Uninvited Guests - Alternative View

Uninvited Guests - Alternative View
Uninvited Guests - Alternative View

Video: Uninvited Guests - Alternative View

Video: Uninvited Guests - Alternative View
Video: Uninvited Guests by Avi Lateo & more 2024, July

Is there a UFO? Who runs them? Why do aliens need to visit Earth? These questions are very exciting for a modern person.

It should be noted that meetings with the other world often accompany people's lives. Very rarely, when they end positively, basically a person suffers from what he saw and the unknown.

So, when did humanity first encounter representatives of a foreign race?

Today, scientists agree that alien guests could not be guests at all, but the ancestors of human civilization. As a result of massive disasters that hit the Earth, its inhabitants suffered for a long time, and as a result, the civilization that lived on the territory of our planet before humans was destroyed.

There is an opinion that, after all, some part of the former inhabitants of our planet managed to escape. As a result of the disaster, they were forced to move to other planets, in particular to Mars, which many billions of years ago was suitable for habitation.

Today, researchers claim that alien ships are increasingly landing on Earth. Aliens make contact with earthlings. The purpose of such contacts is to study people, experiments on them. In their opinion, it is worth distinguishing between several stages, stages of contact between earthlings and aliens:

- visual contact at a safe distance;

- visual contact with the possibility of further closer contact;

Promotional video:

- direct contact.

Eye contact at a safe distance is the type of contact that occurs most often, almost everywhere. The first documented data on flying luminous disks have been known to mankind since ancient times. Even in ancient Egypt and Greece, people met with alien messengers.

There are legends and parables that all the high priests of that time were the guides of the Gods. They descended from heaven on fiery chariots and helped the rulers to receive the mercy of higher powers. Today ufologists and scientists argue that ancient people simply saw alien ships descending from the sky.

In the middle of the last century, American pilots repeatedly reported to the high command about their meetings with extraterrestrial inhabitants. American planes have met alien ships in the sky, and this contact is called visual contact, with possible closer contact.

Airplane pilots were unable to establish contact with alien guests, to get in touch, but many scientists claim that the aliens have developed psychic abilities and they can read the thoughts of earthlings.

Unfortunately, direct contact between humans and UFOs is not uncommon. Thousands of cases have been recorded when flying luminous objects appear on the horizon, blind people and they disappear. The unfortunate ones appear soon in the same place, but after a while.

Such people are usually called contactees. Conducting a conversation with them, scientists received enough information in order to assert - aliens on our planet in order to study people.

Most of the contactees return after meeting with aliens with marks on their bodies, scars from operations. The organs of each of them are in place, but for some reason the aliens studied them. It happens that entire families are kidnapped. Most of the victims in their stories claim that they got into huge light rooms, that they could not move, although they were not tied. Allegedly, various experiments were carried out on them, they could see their insides, the women indicated that the aliens had removed eggs from their bodies.

It becomes clear that the aliens are simply collecting biological material. But why? To cure a person from cancer and other diseases? Or maybe to destroy him?

Someone describes the aliens as large green individuals of an extraterrestrial civilization, someone as medium-sized individuals with gray skin. But the only distinguishing feature is the huge head and eyes, the thin, plastic body.

Journalists are sounding the alarm. More and more signs of the presence of alien guests began to appear on Earth. Huge crop circles, like the traces of the landing of a flying object, make people panic. Humanity has not yet found reasonable explanations for their appearance. It is only known that such circles in themselves do not harm people.

In the United States there is a closed territory for the study of alien civilizations, which is called Zone 51. This is a strategic military facility of high secrecy, hundreds of scientists work on it. All of them are busy studying the remains of aliens and their ships, which fell into the hands of the military.

The military calls the purpose of experiments and scientific research to study the possible negative consequences and threats from contact with aliens, to study their technologies and the body.

Today, both science and defense are silent as to why cases of contacts with UFOs are recorded on our planet and what they threaten people in the future. In most cases, the fate of contactees is not advertised, and any information that pops up in the press on this matter is considered a joke.

A person cannot protect himself from contact, since a UFO appears suddenly. Also suddenly disappears. Man cannot resist aliens. Aliens are a huge threat to humanity, but ufologists believe that it can also be a salvation from future disasters. Man is gradually destroying the Earth, today scientists say that we need to look for another planet for life, perhaps aliens will help us with this and become salvation from all troubles.

But today we can only expect further action from uninvited guests, although it is likely that the governments of large states have long been in contact with UFOs and are simply hiding it from the townsfolk so as not to panic people. The only thing that ufologists advise is not to panic and not feel fear, because while a person is defenseless, but aliens have not caused him harm before. There is only one hope that the aliens are our allies who will soon come into contact with us.