Natural Amulet - Alternative View

Natural Amulet - Alternative View
Natural Amulet - Alternative View

Video: Natural Amulet - Alternative View

Video: Natural Amulet - Alternative View
Video: 2002 Grey Course - Ra Uru Hu - Human Design (w/ transcript) 2024, July

Talismans are "lucky objects", magical helpers at the most important moments of life. It happens that nature itself creates them.

If you want to attract good fortune and wealth, carry dried flowers and chamomile leaves with you. They can also help you feel confident, relieve depression, and calm your nerves.

Corn grain is also a money talisman. Put the dried seed in your pocket and it will never empty. A dried bunch of alfalfa can serve the same purpose, although it is best to hang it by the front door.

The four-leaf clover symbolizes health, love, wealth and fame. Especially recommended for those born under the sign of Cancer and Pisces.

If you are into gambling, do not forget to bring a red flannel bag with nutmeg: such a bag will help you stay calm and not lose your head.

But for those who are often sick, it does not interfere with putting cilantro seeds in the same bag. Oak leaves or bark (a piece) will increase your physical and spiritual strength and bring good luck.

A person carrying acorns in his pocket will live long and will remain active until old age.

Iris flowers promote longevity and procreation. Wear a dried flower if you want to have offspring.

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Pomegranate seeds and pineapple peel can serve as an amulet against negative energetic influences and relieve nightmares. There is a belief that if you wear dried rose hips around your neck for a long time, you can gain the ability to magic and witchcraft. Chances are, rose hips just give you confidence.

Common garlic has always been considered the champion among vegetable amulets. In Greek mythology, the son of Zeus, Hermes (the patron saint of shepherds and travelers), gives Odysseus garlic to fight witchcraft. In Ancient Greece and Rome, dried garlic tubers were hung around the necks of children as an amulet against the evil eye and black magic. It is known from fairy tales and legends that garlic also protects against vampires. So, if you are afraid of witchcraft or the evil eye, you can keep a clove of garlic in your pocket (just a clove, not a bunch that is usually hung in the kitchen).

Garlic protects you not only from adverse energy effects, but also from the flu and colds: during the season of illness, spread a couple of garlic cloves in each room on platters at home: the essential oils secreted by garlic will clear the air of harmful microbes.

Alla Ryabinina