About Obesity And Not Only - Alternative View

About Obesity And Not Only - Alternative View
About Obesity And Not Only - Alternative View

In everyday life, we are quite often overweight people. This problem is just as trifling as many such far-fetched problems in our life.


Being more than once visiting my (now deceased) relatives of Uncle Lyosha and Aunt Dusya, who live in the countryside of the Belgorod region, I had to help them with the maintenance of their vast personal economy - chickens, ducks, sheep, goats, pigs and an obligatory cow. What surprised me most when feeding the animals was that the pigs were fed exclusively boiled potatoes and beets. To my question, why feed the pig with boiled vegetables, if it eats them perfectly raw, Aunt Dusya answered simply: “Sala ne bude” (they spoke in Ukrainian) and explained that if it is necessary for the pig to lose fat and remain only meat, then freshly cut grass and raw vegetables are added to her diet.


What happens to a pig when they start feeding it boiled vegetables? Boiled food does not contain enzymes that die when heated above 42 degrees C, so it quickly destroys the pig's liver, and the pig becomes overgrown with "bad fat" - lard. If you start feeding an overweight pig with raw (live) food, the liver restores its work and quickly cleans the body of deposits of "bad fat".

Here is the whole answer to the question of how to get rid of excess weight. It is enough to transfer your diet to the maximum for the specific human nutrition - the pulp of RIPE fruits and live (not thermally processed) dried fruits and your liver will recover very quickly, at the same time straightening out the accumulated "bad fat". Live food also quickly removes perennial deposits of fecal stones in the intestines - they are responsible for the huge size of the peritoneum in obese people. Such simple measures will allow many women to remember that they have a waist.


In addition to the above, I can say that I have excluded pork from my diet (and meat in general), since the pig has a frightening similarity of its internal organs to human ones. It can be assumed that the pig is genetically mutilated people and we were made cannibals out of ignorance. The same is said in the Koran. Perhaps this is a residual phenomenon from the times when humanity was entertained by the creation of hybrids of humans and animals - centaurs, minotaurs, and so on. Science without a moral principle is like a monkey with a grenade - you don't know when and where it will explode.

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For a gradual transition to live food, I use a mixture that adds enzymes to cooked food, called "Kuzmich", which consists of 90% rye flour, 10% white ash (from the stove or a lot of black salt instead of ash - "Kuzmich" is then salty turns out) and red pepper (to taste). For taste I add tomato sauce. Flour gives enzymes, ash or black salt gives minerals to saturate phytic acid, which is contained in flour, and pepper reduces the possibility of intestinal diseases. You cannot use flour without ash or black salt, otherwise phytic acid will remove minerals from you and leave you without teeth and hair.

Food must be at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees C, otherwise the enzymes in the flour will die.

Recently, I had to participate in the rescue of a relative who was hospitalized with a stroke. They get there quickly - today you laugh and joke, and tomorrow you lie in the hospital in diapers and mumble inarticulately, and at best you talk nonsense.


The exit from the stroke is located in the same place as the entrance - they get there with dead food, and come out with live food. People got there, eating dead thermally processed food - from this their liver flew out and began to let dirt into the blood, clogging the lumens of the blood vessels of the brain.

Official medicine does not recognize the failure of the liver in case of a stroke (and heart attack), therefore the food of such patients is exclusively boiled, from which the patients quickly degrade and go to the cemetery.

In a hospital ward of 4 people for 3 weeks one patient was still talking at admission, and by the end of his stay he lost speech and was unconscious, then was sent to intensive care. The second (bedridden patient) with zero improvement was sent home, the third was almost normal and discharged home. The fourth was my relative, who had to plant 100% live food (fruits, dried fruits, pollen). Once I had the imprudence to give him hospital food for dinner (a slice of omelet and a little cottage cheese casserole), which is why all the improvements were abruptly crossed out - if he spoke quite adequately before dinner, then 10 minutes after dinner he suffered delirium and returned to more or less normal the condition occurred only after 2 days on 100% live food.

I also observed how the eaten pack of cottage cheese after 10 minutes caused a pressure surge in the pensioner to 190 mm Hg. Art. with immediate hospitalization. The same effect is caused by a portion of ordinary porridge, and I witnessed a loss of consciousness in a pensioner immediately after eating and his death on the second day after losing consciousness.

A failed liver, like a leaky bucket, passes all the dirt into the blood, clogging up the blood vessels of the brain, and the body has no choice but to raise the pressure to supply blood to the brain.

