Dream Mechanics - Alternative View

Dream Mechanics - Alternative View
Dream Mechanics - Alternative View

Video: Dream Mechanics - Alternative View

Video: Dream Mechanics - Alternative View
Video: dream mechanics - screensaver [TV edit] 2024, July

Dreams …

For most of my adult life, this topic was hopelessly mysterious to me. Numerous attempts to understand it did not give significant progress in understanding. Nothing helped. Neither dream books of a different nature, nor reading a variety of literature on this topic in the range of authors from lucid dreamers to psychologists. CG Jung occupied a special place among the authors. This peculiarity was determined by the fact that reading his books for the first time changed to some extent my interaction with my own dreams. A previously absent (but, as it turned out later, rather superficial) understanding of the processes occurring with a person during sleep appeared. In addition, under the influence of Jung's ideas, I began to keep a dream diary. This was done with more or less regularity for four years. Every dreamrecorded in the diary was accompanied by a description of the events of the previous days. The recorded information gave a persistent sense of the regularity of the contents that come in dreams. But only the shortest and most superficial of the patterns could be traced. They pointed to the connection between the contents of some dreams with real events in my life that occurred in previous days. Rather, these were not even regularities, but a kind of "tips" … It was not possible to go further - the respected Jung "refused" to help. Other specialists with appropriate dream interpretation techniques also lost their usefulness due to the fact that the tools they offered created the meanings of dreams, possibly in places and slender, but not confirmed by real life. The recorded information gave a persistent sense of the regularity of the contents that come in dreams. But only the shortest and most superficial of the patterns could be traced. They pointed to the connection between the contents of some dreams with real events in my life that occurred in previous days. Rather, these were not even regularities, but a kind of "tips" … It was not possible to go further - the respected Jung "refused" to help. Other specialists with appropriate dream interpretation techniques also lost their usefulness due to the fact that the tools they offered created the meanings of dreams, possibly in places and slender, but not confirmed by real life. The recorded information gave a persistent sense of the regularity of the contents that come in dreams. But only the shortest and most superficial of the patterns could be traced. They pointed to the connection between the contents of some dreams with real events in my life that occurred in previous days. Rather, these were not even regularities, but a kind of "tips" … It was not possible to go further - the respected Jung "refused" to help. Other specialists with appropriate dream interpretation techniques also lost their usefulness due to the fact that the tools they offered created the meanings of dreams, possibly in places and slender, but not confirmed by real life. They pointed to the connection between the contents of some dreams with real events in my life that occurred in previous days. Rather, these were not even regularities, but a kind of "tips" … It was not possible to go further - the respected Jung "refused" to help. Other specialists with appropriate dream interpretation techniques also lost their usefulness due to the fact that the tools they offered created the meanings of dreams, possibly in places and slender, but not confirmed by real life. They pointed to the connection between the contents of some dreams with real events in my life that occurred in previous days. Rather, these were not even regularities, but a kind of "tips" … It was not possible to go further - the respected Jung "refused" to help. Other specialists with appropriate dream interpretation techniques also lost their usefulness due to the fact that the tools they offered created the meanings of dreams, possibly in places and slender, but not confirmed by real life.that the tools they offered created the meanings of dreams, perhaps in places and harmonious, but not confirmed by real life.that the tools they offered created the meanings of dreams, perhaps in places and harmonious, but not confirmed by real life.

Substantial changes began to occur later. They were associated with discipleship in the School, which contributed to the accelerated spiritual development. In this regard, it must be said about the decisive change that the growing spirituality has brought into my life as a seeker. Gradually and gradually, a hierarchy of meanings and values began to form. Previously, it was a kind of chaotic jumble of ideas, attitudes and desires. Each of them could change its position in the "hierarchy", shifting up and down in a whimsical dependence on the states of internal and external reality and temporarily subordinating to their power those of them that reigned so recently. At some point, this small heap began to turn into a stable and harmonious structure, crystallizing under the influence of the center of attraction formed by the striving for Truth and union with the Creator.

If earlier meanings and values replacing each other formed temporary psychic centers, now a main center has appeared inside, the stability of which in time depended less and less on the characteristics of my external and internal life. Moreover, this "coordinate system", previously unknown, at a certain moment began to spread its stability, "pouring out" it first into the internal space, and then (no matter how strange it may sound) and into the external, where it manifested itself in the form of which in the East is often called siddhas. However, this is a topic for a separate article … Let's get back to dreams!

The key to the meanings of dreams has become the hierarchy of goals, which is building up inside me under the determining influence of the main goal. She, being reflected in the psyche, brought into it incredible stability, on the one hand, forming the main semantic center in it, on the other. This event radically changed the content of my dreams. Almost all of them have become meaningful from the point of view of the main goal of the seeker! Other dreams, apparently, ceased to linger in the awakening mind due to the negligible low level of their meanings. What Jung had been unable to do for many years happened by itself. However, I had to work on myself a little under the right guidance.

When a stable semantic vector appears in life, deciphering dreams ceases to be a mystery, and only those dreams that are associated with your spiritual state and are necessary for further movement along the Path remain in memory. At present, dreams for me are a powerful tool for assessing my own state, as well as for adequate orientation and response to both current events and those expected in the future.

