Alien Threat: Tales From The World Of Dreams And Reality - Alternative View

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Alien Threat: Tales From The World Of Dreams And Reality - Alternative View
Alien Threat: Tales From The World Of Dreams And Reality - Alternative View

Video: Alien Threat: Tales From The World Of Dreams And Reality - Alternative View

Video: Alien Threat: Tales From The World Of Dreams And Reality - Alternative View
Video: The Battle for Earth - Alien Invasion Movie Montage 2024, September

American President Against Humanoids

Politicians are strange people! People seem to be serious, but sometimes they behave, well, just like children: they quarrel, reconcile, cry, fight, envy and call names. And they often invent something that an adult educated person would certainly not have thought of. For example, during his tenure one of the American presidents, one of those who seemed to have always been known as a sane politician, seriously announced an alien threat at the UN session!

Former actor and radio host Ronald Reagan was known as an extremely religious person, brought up on the canons of the Protestant faith. He did not doubt the divine origin of the human race. Perhaps that is why idealistic ideas sometimes occurred to him. But his public speeches exuded genuine fervor when he announced the nuclear threat from the East from the communists. Hating the Soviet Union as an empire of evil, with all his heart, he tirelessly castigated his political opponents, showing unrestrained and uncompromising attitude.

Moreover, it was strange for those around him to hear how the fierce fighter with the "red infection", instead of the usual attacks against the communists, in his speech at the General Assembly, suddenly began to philosophize. The topic of his speech touched upon the problems of extraterrestrial intelligence, in which he, apparently out of habit, saw an ominous danger to human civilization. Almost unequivocally he declared the humanoids to be the fierce enemies of all the inhabitants of the planet.

It was 1987. Then it was not customary to talk about aliens, especially at the official level. Maybe it just seemed like that, but the American president was announcing some, even hypothetical, space invasion. But he spoke as if it was something real. At the same time, he called on all earthlings, including the insidious communists, to rally together to fight not among themselves, but against the new threat of alien intervention hanging over all countries, regardless of the political regimes and beliefs of their citizens.

It was on that day that Reagan also noticed that, perhaps, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations are already among us! What prompted the American political leader to make such statements? This mystery was never solved in detail at that time. But the journalists somehow found the frantic Ronald more than knowledgeable on this topic.

Or maybe he knew what he was talking about?

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According to some data, in 1953, the ubiquitous astronomers discovered in the starry darkness a huge armada of bizarre spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin, which, soon approaching, as if unprecedentedly located in low-earth orbit along the equator at an altitude of several hundred miles. American radars accurately recorded the presence of the UFO "flotilla". The US government, alerted to the blatant fact that it was unprecedented, was extremely alarmed and set out to contact the creatures controlling unidentified space objects in order to inquire about their plans.

As the former intelligence officer William Cooper told much later in his report, the negotiation attempt failed. But other aliens - humanoid creatures, who, according to their statement, came from the constellation of the Pleiades, themselves came into contact with the American special services. They warned earthlings, confirming that the threat from the equatorial UFO armada did exist. The space Samaritans offered their help to the inhabitants of our planet, they wished to provide their advanced technologies for protection, only on certain conditions. Among them were: renunciation of nuclear weapons, complete peace and good-neighborliness of all countries and continents of the Earth, human life in complete harmony with nature.

A similar humane proposal, after some deliberation, was rejected by the US government. The Cold War was in full swing, and the abandonment of weapons was considered inappropriate. Moreover, the politicians of that time hoped for a leap in the development of earthly knowledge and technology, which was expected in the near future, which would make it possible, in their opinion, to resist the warlike aliens.

According to the statements of G. Cooper - astronaut, researcher J. Gueyu and some ufologists, a second attempt to enter into negotiations with the command of the alien aircraft was made after the installation of the newest radar at that time. After that, several alien objects landed at Edwards Air Force Base. Eyewitnesses described the pilots as tall, humanoid creatures, extremely nosed, with grayish skin. The aliens announced that they came from the constellation Orion.

Not only the military, but also civilian representatives actively participated in the negotiations on the part of high-ranking earthlings, among whom was the plenipotentiary of the ex-President Truman, and later the current political leader of the United States, the then head of state D. Eisenhower. The film, indicating that this event really took place, was stored over the next decades, having survived to the present day.

Interplanetary Agreement

Representatives of the Orion constellation agreed to make peace with the American authorities, assuring them, in turn, that they would not rudely interfere in the life and affairs of earthlings. They seemed to have no other choice. As it turned out, they have long been forced to wander the vastness of space, depleting the resources of their planet. The concluded agreement between the parties provided for the possibility of the presence of these alien wanderers on Earth, but their existence by the US government should be kept in complete secrecy. According to the agreement, the aliens had the right to conduct secret activities on the planet, and for their purposes it was supposed to build a special base for UFOs. Aliens were supplied with fake passports, and the services were said to be paid with pure platinum.

Such a story, despite the testimony of many trustworthy eyewitnesses, would have looked more than fantastic quite recently. However, later declassified documents, sensational statements by astronaut Gordon Cooper, which appeared in print and on television, mass narratives of encounters with aliens of various nationalities and social levels, inclined public opinion in favor of trusting the issue of the presence of alien intelligence on Earth.

Pact with the devil

It is known for certain that in the second half of the last century, an expert group was created at the direction of the American government. It included persons more than influential. Among them are Chairman G. Dean and Director G. Kissinger. Their secret mission included, according to knowledgeable ufologists, an investigation of the true scale in order to obtain an unsightly picture of the unceremonious presence of aliens on planet Earth. In this regard, V. Cooper, a secret service official, said that the terrible facts found out during the mission turned out to be information about the conduct of humanoids, terrifying in their cruelty, medical experiments not only on animals, but also on people. During this process, the aliens used human blood and hormonal secretions.

The aliens, in response to requests for clarification, stated that such actions took place, but were only a necessary program for survival, since the humanoid race is in a state of decline, their genetic structure is at the stage of destruction and they are not able to reproduce their own kind. We must somehow compensate for this! But if you think in this way, remembering that the settlers from Orion, having lost their cosmic homeland, perhaps soon, they will consider themselves entitled to demand something more for themselves, taking over the entire Earth?

Such information was concealed by the members of the expert group of earthlings in the most careful way (probably, they had their own, very good reasons). But, despite this, something leaked into the media, reached the officials, including very high-ranking officials. It can be assumed that glaring facts reached President Reagan's ears in the late 1980s, which prompted his sensational statement on the UN rostrum.