If the liver flew out, the jokes with dead food are over and you will not be able to live on dead food.

Stroke and heart attack affects the owners of a "non-heroic" liver, which quietly and peacefully flies out and clogs the vessels of the brain with dirt, dooming its owners to dementia (stroke) or self-destruction of the heart (heart attack) - the heart receives "crooked signals" from the slagged work control center hearts and can tear itself apart into a rag. The owners of the "heroic" liver end their lives with obstructive jaundice - their liver resists dead food to the last, but does not let dirt into the blood - it dies "at the post" along with its owner, but keeps him sane for as long as possible.

How does an elderly person differ from a young person? The young brain ("processor") works well, but he has a very short life "tail" (life experience) - there is nothing to process. An elderly person has a long life "tail", but which he cannot process, since his brain is already slagged - there is nothing to process. From the point of view of the current level of development of society, older people are considered waste slag and must be removed from it.

On the other hand, the further development of society is impossible with such a ridiculous life expectancy of 70-80 years, since the degradation from thermally processed food begins at the age of 35-40 and then the creative development of a person ends. A person survives the remaining 40 years, gradually losing the ability of the brain to process the accumulated information baggage. Therefore, for the further development of society, we need people of an age with restored brain working capacity ("young elderly people").

In the book of Efremov A. I. "Hour of the Bull" describes a society divided into cattle - "KZH" (short-lived) and the elite - "J" (long-lived). Modern society can be confidently included in the category of "QZI", since thermally processed food made us all short-lived.

Added to this are the following factors that limit the level of development and life expectancy of short-lived QIHs:

- alcohol, - tobacco;

- telegony.

The mechanism of action of alcohol (information from the 1st Medical Institute, St. Petersburg):

Upon entering the bloodstream, alcohol begins to come into contact with erythrocytes (red blood cells), which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. Alcohol is known to be used for degreasing and cleaning surfaces. When it enters the bloodstream, it degreases the erythrocyte membrane, the so-called lipid layer. At the same time, red blood cells acquire a new property, they begin to stick to each other, forming clusters, the size of which is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed. The human circulatory system in individual parts of the body (brain, retina) is the thinnest capillaries, and the diameter of some, the thinnest of them, is commensurate with the size of red blood cells. The clusters of erythrocytes that appear in the blood form blood clots in the thin capillaries, and the blood supply to individual groups of neurons in the brain stops.


There is "numbness", and then the death of individual micro-areas of the brain, which is perceived by a person as a supposedly harmless state of intoxication. In this state, some of the neurons in the brain die, and the restoration of reversible consequences occurs under favorable circumstances within 2-3 years.

Since we have holidays with the obligatory intake of alcohol several times a year, the short-lived never reach the maximum level of their brain activity.

Hangover syndrome is nothing more than a process associated with the removal of neurons by means of a stream of fluid from the brain that have died due to lack of blood supply. The body rejects dead cells, which are associated with morning headaches and thirst. Those who drink alcohol literally urinate with their own brains.

I understand that parasites sleep and see ordinary people fool themselves with alcohol, but why do you need it?

A little old statistics, but, nevertheless, relevant now:

1. In Russia in 2002, 72% of all solved murders were committed in a state of alcoholic intoxication (in total, about 30,000 murders were committed in the country).

2. Renewal of male germ cells damaged by a ONE-TIME drink lasts 2.5 months. Conception of a child during this period can lead to the birth of a defective child. For women, there is NO such recovery period, since all female follicles are formed by the time the girl is born. Every alcohol intake by a woman is a growing threat to the health of her future children.

3. In the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, out of the total number of kindergartens (90 kindergartens in total), 32 kindergartens (35%) are for retarded and sickly children (the result of illiteracy and irresponsibility of people in matters of alcohol and tobacco).

In 1987, an amazing event happened - this year in the USSR the number of boys born with disabilities that would not allow them to serve in the army in the future decreased 32 times (3% from the previous level). If boys began to be born healthy, then girls began to be born just as healthy. What happened? But a simple thing happened - the restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages adopted in 1985 in the USSR gave rise to a mass of queues of suffering alcohol consumers who "pushed" young people out of the alcohol consumption sphere. As a result, sober youth conceived in 1985-1987 and gave birth to healthy children.

These are the lines that saved our children from degeneration in 1987.