A natural continuation of the processes described above was the gradual formation of a vision of how everything works in dreams. What is it? What are they needed for? What influences them? The answers to these questions smoothly “emerged from the depths” over a certain period of time, forming into a stable image, which is described below.

A person who is in a waking state has an active interaction of three bodies, each of which operates in its usual environment. For the physical body, it is matter. For the etheric, energy. The body of the mind is connected with information. The mind body arranges the work of the other two bodies through natural and personal (ego-driven) automatisms, as well as through conscious actions. The body of the mind thus has great powers in this process. However, it is influenced by the reactions of the two bodies it controls. And most importantly, the body of the mind cannot exist without a base formed from two other bodies.

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By the end of the working day, as a result of daytime activity, various imbalances and distortions arise in the bodies. At the level of the physical body, this is a lack of various kinds of chemicals consumed by the body during the day, as well as more or less significant destructive changes in various organs resulting from daily stress. At the level of the etheric body, this is a lack of available energy and a negative displacement of the emotional background (four negative emotions leave more consequences than one positive one) relative to its equilibrium state. At the level of the body, the mind is overloaded with information and impressions, which excludes the acceptance of their new portions without clearing and systematizing those received earlier. Thus, sleep comes as a natural necessity and the salvation of the body from further overload.

When immersed in sleep, human bodies pass into a passive and relaxed state (a kind of nocturnal format for accepting Will), which maximally contributes to the process of reactivation / renovation of the whole organism. This process, obviously, proceeds under the influence of the energy of individual consciousness (if only it could be done just as easily during wakefulness!). The completely conscious part of the mind and short memory are turned off. Next, transformations take place in the individual unconscious - personal automatisms (controlled by the ego) and the repressed (suppressed) mind contents associated with them are turned off. The course of physiological automatisms remains without qualitative changes. Long memory goes into the scanning mode by the energy of consciousness. Further (or below?..) there is only a silent mind (or collective unconscious), containing the entire amount of information,existing on the earthly plane. Several areas of the Eastern tradition combine this information under the name of the Akashic Chronicle.

The silent mind adjoins the mental plane, interacting with it through the Pattern. It can be said with a certain degree of convention that the Pattern of Creation "lies at the bottom" of the silent mind (or collective unconscious). It is obvious that the individual consciousness during sleep interacts with the individual Pattern, while performing two fundamentally important operations:

- systematization of the contents of long memory;

- reactivation of the states of three bodies (psychosomatics), eliminating imbalances that are critical for a person and making possible the subsequent "pumping" of bodies with the necessary types of resources (chemicals, energy, information); there is a strong feeling that human DNA can also be exposed at night, synchronized with the Pattern.

Here it is necessary to especially mention the contents of the mind, repressed in its unconscious part. Obviously, they significantly reduce the quality, and sometimes completely block the connection with the Pattern. These "neoplasms" in the unconscious part of the mind are very much like clouds in the sky blocking out sunlight. The density of "clouds" varies significantly from one person to another. “Clear sky” is that state of the seeker's inner space, to which Sufi practices lead, performed with a certain persistence and regularity. They are specially designed for clearing "internal blockages" of the finder. Many of them have been proven over centuries of use.

The work described above, which takes place every night, is extraordinarily large and subtle. Without normal conditions for its implementation, a person “flies off the reels” in a matter of days, losing the remnants of his mind, still not finished by modern urban life. Therefore, only potentially crazy people experiment with their sleep (there was such an experience, but, fortunately, a long time ago …). Dreams, which are the result of the process of nocturnal reactivation of bodies under the control of the energy of consciousness, are "collected" from the contents of the individual psyche (the etheric body + the body of the mind - which, so to speak, are rich in!..). It is for this reason that universal technologies for working with dreams do not work - the mental contents of different people are too different from each other. A kind of "coordinate system" of this process is an individual Pattern (the programmatic Will of the Creator in relation to a given person). With the help of the contents of the psyche accessible to the individual consciousness, as from individual letters in the children's alphabet, the messages of Will are formed. If we describe the situation figuratively, we can say that the individual consciousness is a “postman” delivering telegrams from the Creator to three human bodies (☺). Thus, the pattern introduces into a person's life an influence that constantly, but gently directs his actions towards their coincidence with the Plan of the Creator. Very little is required of the seeker - to feel and accept this influence! Although, of course, instead of accepting, you can show free will. Do we need it?delivering telegrams from the Creator to three human bodies (☺). Thus, the pattern introduces into a person's life an influence that constantly, but gently directs his actions towards their coincidence with the Plan of the Creator. Very little is required of the seeker - to feel and accept this influence! Although, of course, instead of accepting, you can show free will. Do we need it?delivering telegrams from the Creator to three human bodies (☺). Thus, the pattern introduces into a person's life an influence that constantly, but gently directs his actions towards their coincidence with the Plan of the Creator. Very little is required of the seeker - to feel and accept this influence! Although, of course, instead of accepting, you can show free will. Do we need it?

It remains only to be amazed at how steadily this delicate and complex system works, with which each of us is familiar not by hearsay!