Riddles Of Megaliths: 7 Incredible Ancient Buildings - Alternative View

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Riddles Of Megaliths: 7 Incredible Ancient Buildings - Alternative View
Riddles Of Megaliths: 7 Incredible Ancient Buildings - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Megaliths: 7 Incredible Ancient Buildings - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Megaliths: 7 Incredible Ancient Buildings - Alternative View
Video: Baalbek without Aliens? Mystery of the Great Megaliths 2024, September

Humanity has long been accustomed to skyscrapers, glass houses and high-tech architecture. At the same time, the secrets of the construction of some structures, created by our ancestors thousands of years ago, remain unsolved to this day. "Around the World" tells about seven ancient megaliths with a non-obvious history.

Temples of Ggantija (Malta)

Temple complexes erected by representatives of the Maltese civilization are included in the list of the oldest large stone buildings on the planet. A special place among them is occupied by Ggantija (translated as "the giant's tower") - a structure that was created around 3600 BC. e., that is, earlier than the rest of the megaliths on the island that have survived to this day.


The structure consists of two temples surrounded by a wall, with the height of some boulders reaching 5.5 meters and weighing more than 50 tons. In place, huge "bricks" are held only by gravity (this style of masonry is also called cyclopean), but the question of how the Maltese moved them remains open. However, some scholars believe that they used wooden beams inserted into round holes that can be seen on many stones.

Granite "wall" in Gornaya Shoria (Russia)

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One of the most mysterious buildings on the territory of Russia is located in the south of the Kemerovo region: huge granite slabs form a kind of wall about 40 meters high and almost 200 meters long. The blocks themselves weigh more than 1000 tons each and can be up to 20 meters long. The rock melted in some places adds even more mystery to the structure, only a powerful explosion could lead to its formation.

The origin of the "wall" is still a source of controversy among researchers: some believe that the Russian megalith is nothing more than a manifestation of a bizarre game of nature, others are sure that it has not been done without human intervention. A weighty argument in favor of the second point of view is provided by some of the features of the monument: perfectly smooth edges of the slabs, precision of masonry, reminiscent of brick, and neat joints of blocks. Thus, at the moment geologists are inclined to believe that the structure is indeed man-made.

Sacsayuman Citadel (Peru)

According to some assumptions, the Saksayuman fortress was built by the First Inca Manco Capac in the 13th century, according to others - it was erected in 900-1000 AD. e. representatives of the kilke culture.


Moreover, a version is being considered that the basis of the "composition" has an even more ancient history, which may go back several thousand years. One way or another, the grandiose megalithic complex that once surrounded the city of Cuzco was created without the use of machines and modern technology. Not only did the authors of Saxayuman (whoever they were) managed to build the citadel from huge blocks weighing about 200 tons, but they also did it at an altitude of 3.5 kilometers above sea level. Huge boulders adjoin each other practically without gaps, and the structure itself is worked so skillfully that time did not affect its appearance at all.

Aksum Obelisks (Ethiopia)

The ancient city of Aksum in northern Ethiopia is interesting primarily for its giant monolithic obelisks. In total, there are about 200 of them here, and each column is made according to an individual "design".


On average, the height of the monuments is about 20-25 meters, but the so-called Big Stele rises 33 meters above the ground. According to experts, the obelisks were erected in the 4th century, but what place they occupied in the life of the ancient Ethiopians is still unclear. To date, the most plausible theory seems to be that the Aksumite columns performed the same function as the pyramids in Ancient Egypt. Science cannot yet explain how the steles were installed, because even with modern equipment, it is quite difficult to cope with this task.

Yonaguni Underwater Complex (Japan)

In 1985, the small Japanese island of Yonaguni became famous all over the world thanks to an unusual find by divers. Under water, at a depth of 30 meters, a stone complex was discovered, stretching 200 meters in length and consisting of several terraces, platforms and pyramids with sharp corners.


Researchers tend to believe that the structure was created several thousand years ago by a civilization that disappeared from the face of the earth. The exact age of the structure is highly debated. One of the versions says that they are about 5000 years old, but the plates went under the water about 2000 years ago as a result of an earthquake. According to another theory, the complex sank at the end of the last ice age. At the same time, the artificial origin of the monument almost does not cause doubts among geologists: this is evidenced by the carved masonry and the presence of unknown hieroglyphs on some artifacts.

Baalbek city (Lebanon)

During its heyday, Baalbek played the role of one of the cultural and religious centers of the ancient world. Over the centuries, the city has lost its former grandeur, but its megalithic architecture is still amazing.


Perhaps the most impressive monument of Baalbek is a temple erected in honor of the god Jupiter, or rather, fragments of the structure that have come down to us: Corinthian columns "grown" by 24 meters from massive bases, ideally processed plates weighing 750 tons each are located at the base and hidden under them dungeon. The monoliths are at a height of eight meters.

Particularly noteworthy are the huge terraces, the blocks of which are laid out so precisely (and without any binding composition) that, according to eyewitnesses, it is difficult to put a needle between them. It is known that the Lebanese "wonder of the world" was born already in the 5th millennium BC. e., but "finalized" in the era of the Roman Empire.

Cromlech Stonehenge (UK)

Cromlechs are ancient structures made up of several stone blocks arranged in a circle and supporting flat slabs. A classic example of cromlech is the legendary Stonehenge, the secret of whose purpose has been worrying mankind for several centuries and haunting scientists.


At the moment, it was possible to establish that work on the megalith began in the 3500s BC. e., and 2500 years later, it was abandoned. Also, scientists found out that for the construction of vertical blocks, holes were dug, which served as holes, after which ropes were used, with the help of which the monoliths were lifted and placed vertically. However, how the crossbars were placed on them remains a mystery. In any case, the creation of the ancients required a lot of effort. According to some estimates, thousands of people over 300 years brought boulders into the valley, processed them and turned them into one of the most mysterious buildings in human history.