Why Don't Historians Rewrite History? - Alternative View

Why Don't Historians Rewrite History? - Alternative View
Why Don't Historians Rewrite History? - Alternative View

Video: Why Don't Historians Rewrite History? - Alternative View

Video: Why Don't Historians Rewrite History? - Alternative View
Video: Why Does Quentin Tarantino Rewrite History? 2024, July

Over the past decade, an unprecedented number of archaeological finds related to the past of the Slavs have been actively discussed in scientific circles.

Three years ago, a global project to refute the mythical Mongol-Tatar yoke took place.

The Russian Academy of Sciences carried out a series of genetic analyzes of Russian people for fragments of the presence of Mongol genes.

Thousands of analyzes were taken throughout Russia, but none of the samples showed the presence of foreign genes.

Scientists said that of all the campaigns of conquest known to mankind, part of the genetic traces of the conquerors always remains.

I took the information from the news and scientific programs that took place three years ago on the leading Russian channels.

A study was also conducted on Mongolian horses.


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As it turned out, Mongolian horses are very different from ordinary horses and are not adapted to transport people and goods, especially over long distances.

Mongolian horses are much smaller than regular horses, and are bred only for food.

They are well suited for free discharge.

Even a weak-minded person could not equip an army with such horses.

But despite the fact that studies show that we obviously did not have any Mongols for some reason, no one has rewritten the history of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in school textbooks.

To this day, schools continue to fool children with imaginary Mongols, who have not heard of the fact that their ancestors allegedly captured Russia themselves.


And that's not all that is worth paying attention to.

Many archaeological finds indicate that at the turn of the 18-19 centuries there was a kind of global catastrophe.

Recently, more and more often they find houses buried 4 meters under a layer of silt and clay.

For example, the famous house in Omsk, in which, as it turned out, a whole underground floor was dug up.


In Moscow recently on the news I saw a fragment of how much archaeologists were surprised when they were called to a small church. (I don't remember the name of the church).

During the restoration of the church, they decided to change the floors, when they opened it, they began to dig, and as it turned out, the church building went down a few more meters.

In the dug-out room, several people were found buried alive.

For five years I saw the plot all in the same Moscow.

The car fell through the asphalt right in the middle of the road, hanging down with its hood from a hole on the sides, walls of brickwork were visible.

What is it and where did it come from.

Sometimes passing by you can see clearly recessed houses, and this applies to buildings older than the middle of the 19th century.


Historians say that this is a cultural layer!

Imagine, everywhere there are traces of at least a flood, and a global one.

Which brought to a lot of cities, not only in Russia, but also in Europe, streams of mud and clay over vast territories.

And yet there is not a trace of this event in history.

And historians rub a certain cultural layer on us.

I live in a house built in 1939 and there is no cultural layer, and supposedly a hundred years before this 4 meters of mythical cultural layer had grown.

We are being fooled as they want.

To the same topic.

I saw a video of a passer-by how in his city in Siberia, right in the middle of the street, they were excavating all the same 3 - 4 meters.

There, the dead people lay at random, as if they were just instantly asleep.

The man who was filming came up and began to question the dating of the excavations.

And what do you think?


The archaeologist said that the excavations date back to about 1 century.

Do you know why?

Because Christians buried people, and Slavs burned them.

Here, spreading their hands, they decided to poke a finger further into the past.

What for to think what happened there, it is better to adjust everything to the already existing false historical model.