Autumnal Equinox Day - Alternative View

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Autumnal Equinox Day - Alternative View
Autumnal Equinox Day - Alternative View

Video: Autumnal Equinox Day - Alternative View

Video: Autumnal Equinox Day - Alternative View
Video: Equinoxes | National Geographic 2024, September

Autumnal equinox in 2016 - September 22

The period of the festival of the autumnal equinox begins at the moment when the night is equal in duration to the day, and this phenomenon can be observed simultaneously on the entire planet. For Europeans, it is rather a sad event than a joyful one, as it foreshadows the rapid onset of autumn. However, for the southern hemisphere of the planet from the moment of this holiday, the period of astronomical spring begins.

History of the days of the equinox

The question of the alternation of the seasons, including the days of the spring and autumn equinox, has puzzled humanity since ancient times. In the northern hemisphere, the onset of this unusual day suggests that the relay of the change of seasons has been passed on to the Queen of Autumn. This means that there will be less hot sun rays every day, and the nights will be longer.

The date of the official onset of winter, falls on December 21 or 22 (in the northern hemisphere), the time when the day is the shortest and the longest night in the entire calendar year. Interestingly, the winter in the northern part of the planet is a whole week shorter than in the southern part. The reason is that the gap period between the spring and fall equinox is 186 days, while the next gap between the fall and spring equinox is 179 days. That is, the northern hemisphere revolves around the sun at a slightly higher speed than the southern one.

How the day of the autumnal equinox was celebrated in Russia

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In Ancient Russia, this holiday was widespread. On this day, the hostesses prepared all kinds of food, baked pies, and the festival itself was accompanied by dancing, singing and festivities. Children decorated houses with rowan branches. Our ancestors believed in the protective properties of this tree. According to legend, rowan fruits protect from troubles, misfortunes and evil spirits, save a person from insomnia, sent by dark forces.


According to the weather, according to popular belief, during the period of the autumn equinox, we can talk about the whole autumn as a whole. If the weather is warm and dry, then winter will come late this year.

How the Japanese celebrate the autumnal equinox

Many pagan tribes celebrated the festival of the autumn equinox. Today, only in Japan, this holiday has the status of a state, since the 19th century. On this day, the Japanese bring cleanliness and order to their homes, commemorate their ancestors, set the table. Vegetable food prevails on the table, preference is given to vegetables, beans, mushrooms, all kinds of broths without animal fats. On this day, according to tradition, they visit cemeteries, carry out appropriate rituals at the graves of relatives.

As the Mexicans say

The Mexican holiday of the autumn equinox is inextricably linked with such a historical place as Kukulcana.


The Pyramid of Kukulkan is one of the most famous Mayan pyramids, located in the ancient city of Chichen Itza. During the construction of this pyramid, strict geometric proportions were observed. It so happened that exactly during the period of this festival, when the sun's rays hit the huge platforms, an alternation of solar and shadow figures of a triangular shape is obtained. Sinking lower, the play of shadows and sunlight forms a bizarre snake figure. A head is seen at the base of the platform, and a tail at the very top.

It is here, on the day of the autumnal equinox, that the inhabitants of Mexico gather to see this miracle, which lasts about 3 hours and 22 minutes. Mexicans believe that if it is at this moment to be at the very top of Kukulcana, then the most cherished wish will certainly come true!