. To be honest, I was scared,”recalls Asen's mother Indira Sultanova.

Asen Heydarli applied hundreds of objects to her body. Only a foam sponge and a real magnet do not hold. The child had a headache from the magnet. Also, now the leading specialist of the republic on the study of abilities in humans has a headache. Jannet Aliyev cannot find a scientific explanation for the child's talent. In his opinion, the girl is a kind of guide.

Parents sometimes worry that their child has become the object of scientific research. But little Asena is not worried and has already figured out how to use her talent. To begin with, she will try to collect pictures from various objects on her body.

A magnet boy lives in the Ukrainian hinterland

In the Ukrainian mountainous outback in Turk, there lives a boy Misha Dulnyavka, who has a unique gift: he wears spoons and other iron objects on his forehead.

Misha has repeatedly tried to draw the attention of his family to the fact that a teaspoon is attracted to his face. He often walked around the house with a spoon on his forehead. However, mother and grandmother knew what a lover he was to invent different fables, they just nodded their heads and did something of their own.

However, according to his mother Irina, one fine day, Misha came home from school and said that a circus had arrived in Turku and all the students were being taken to the show. “Then he came up to me and, with a slyness in his eyes, said:“I can also act and surprise everyone. I'll hang spoons and forks on my face. And then he began to cling a large spoon on his forehead, then on his nose - two teaspoons, a fork - on his chin, two large spoons hung on his ears,”says my mother.

The boy's mother was extremely surprised at this miracle. “At first we thought, - I smeared them with honey. I took it all off lightly, then I myself tried to "hang" all these objects on my son's face. Physically I felt that they were attracted to Misha like a magnet,”she said.

However, the boy became famous only when his parents went to visit him, where the boy demonstrated his “circus performance” at the festive table. The guests were delighted. Among them was an employee of the local newspaper Boykevshchina. She invited her parents and son to the editorial office so that the photographer took a picture of Misha, hung with forks and spoons.

After his photo appeared in the newspaper, he carries it in his backpack and shows it to everyone. He seems to like this role. Yes, and the family began to treat Misha's unusual abilities more attentively when they learned that 11-year-old boy Jonathan Friedman lives in the American state of Oregon, who holds 7 spoons on his face for 5 seconds, for which he got into the Guinness Book of Records. Misha immediately began to claim that he would keep the spoons on his face longer. Indeed, having hung up all seven items, he walked around the room, slightly shook his head for five minutes, and only then the spoons began to fall off.

According to the specialist, candidate of biological sciences, biodiagnostician Lyubov Lozyuk, this phenomenon is known to science as natural magnetism. It is possessed by humans and animals. However, in each individual, natural magnetism is at different stages of development. The boy, most likely, belongs to those people who have these abilities clearly expressed. It is known that there are people whose natural magnetism is so strong that metal objects weighing up to a kilogram are attracted to their bodies. With age, this phenomenon in such a person can either develop or disappear.

Seven-year-old Levon Bagmanyan is a magnet boy. It can attract and hold up to a kilogram of metal objects

Seven-year-old Dnepropetrovsk resident Levon Bagmanyan easily holds metal spoons on himself. Utensils "stick" to the baby's nose, ears, stomach, arms and back. With his own weight of 20 kilograms, the boy is able to magnetize about a kilogram of metal. “It’s not working out anymore yet,” his mother smiles.

“Spoons stick to him easily, if he wants to show it himself,” explains Papa Gaik, “and if he doesn't want to, it's useless to beg - nothing will work out anyway. The boy leaps from one end of the sofa to a chair near the opposite side of the sofa, which is more than two meters. This is energy!


- Show me your photos, - I start looking for contact with the little boy who does not immediately recognize me as a good guest. Finally, the boy himself invites me to see how he knows how to hold spoons. Mom puts spoons to her son one after another - only seven, and to my amazement they remain hanging on Levon, like decorative magnets on a refrigerator.

Mom first discovered the amazing property of her son when she taught the boy to eat on his own using cutlery. “It was about one and a half years old. I gave him a small spoon. Levik brought it to his nose, and she suddenly stuck, - recalls Liana. - I drew attention to this, told my husband. We tried again, and again the spoon stuck. There are several photographs where little Levik is holding his favorite spoon on his nose."