After the end of anti-alcohol measures in the USSR, the number of births of physically and mentally disabled children returned to the previous level.

Therefore, if you meet on the street a person crippled from birth, then the probability that this is NOT an ALCOHOLIC CASE is only 3%.


Drinking alcohol in childbearing years is simply a crime against future generations.

(Information prepared based on the materials of the speech of V. G. Zhdanov in the State Duma of the Russian Federation)

It's clear about tobacco (poison and that's it).

It is very bad when chastity is protected only by shame (as practice shows, television easily breaks through this barrier) and there is no understanding of the real danger for future generations. In addition to shame, you need to have an understanding of the essence of the phenomenon, which is much more reliable.

Living in cities also does not contribute to the development of human abilities. The city itself is an absolutely anti-natural creature, capable of existing only with the forced supply of energy, water, pumping out feces and removing solid waste. The disappearance of any of these factors makes life in the city unbearable, as apartments immediately turn into fetid concrete boxes, neighborhoods of houses - into garbage dumps, and the millionth value of housing in the city immediately drops to zero. Unlike urban apartments, rural housing is not afraid of the disappearance of any of these factors, since it is self-sufficient and environmentally friendly.


The city dictates its own rules to its residents - a bearded man feels uncomfortable in the city, since he has additional sources of communication with the outside world (mustache is an assessment of the current situation, beard is the wealth of the clan, connection with the ancestral heritage) provides information that contradicts living in the city (families should not live on top of each other). Shaved off his mustache and beard - and there is no signal, no problem. Shaved men do not fit into the image described by the phrase “Great men have gathered for the council”. "The henpecked bearded" - such an image is formed with difficulty, but the picture of the henpecked shaved is very easy.


The expression “Nothing, we ourselves have a mustache” means that we also have a tool for solving complex issues - this is an analogue of a mustache in cats and dogs. The beard also dictates to the man the formation of a generic structure that contradicts the pyramidal structures of government. Bearded people do not fit well into the pyramidal structures of management - this system needs “eternal boys” - shaved men.


The transformation of a mature husband into an "eternal boy".

Women in the city also limit the signals from the hair on their heads - many refuse to pull their "female share" and acquire short haircuts, almost like men. No signal - no problem. Another "cog in the system" is ready to go.


But at beauty contests there are no bobbed women, because men subconsciously understand that a woman's long hair is not only beauty and health, but also the well-being of children and the whole family.


This is what the bearer of her husband and her family looks like.

Hair length is a serious factor and it is no coincidence that our musicians are trying to acquire long hair - they need antennas to communicate with the noosphere, from where new musical ideas are broadcast to the world.


The human biofield border is at a distance of 5-7 meters and it is easy to find it when approaching a street lamp, in which a fluorescent lamp starts to burn out (it burns unstably) - often when the lamp crosses the biofield border, the lamp reacts - or goes out, or vice versa, lights up.


Thus, our biofield is located with our neighbors, and their biofield is in our apartment, and we have long been biofield unlucky relatives. I do not think that such an overlap of the biofields of different families contributes to the harmonious development of children and the creative realization of people living there.

It is very strange that while Russia has the lowest population density and the mass of free land, people live in stacks on top of each other. In tiny Germany, the majority of the population lives in their own separate houses, and in vast Russia we must live like in boxes in a warehouse.


This is how the average German family lives.


And this is how the average Russian family lives.

There is no work in the cities now - all our work is sent to China, and most of the jobs are "sucked out" to keep the population in the cities. For what purpose? To make it easier to destroy us here? Are our hydroelectric dams just by chance located higher up the river in front of large cities?


Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Anything downstream is in danger of being washed away.


The same applies to the dam of the Gorky reservoir (locals call this reservoir "Mountain-Sea").

If the dam of grief breaks through, this reservoir will be created by the sea, in particular, a hurricane flow of water from the reservoir will be in Nizhny Novgorod in 30 minutes and wash away the entire Zarechnaya part of the city (70% of the population of Nizhny Novgorod).

So, I, and not only me, propose to move the center of my life from the city to nature and restore my connections with it (including through all types of hair on the head - these are our antennas). The earth is connected to us and is ruled by our thoughts. We are deceived wizards who need to remember their true destiny.


I urge people of age to actively restore their brains with the help of live nutrition for the further realization of the accumulated life experience. Our society must stop being “forever young and forever stupid”, it's time for it to grow up and wiser. Great things await you. Get down to business!


Author: Alexander Rykunov