As the child grew older, the ability to magnetise metal objects to itself was manifested with greater force. At the age of three, he had already held four spoons, and three years later, already seven. In kindergarten Levon does not advertise his abilities, but the friends in the yard are delighted with their little friend. “They ask to teach, but you cannot teach it,” explains my mother. - We put spoons to our youngest son Arsen - they fall. Not one family holiday for a large Armenian family is complete without Levon's speeches with spoons.

But natural magnetism is not Levon's only amazing ability. “The son almost never cries from pain, it seems that he does not feel it,” the parents say. - Once Levik fell off his bike, whimpered for a couple of minutes, and calmed down. Only the next day the injured leg was swollen, and we took our son to the hospital. It turned out that he had a bone fracture. Of course, if he cried or complained right away, we would react immediately. And his behavior was as if he just hurt himself. Levon is a very active and inquisitive child. He is fluent in computer skills, fluent in Armenian, Russian and Ukrainian languages, loves football and cycling. The boy mastered two-wheeled transport at the age of three.

The boy's parents did not show the doctors and specialists - they do not see anything special in their son's skills. After all, his grandfather, for example, knew how to foresee. “One incident happened when I was in the 9th grade,” Valery Armenovich joins our conversation. - We lived in a village, and one night, as if someone said to me: 'Your sheep are being stolen.' But I turned around and fell asleep again. And in the morning it turned out that all the animals had been stolen from us. The second case occurred in 1965 in Moscow. I served in the army, and one day I had a vision that a disaster had happened to my fellow villager who served in a neighboring unit. I literally "saw" him dead. A month later, I received a letter from home that it was on that day and at about the same time that my fellow villager died tragically in an accident.

- And once my future husband said that we will have two sons. So it is now, - says Liana.

Levon's mom and dad are refugees from Armenia. In 1992 Valery Armenovich Bagmanyan - Levon's grandfather - left the war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh to save his wife and three sons. And in 1996, the family of Levon's mother also left post-war Yerevan for Ukraine. “Our relatives live in Russia and Armenia, we have not seen each other for almost 17 years,” says Valery Armenovich, “we try not to forget the native language and traditions of our people. We would like to go home, but due to problems with obtaining citizenship, this is not yet possible. But we remember and love our relatives, and we dream of meeting them. Even Levon was named after my nephew, who died heroically during the war in Nagorno-Karabakh."


If five times in each test there is a guessing, then the child has the gift of foresight.

- The game "in which hand is the ball, doll, candy".

- Ask to find a previously hidden toy.

- If the kid can count, ask him to guess the number. Or pretend you wanted to ask for something, but forgot what exactly.

- Ask to predict the weather or event. Only within the child's perception. For example: “When do you think Aunt Vera will come to visit us?” Write down the answer. Track.

- If the child has a strong energy, cats and dogs will avoid contact with him.


Now in the world there are several hundred people who are able to hold metal objects on them. Among them are a worker from Saratov, Leonid Tenkaev, as well as his wife, daughter and grandson. At the same time, like Levon from Dnepropetrovsk, they can attract only when they want - for this, the Tenkaevs, by an effort of will, first increase the temperature of their own bodies.

In 1991, a congress of people with unusual abilities was organized in Bulgaria, at which about 300 participants from all over the world registered. Official medicine believes that there is no magnetism. “During my more than 30 years of pediatric practice, I have heard several times from parents about such abilities of their children,” the children's doctor Elena Myagkova smiles, “but when I asked to demonstrate this to me, nothing worked.” Supporters of alternative medicine and researchers of human energy fields adhere to the opposite point of view. “This is a clear sign of the strongest energy,” says parapsychologist Herman Waddre.

- With such people, and in particular with Levon, it is necessary to deal with the DEIR system - further energy-informational development. From my practice I know that unusual abilities can disappear as suddenly as they appear. Or, conversely, develop into something more - for example, the gift of healing. By the way, many Chinese and Tibetan monks-healers possess the ability to attract various objects to themselves."

Based on press materials.
